Penerimaan Suami Terhadap Keikutsertaan Istri dalam Aktivitas Sekolah Perempuan Srikandi Desa di Kota Batu

Iswanda, Varadilla Virgia and Dhanny Septimawan Sutopo, S.Sos., M.Si (2024) Penerimaan Suami Terhadap Keikutsertaan Istri dalam Aktivitas Sekolah Perempuan Srikandi Desa di Kota Batu. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini membahas tentang interaksi suami dan istri terhadap keikutsertaan istri dalam aktivitas di sekolah perempuan srikandi desa di kota batu. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa makna penerimaan suami terhadap keikutsertaan istri serta dampak penerimaan suami tersebut terhadap peran istri dalam keterlibatan mengikuti aktivitas sekolah perempuan desa srikandi Kota Batu. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori interaksionisme simbolik yang dikemukakan oleh Herbert Blumer untuk menganalisis makna penerimaan suami terhadap keikutsertaan istri dalam aktivitas sekolah perempuan desa srikandi serta dampak penerimaan suami tersebut terhadap peran istri dalam keterlibatan mengikuti aktivitas sekolah perempuan desa srikandi Kota Batu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan adalah fenomenologi yang bertujuan untuk melihat makna dukungan suami bagi istri ketika mengikuti aktivitas sekolah perempuan. Teknik penentuan informan yang digunakan adalah snowball, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pentingnya akan makna kesadaran suami untuk mendukung istri dalam aktivitas saat mengikuti sekolah perempuan serta kesadaran suami atas pentingnya pendidikan bagi perempuan. Temuan selanjutnya adalah dampak penerimaan suami tersebut terhadap peran istri membantu istri dalam peningkatan pengetahuan istri terkait perannya sebagai istri, kapasitas istri di depan publik, kesetaraan beban kerja perekonomian dalam keluarga, serta mendapatkan ilmu terkait mendidik anak secara baik atau dikenal dengan parenting.

English Abstract

This research discusses about the interaction of husbands and wives regarding the wife's participation in activities at the Srikandi village girls' school in Batu City. This research aims to describe and analyze the meaning of the husband's acceptance of the wife's participation in the Srikandi village women's school activities as well as the impact of the husband's acceptance on the wife's role in involvement in the Srikandi village women's school activities, Batu City. This research uses the theory of symbolic interactionism proposed by Herbert Blumer to analyze the meaning of the husband's acceptance of his wife's participation in the Srikandi village women's school activities as well as the impact of the husband's acceptance on the wife's role in involvement in the Srikandi village women's school activities in Batu City. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The approach used is phenomenology which aims to see the meaning of husband's support for wives when participating in women's school activities. The technique for determining informants used was snowball, while the data collection techniques used were observation and in-depth interviews.The research results show that it is important for husbands to be aware of supporting their wives in activities when attending women's schools as well as husbands' awareness of the importance of education for women. The next finding is the impact of the husband's acceptance on the wife's role in helping the wife increase the wife's knowledge regarding her role as a wife, the wife's capacity in public, equal economic workload in the family, as well as gaining knowledge related to educating children well or known as parenting.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524110193
Uncontrolled Keywords: interaksionisme simbolik, istri, sekolah perempuan, suami-husband, symbolic interactionism, wife, women's school
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Sosiologi
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 17 Dec 2024 07:29
Last Modified: 17 Dec 2024 07:29
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