Fitrianingrum, Yunita and Ns. Ayut Merdikawati, S.Kep., M.Kep., (2024) Asuhan Keperawatan pada Ny. S dengan Diagnosa Medis Mixed Ovarium Tumor dan HBsAg Reaktif di Ruang Singkarak RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Tumor Ovarium merupakan pertumbuhan sel abnormal di ovarium, dapat bersifat jinak atau ganas. Gejalanya bervariasi tergantung pada ukuran, lokasi dan penyebaran tumornya seperti nyeri perut, nyeri panggul unilateral, perut terasa penuh, gangguan BAB maupun BAK. Perawat berperan penting dalam deteksi dini, identifikasi gejala serta pengembangan terapi yang efektif sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas hidup pasien. Tujuan dari karya ilmiah akhir ini adalah untuk menganalisa asuhan keperawatan pada pasien Ny. S usia 57 tahun dengan diagnose medis Mixed Ovarium Tumor dan HBsAg reaktif di Ruang Singkarak RSSA Malang melalui proses anamnesa, pemeriksaan fisik, observasi dan dokumentasi pada tanggal 22-24 April 2024. Pada pengkajian didapatkan data subyektif berupa badan lemas, nyeri mentap pada perut dengan skala nyeri 4 dan penurunan berat badan >10%. Anamnesa riwayat keluarga terdapat saudara kandung yang menderita kista ovarium. Pada riwayat obstetric ginekologi pasien mempunyai riwayat abortus 1 kali dan tidak hamil lagi sampai saat ini, pernah mengkonsumsi kontrasepsi oral serta menopause mulai usia 50 tahun. Hasil pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan adanya anemis, akral teraba dingin, CRT >3 detik, IMT 14,81 (underweight), tampak pembesaran abdomen dan teraba massa solid. Dari hasil pemeriksaan USG berupa mixed ovarial tumor dan hasil laboratorium didapatkan penurunan kadar hemoglobin yaitu 6,8g/dl, HBsAg reaktif, peningkatan penanda tumor CA-125 sebesar 167 U/ml. Masalah keperawatan prioritas yang diangkat yaitu perfusi perifer tidak efektif berdasarkan data mayor yang diperoleh dari hasil pemeriksaan fisik dan penunjang. Intervensi utama yaitu pencegahan syok dengan implementasi pemberian produk darah yaitu transfusi PRC. Setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan 3x24 jam didapatkan hasil masalah perfusi perifer teratasi. Penilaian penyebab serta kondisi pasien secara komprehensif berkaitan dengan penatalaksanaan yang tepat. Pemberian oksigenasi, pemantauan hemodinamik, asupan nutrisi yang adekuat serta edukasi terkait tanda dan gejala yang harus diwaspadai juga mendukung penyembuhan pasien. Pentingnya pengembangan layanan kesehatan dalam deteksi dini dan pengobatan, peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran tenaga kesehatan serta masyarakat pada umumnya diharapkan mampu meminimalisir komplikasi dari penyakit ini
English Abstract
Ovarian tumors are abnormal cell growths in the ovaries, which can be benign or malignant. The symptoms depending on the size, location and spread of the tumor, such as abdominal pain, unilateral pelvic pain, feeling of fullness in the abdomen, and problems with defecation and urination. Nurses have an important role in early detection, identification of symptoms and development of effective therapies as an effort to improve the quality of life of patients. The purpose of this final scientific paper is to analyze nursing care for patient Mrs. S, 57 years old with a medical diagnosis of Mixed Ovarian Tumor and reactive HBsAg in the RSSA Malang. Using a descriptive analysis method with data collection through anamnesis, physical examination, observation and documentation on April 22-24, 2024. In the assessment, subjective data was obtained in the form of a weak body, persistent pain in the stomach with a pain scale of 4 and weight loss of >10%. Family history anamnesis of siblings suffering from ovarian cysts. In the obstetric gynecological history, the patient has a history of abortion once and has not been pregnant again until now, has consumed oral contraceptives and has had menopause since the age of 50 years. The results of the physical examination showed anemia, cold extremities, CRT >3 seconds, BMI 14.81 (underweight), abdominal enlargement and a solid mass was felt. From the results of the USG examination in the form of a mixed ovarian tumor and laboratory results obtained a decrease in hemoglobin levels of 6.8 g / dl, reactive HBsAg, an increase in the tumor marker CA-125 of 167 U / ml. The priority nursing problem raised was ineffective peripheral perfusion based on major data obtained from the results of physical and supporting examinations. The main intervention is preventing shock by implementing the administration of blood products, namely PRC transfusion. After 3 x 24 hours of nursing action, the results showed that the peripheral perfusion problem was resolved. Comprehensive assessment of the cause and condition of the patient is related to appropriate management. Providing oxygenation, hemodynamic monitoring, adequate nutritional intake and education regarding signs and symptoms to look out for also support patient recovery. The importance of developing health services in early detection and treatment, increasing knowledge and awareness of health workers and society in general is expected to be able to minimize complications from this disease
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052416 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | tumor ovarium, anemia, defisit nutrisi, perfusi perifer tidak efektif-ovarian tumor, anemia, nutritional deficit, ineffective peripheral perfusion |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan > Profesi Keperawatan |
Depositing User: | Sugeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 19 Dec 2024 08:38 |
Last Modified: | 19 Dec 2024 08:38 |
URI: | |
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