Kurnadi, Mradipta Panenggak Dhaneswara and Prof. Cahyo Prayogo, SP., MP., Ph.D. (2024) Pengaruh Kelerengan Terhadap Kualitas Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jeruk Lemon (Citrus limon). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kelerengan pada lahan dapat memberikan salah satu faktor pengaruh pada kualitas tanah. Lahan yang memiliki derajat kemiringan lereng yang tinggi maka tanah dapat lebih mudah terganggu dan rusak. Apabila digunakan untuk aktivitas pertanian maka kerusakan tanah ini dapat mengakibatkan menurunnya kemampuan tanah dalam memproduksi biomassa dan berpengaruh pada kualitas tanah serta akan berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan tanaman. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan pada bulan juni hingga september 2022 di lahan jeruk lemon yang terletak di Balai Pengujian Standar Instrumen Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika (BSIP Jestro) Tlekung, Batu, Jawa Timur. Analisis laboratorium dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia dan Laboratorium Fisika Departemen Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Terdapat 3 posisi kemiringan lereng yang berbeda yakni posisi lereng atas K1 dengan tingkat kemiringan lereng 0⁰, lereng bagian tengah K2 dengan tingkat kemiringan lereng 10⁰, dan lereng bagian bawah K3 dengan tingkat kemiringan lereng 0⁰. Pada masing-masing posisi lereng terdapat 15 tanaman dan 6 tanaman yang digunakan sebagai sampel penelitian. Tanaman jeruk lemon yang terdapat pada BSIP Jestro merupakan tanaman jeruk lemon california yang berumur kurang lebih 5 tahun. Parameter yang diamati antara lain berat isi dan berat jenis yang diambil dari 2 kedalaman yaitu 0-15 cm dan 15-30 cm, C-organik dan N tanah, perakaran tanaman, tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah buah, dan indeks klorofil. Data yang telah didapat kemudian dianalisis. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) dan BNT (Beda Nyata Terkecil), lalu dilakukan uji korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan kemiringan lereng memberikan pengaruh nyata pada kualitas sifat tanah, pada sifat fisik nilai berat isi K1 = 1,15 g/cm-3 K2 = 1,23 g/cm-3 dan K3 = 1,01 g/cm-3. Nilai berat jenis K1 = 2,29 g/cm-3, K2 = 2,30 g/cm-3, dan K3 = 2,05 g/cm-3. Kualitas sifat kimia pada nilai C-Organik di posisi lereng K1 = 2,64%, K2 = 1,81%, dan K3 = 3,40% dan nilai N total tanah pada posisi lereng K1 = 2,64%, K2 = 1,81%, dan K3 = 3,40%. Perhitungan total panjang akar (Lrv) di posisi lereng K1 = 0,29 cm/cm3 K2 = 0,15 cm/cm3, K3 = 0,40 cm/cm3, dan perhitungan berat akar kering (Drv) pada posisi lereng K1 = 0,00098 cm/cm3, K2 = 0,00052 cm/cm3 K3 = 0,00202 cm/cm3, perhitungan specrol pada posisi lereng K1 = 280,99 K2 = 420,43 K3 = 204,66. Hasil perhitungan pertumbuhan tanaman pada diameter batang jeruk pada posisi lereng K1 = 6,34 cm, K2 = 5,08 cm, K3 = 8,1 cm. Tinggi tanaman jeruk pada posisi lereng K1 = 178,33 cm, K2 = 130 cm, K3 = 237,5 cm. Hasil jumlah buah pada posisi lereng K1 = 76, K2 = 40, K3 = 127. Indeks klorofil pada masing-masing posisi lereng K1 = 60,05 μmol/cm-2, K2 = 43,01 μmol/cm-2, K3 = 95,03 μmol/cm-2. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Hubungan N-total tanah dan indeks klorofil memiliki nilai R2 = 0,41, sedangkan hubungan Berat isi dan nilai specrol (specific root length density) memiliki nilai koefisien sebesar R2 = 0,39 dan hubungan jumlah buah dengan C-organik memiliki nilai koefisien sebesar R2 = 0,63.
English Abstract
The slope of the land can be a factor affecting soil quality. Land with a high degree of slope is more susceptible to soil disturbance and degradation. When used for agricultural activities, this soil degradation can lead to a decrease in the soil's ability to produce biomass, affecting soil quality and, consequently, plant growth. The research was conducted from June to September 2022 on a lemon orchard located at the Testing Center for Citrus and Subtropical Fruit Instruments Standards (BSIP Jestro) in Telkung, Batu, East Java. Laboratory analysis was carried out at the Chemistry Laboratory and Physics Laboratory of the Soil Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University. There are three different slope positions: the upper slope with a slope degree of 0⁰, the middle slope with a slope degree of 10⁰, and the lower slope with a slope degree of 0⁰. In each slope position, there are 15 plants and 6 plants are used as sample plants for research. The lemon trees at BSIP Jestro are California lemon trees approximately 5 years old.The parameters observed include bulk density and specific gravity, measured at two depths (0-15 cm and 15-30 cm), soil organic C and N, plant rooting, plant height, stem diameter, number of fruits, and chlorophyll index. The collected data were then analyzed. Data analysis was performed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and LSD (Least Significant Difference) tests, followed by correlation tests. The research results showed that differences in slope gradients significantly affect soil properties. In terms of physical properties, the bulk density values are K1 = 1.15 g/cm³, K2 = 1.23 g/cm³, and K3 = 1.01 g/cm³. The specific gravity values are K1 = 2.29 g/cm³, K2 = 2.30 g/cm³, and K3 = 2.05 g/cm³. For chemical properties, the organic C values at the slope positions are K1 = 2.64%, K2 = 1.81%, and K3 = 3.40%, and the total soil nitrogen (N) values at the slope positions are K1 = 2.64%, K2 = 1.81%, and K3 = 3.40%. The total root length (Lrv) calculations at the slope positions are K1 = 0.29 cm/cm³, K2 = 0.15 cm/cm³, and K3 = 0.40 cm/cm³, while the dry root weight (Drv) calculations at the slope positions are K1 = 0.00098 cm/cm³, K2 = 0.00052 cm/cm³, and K3 = 0.00202 cm/cm³. The specific root length density (specrol) values at the slope positions are K1 = 280.99, K2 = 420.43, and K3 = 204.66. Plant growth results showed that the lemon tree stem diameter at the slope positions was K1 = 6.34 cm, K2 = 5.08 cm, and K3 = 8.1 cm. The lemon tree height at the slope positions was K1 = 178.33 cm, K2 = 130 cm, and K3 = 237.5 cm. The number of fruits at the slope positions was K1 = 76, K2 = 40, and K3 = 127. The chlorophyll index at each slope position was K1 = 60.05 μmol/cm², K2 = 43.01 μmol/cm², and K3 = 95.03 μmol/cm². Based on the research findings, the correlation between total soil nitrogen and chlorophyll index has an R² value of 0.41, while the relationship between bulk density and specific root length density (specrol) has a coefficient value of R² = 0.39. The correlation between the number of fruits and organic C has a coefficient value of R² = 0.63.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0524040509 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username nova |
Date Deposited: | 21 Jan 2025 02:22 |
Last Modified: | 21 Jan 2025 02:22 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/231438 |
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