Agroforestri Untuk Mempertahankan Kesehatan Tanah: Tutupan Kanopi Pohon, C Organik Dan Kerapatan Cacing Tanah

Hanifa, Syafa Alya and Kurniatun Hairiah, Prof. Dr. Ir. and Dr. Danny Dwi Saputra, SP., M.Si. (2024) Agroforestri Untuk Mempertahankan Kesehatan Tanah: Tutupan Kanopi Pohon, C Organik Dan Kerapatan Cacing Tanah. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Unit Percontohan - Usaha Pelestarian Sumber Daya Alam (UP-UPSA) merupakan salah satu program implementasi sistem agroforestri yang ditetapkan oleh Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan di UB Forest. Perbaikan kesehatan tanah akibat adanya usaha tersebut perlu dievaluasi. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi kesehatan tanah di berbagai sistem agroforestri (AF) yang berbeda kerapatan dan komponen penyusunnya, variabel indikator kesehatan tanah yang digunakan adalah kepadatan tanah, kadar C organik dan kerapatan cacing tanah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga Mei 2024 di Kawasan UB Forest, Karangploso, Jawa Timur. Pengambilan contoh tanah dan cacing tanah dilakukan di 5 (lima) Sistem Penggunaan Lahan (SPL). AF: BMP (Best Management Practices), PIKO (Pinus+kopi), PALS (Pinus+Alpukat+Lemon+Sayuran), PPS (Pinus+Pisang), dibandingkan dengan sistem non-AF yaitu TMS (Tanaman Monokultur Semusim). Pengukuran di masing-masing SPL diulang 3 kali di lahan yang berbeda, dengan luas petak pengamatan 100 x 20 m2. Tutupan kanopi diukur menggunakan canopy apps dan suhu tanah harian direkam dengan interval 1 jam menggunakan Hobo sensor dan data logger dari pukul 06.00 hingga 18.00 WIB selama 10 hari. Pengambilan contoh tanah dan cacing tanah dilakukan di sub plot utama 20 x 20 m2 sebanyak 5 titik, yaitu dari lapisan seresah, dan dari kedalaman tanah 0-10, 10-20, dan 20-30 cm. Selanjutnya contoh tanah dianalisis berat isi (BI), porositas, C organik serta dilakukan perhitungan Corg/Cref. Sementara variabel pengamatan cacing tanah yang diamati adalah populasi cacing (indiv. m-2) dan biomassa (g m-2). Pengamatan penciri eksternal cacing menggunakan mikroskop binokuler dilakukan untuk klasifikasi genus cacing tanah. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa prosentase tutupan kanopi tertinggi terdapat pada lahan PIKO yaitu 50%. Rerata suhu tanah pada lahan PIKO, BMP, PALS dan PPS yaitu 22,2 °C. Kadar C organik tertinggi terdapat pada lahan BMP dan PALS dengan rerata 5,1%. Namun demikian, dikarenakan kelima SPL tersebut memiliki tekstur tanah yang berbeda, maka C organik perlu dikoreksi menggunakan persamaan pedotransfer bahan organik tanah. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa nisbah Corg/Cref < 1 %, berarti perlu dilakukan upaya perbaikan managemen lahan karena belum sesuai dengan kondisi aslinya. Kepadatan tanah (BI) di lokasi penelitian secara umum adalah rendah (<1,0 g cm-3) dengan porositas rata-rata 66%. Sementara untuk indikator cacing tanah, jumlah dan biomassa tertinggi ditemukan di lahan PIKO yaitu 107 indiv. m-2 dan 47,7 g m-2. Tingginya kerapatan cacing dan kadar C organik tanah di lahan agroforestri berhubungan erat dengan tingginya produksi seresah akibat LBD pohon yang lebih besar. Uji efektivitas pengukuran nisbah biomassa cacing/C-org tanah untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kesehatan tanah menunjukan nilai responsiveness 3 x lebih besar dari pada pengukuran C organik tanah. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa rasio biomassa cacing dengan C organik lebih efektif untuk digunakan sebagai indikator kesehatan tanah.

English Abstract

Pilot Unit - Natural Resources Preservation Business (UP-UPSA) is one of the agroforestry system implementation programs established by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in UB Forest. Improvements in soil health due to these efforts need to be evaluated. For this reason, this research aims to evaluate soil health in various agroforestry (AF) systems that differ in density and constituent components, the soil health indicator variables used are soil density, C organic content and earthworm density. This research was conducted from March to May 2024 in the UB Forest area, Karangploso, East Java. Soil and earthworm sampling was conducted in 5 (five) Land Use Systems (LUS). AF: BMP (Best Management Practices), PIKO (Pine + Coffee), PALS (Pine + Avocado + Lemon + Vegetables), PPS (Pine + Banana), compared to the non-AF system, namely TMS (Seasonal Monoculture Crops). Measurements in each LUS were repeated 3 times in different fields, with an observation plot area of 100 x 20 m2. Canopy cover was measured using Canopy Apps and daily soil temperature was recorded at 1 hour intervals using Hobo sensors and data loggers from 06:00 to 18:00 WIB for 10 days. Soil and earthworm sampling was conducted in the main sub plot of 20 x 20 m2 at 5 points, namely from the litter layer, and from soil depths of 0-10, 10-20, and 20-30 cm. Furthermore, soil samples were analyzed for content weight (BI), porosity, organic C organic and Corg/Cref calculation. Meanwhile, earthworm observation variables observed were worm population (indiv. m-2) and biomass (g m-2). Observations of external characteristics of worms using a binocular microscope were carried out for the classification of earthworm genus. The results show that the highest percentage of canopy cover is found in the PIKO land (50%). The average soil temperature in PIKO, BMP, PALS and PPS is 22,2°C. C organic levels were highest in BMP and PALS with an average of 5,1%. However, because the five LUS have different soil textures, the C organic needs to be corrected using the soil organic matter pedotransfer equation. The results showed that the Corg/Cref ratio was <1%, meaning that efforts need to be made to improve land management because it is not in accordance with the original conditions. Soil density (BI) at the research location was generally low (<1,0 g cm-3) with an average porosity of 66%. As for earthworm indicators, the highest number and biomass were found in PIKO land, namely 107 indiv. m-2 and 47,7 g m-2. The high density of worms and soil organic C content in agroforestry land is closely related to the high production of litter due to the larger LBD of trees. A test of the effectiveness of measuring the soil worm biomass/C-org ratio for evaluating soil health showed a responsiveness value 3 x greater than that of soil organic C measurements. This indicates that the ratio of worm biomass to C organic is more effective to use as an indicator of soil health

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052404
Uncontrolled Keywords: Agroforestri, kesehatan tanah, kepadatan tanah, C organik tanah, cacing tanah
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah
Depositing User: S Sucipto
Date Deposited: 07 Nov 2024 01:29
Last Modified: 07 Nov 2024 01:29
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