Dampak Dinamika Proyek Revitalisasi Pasar Pasca Kebakaran Terhadap Kondisi & Situasi Sosial Pedagang Di Pasar Lawang, Kabupaten Malang

Agustin, Elissa and Dr. Ahmad Imron Rozuli, SE, M.Si. (2024) Dampak Dinamika Proyek Revitalisasi Pasar Pasca Kebakaran Terhadap Kondisi & Situasi Sosial Pedagang Di Pasar Lawang, Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi pasar tradisional pasca kebakaran di Pasar Lawang. Upaya pemulihan kembali kondisi Pasar Lawang pasca kebakaran menghadapi dinamika pada gagal terealisasinya rencana revitalisasi akibat refocusing anggaran, terbatasnya dana, dan pro-kontra pedagang di Pasar Lawang sehingga membuat pedagang terdampak kebakaran mengalami kesulitan berlipat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak dinamika proyek revitalisasi bagi kondisi pedagang-pedagang relokasi dan menggambarkan situasi sosial yang berlangsung pada pedagang-pedagang relokasi pasca kebakaran. Selanjutnya, penelitian dikaitkan dengan konsep Keterlekatan Granovetter. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan analisis data yang dibantu software NVivo version 12 Pro. Hasil menunjukkan adanya dinamika revitalisasi yang membuat perpindahan pedagang dan kembalinya aktivitas ekonomi di pasar penampungan pasca kebakaran telah berdampak terhadap kondisi pedagang mengalami hutang modal, kerugian ekonomi, pengangguran, perubahan produk usaha, rasa kecewa, tingkat penjualan menurun, dan tercipta strategi usaha. Selama pedagang menempati kios-kios di pasar penampungan juga ditemukan beberapa kendala yang diklasifikasikan dalam tiga faktor kendala dari lokasi pasar penampungan yang tidak strategis, kondisi bangunan kios yang kecil, dan kondisi penjualan yang menurun. Dibalik kesulitan pedagang, keadaan dari kesamaan nasib di pasar penampungan merupakan salah satu faktor yang membuat pedagangpedagang terdampak merasakan situasi sosial saling memahami satu sama lain dan hal ini menggambarkan terbangun kuat relation embedded di antara pedagangpedagang di pasar penampungan yang ditunjukkan dari bentuk hubungan yang rukun dengan rasa simpati dan tolong-menolong, serta terciptanya kerjasama dalam membantu satu sama lain, sementara itu pada hubungan pedagang dengan pembeli menunjukkan ada yang masih terbangun kuat dan ada yang melemah

English Abstract

This research is motivated by the condition of traditional markets after the fire in Pasar Lawang. Efforts to restore the condition of Pasar Lawang after the fire faced the dynamics of the failure to realize the revitalization plan at Pasar Lawang, making the traders affected by the fire experience multiple difficulties. This research aims to analyze the impact of the dynamics of the revitalization project on the conditions of the relocated traders and describe the social situation that takes place in the relocated traders after the fire. Furthermore, the research is associated with the concept of Granovetter Embeddedness. The research method uses descriptive qualitative research with data analysis assisted by NVivo version 12 Pro software. The results showed that the dynamics of revitalization that made the displacement of traders and the return of economic activity in the post-fire shelter market had an impact on the conditions of traders experiencing capital debt, economic losses, unemployment, changes in business products, disappointment, decreased sales levels, and created business strategies. During the time traders occupied stalls in the shelter market, there were also several obstacles that were classified into three obstacle factors from the non-strategic location of the shelter market, the small condition of the kiosk building, and the declining sales conditions. Behind the difficulties of traders, the situation of common fate in the shelter market is one of the factors that makes affected traders feel a social situation of understanding each other and this illustrates the strong relationship embedded among traders in the shelter market which is shown from the form of a harmonious relationship with a sense of sympathy and help, and the creation of cooperation in helping each other, while the relationship between traders and buyers shows that some are still strongly developed and some are weakened.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524110099
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dampak Kebakaran, Pasar Tradisional, Revitalisasi, Relokasi, Keterlekatan, Situasi Sosial-Fire Impact, Traditional Market, Revitalization, Relocation, Embeddedness, Social Situation
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Sosiologi
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 04 Dec 2024 06:42
Last Modified: 04 Dec 2024 06:42
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/230245
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