Pengaruh Perbedaan Dosis Biochar Jerami Padi Dan Rhizobium Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai Hitam (Glycine Max L.)

Juliasari, Helen Puspa and Prof. Dr. Ir. Titiek Islami, MS. and Dr. Anna Satyana Karyawati, SP., MP. (2024) Pengaruh Perbedaan Dosis Biochar Jerami Padi Dan Rhizobium Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai Hitam (Glycine Max L.). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kedelai hitam (Glycine max L.) merupakan komoditas asal Asia Timur yang banyak dimanfaatkan dan dikembangkan secara global. Kedelai hitam di Indonesia memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi karena dapat diolah menjadi berbagai produk seperti produk olahan susu kedelai, produk makanan tahu dan tempe, atau sebagai bahan baku pembuatan kecap. Selain itu kedelai hitam juga bermanfaat untuk kesehatan seperti anti-kanker, anti-diabetes, dan penangkal radikal bebas. Tingginya pemanfaatan kedelai hitam didukung dengan kandungan nutrisinya yang tinggi seperti protein dan karbohidrat, serta beragam kandungan fitokimia salah satunya antosianin pada bijinya yang memiliki sifat antioksidan. Namun saat ini terdapat kesenjangan antara kebutuhan konsumsi dengan produksi kedelai di Indonesia. Dimana konsumsi kedelai yang terus meningkat tidak diimbangi dengan ketersediaan nasional. Sehingga menyebabkan petani memberikan input pupuk kimia berlebih agar pertumbuhan dan produksi kedelai hitam meningkat. Penggunaan pupuk kimia disebut dapat mempercepat produksi tanaman, namun penggunaannya dalam jumlah besar atau berlebihan akan berdampak negatif bagi lingkungan. Oleh karenanya perlu upaya yang tepat agar pertumbuhan dan produksi kedelai hitam dapat meningkat tanpa mencemari lingkungan dengan cara mengefisiensikan penggunaan pupuk kimia melalui aplikasi biochar jerami padi sebagai pembenah tanah dan rhizobium untuk membantu tanaman kedelai hitam dalam fiksasi nitrogen. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Lahan Jatimulyo, Kota Malang pada bulan November 2023 hingga Februari 2024. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan faktorial menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 faktor yaitu dosis biochar jerami padi (0 ton ha-1;10 ton ha-1; dan 15 ton ha-1) dan rhizobium (0 g kg-1 benih; 5 g kg-1 benih; 10 g kg-1 benih; dan 15 g kg-1 benih) dengan total 12 perlakuan dan terdapat 3 ulangan. Benih kedelai hitam ditanam pada petak perlakuan berukuran 1,8 x 2 m2. Total petak yang digunakan berjumlah 36 petak percobaan dengan populasi tanaman per lubang tanam sebanyak 2 benih serta populasi tanaman dalam satu petak berukuran 1,8 x 2 m2. Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah alat tulis, peralatan pertanian, meteran, gembor, polybag, tugal, label, amplop oven, timbangan digital, alvaboard, LAM (Leaf Area Meter), dan unit pyrolisis. Bahan yang digunakan berupa bahan tanam benih kedelai hitam varietas Detam-1 yang diperoleh dari Balitkabi Malang, biochar jerami padi dibuat di Laboratorium Terpadu Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, dan rhizobium berupa legin dari Laboratorium Mikrobiologi UGM, pupuk SP36, Urea, dan KCl. Analisis data menggunakan ragam analisis ragam ANOVA dengan (uji F) taraf 5%. Apabila terdapat interaksi dan pengaruh nyata, maka akan dilakukan uji lanjut menggunakan uji BNJ. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi interaksi antara biochar jerami padi dan rhizobium, tetapi secara terpisah dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai hitam meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, dan jumlah bintil akar efektif. Pada pemberian biochar jerami padi 10 ton ha- 1 dan rhizobium 5 g kg-1 benih terjadi interaksi pada hasil kedelai hitam dan meningkatkan hasil, jumlah polong isi per tanaman, bobot 100 biji, bobot biji per tanaman, hasil panen per hektar, serta kadar protein total pada biji kedelai hitam.ii Akan tetapi penggunaan biochar jerami padi dan rhizobium terhadap jumlah polong total per tanaman tidak terjadi interaksi.

English Abstract

Black soybean (Glycine max L.) is a commodity from East Asia which is widely used and developed globally. Black soybeans in Indonesia have high economic value because they can be processed into various products such as processed soy milk products, tofu and tempeh food products, as well as raw materials for making soy sauce from black soybeans. In addition, black soybeans are also beneficial for health such as anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and free radical scavengers. The high utilization of black soybeans is supported by their high nutritional content such as protein and carbohydrates, as well as various phytochemicals, one of which is anthocyanin which has antioxidant properties. However, currently there is a gap between consumption needs and soybean production in Indonesia. Where soybean consumption which continues to increase is not matched by national availability. Thus causing farmers to provide excess chemical fertilizer input so that the growth and production of black soybeans increases. The use of chemical fertilizers has been proven to accelerate crop production, but the use of large or excessive amounts will have a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, appropriate efforts are needed so that black soybean growth and production can increase without polluting the environment by efficiently using chemical fertilizers through the application of rice straw biochar as a soil enhancer and rhizobium inoculant to help black soybean plants in nitrogen fixation. This research are conducted at Jatimulyo Land, Malang City from November 2023 to February 2024. This research are a factorial experiment using a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 factors, namely the dosage of rice straw biochar (0 ton ha-1; 10 ton ha-1; and 15 ton ha-1) and dose of legin rhizobium (0 g kg-1 seeds; 5 g kg-1 seeds; 10 g kg-1 seeds; and 15 g kg-1 seeds) with a total of treatments is 12 and 3 replications. Black soybean seeds were planted in treatment plots measuring 1,8 x 2 m2. The total plots used were 36 experimental plots with a plant population per planting hole of 2 seeds and a plant population in one plot measuring 1,8 x 2 m2. The tools used in this research were stationery, agricultural equipment, meters, gembor, polybags, jugs, labels, oven envelopes, digital scales, alvaboard, LAM (Leaf Area Meter), and pyrolysis units. The materials used were black soybean seed planting material of the Detam-1 variety obtained from Balitkabi Malang, rice straw biochar made at the Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University Integrated Laboratory, and rhizobium in the form of legin from the UGM Microbiology Laboratory, SP36 fertilizer, Urea and KCl. Data analysis used ANOVA analysis of variance with (F test) level of 5%. If there is a real interaction and influence, further testing will be carried out using the Tukey HSD test. The research results showed that there was no interaction between rice straw biochar and rhizobium, but separately it could increase the growth of black soybean plants including plant height, number of leaves, leaf area and number of effective root nodules. There was an interaction between rice straw biochar and rhizobium on total plant dry weight, shoot dry weight, root dry weight. When using 10 ton ha- 1 rice straw biochar and 5 g kg-1 rhizobium seeds, there was an interaction on black soybean yield and increased yield, number of filled pods per plant, weight of 100 seeds, weight of seeds per plant, yield. per hectare, as well as total protein content in black soybean seeds. However, there was no interaction between the use of rice straw biochar and rhizobium on total number of pods per plant.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042404
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2024 01:31
Last Modified: 10 Oct 2024 01:31
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