Mendobrak Konstruksi Gender melalui Karakter Perempuan dalam Film (Studi Reception Analysis pada Karakter Laras dalam Film Dear David)

Reza Safitri, S.Sos., M.Si., Ph.D. (2024) Mendobrak Konstruksi Gender melalui Karakter Perempuan dalam Film (Studi Reception Analysis pada Karakter Laras dalam Film Dear David). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, para pelaku sinema telah memulai upayanya sendiri dalam mendobrak konstruksi gender yang mengakar kuat di Indonesia melalui karakter perempuan yang ditampilkan dalam karya mereka. Karakter Laras dalam film Dear David menunjukkan potensi nyata untuk menggali bagaimana karakter perempuan yang digambarkan tanpa mematuhi konstruksi gender diresepsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui penerimaan penonton terhadap pesan konstruksi gender melalui penggambaran karakter Laras dalam film Dear David. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode reception analysis yang merupakan bagian dari metodologi penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui analisis semiotika John Fiske untuk proses encoding dan FGD (Focus Group Discussion) bersama enam informan untuk proses decoding. Analisis data dilakukan melalui teknik analisis data Jensen yang terdiri dari data collecting, data analysis, dan data interpretation. Penerimaan informan diklasifikasikan ke dalam three hypothetical positions Stuart Hall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa empat informan berada pada posisi penerimaan negotiated reading, di mana mereka mengompromikan sebagian besar wacana dominan, sementara dua informan berada pada posisi penerimaan oppositional reading, di mana mereka menolak sebagian besar wacana dominan. Penerimaan informan terhadap pesan konstruksi gender melalui karakter Laras dalam film Dear David dipengaruhi oleh persentuhan pengalaman, latar belakang, dan referensi mereka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggambaran karakter Laras dalam film Dear David cenderung berhasil mengusung isu eksplorasi seksual perempuan yang selama ini jarang diangkat ke permukaan karena dirasa tabu di Indonesia, tetapi gagal dalam menyampaikan pesan lebih lanjut terkait konstruksi gender karena unsur naratif berupa plot cerita yang kompleks dan multi-interpretasi. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah para pelaku sinema perlu mempertimbangkan pendekatan naratif yang tidak multi-interpretasi dan pemahaman komprehensif tentang penerimaan penonton dalam menciptakan karya yang mengusung pesan konstruksi gender melalui karakter perempuan di masa depan

English Abstract

In recent years, filmmakers have initiated their own efforts to break down Indonesia's deeply rooted gender constructions through the portrayal of female characters in their works. The character of Laras in the film Dear David demonstrates real potential to explore how female characters portrayed without adhering to gender constructions are perceived by Indonesian society. The purpose of this study is to determine the audience's reception of gender construction messages through the portrayal of Laras' character in Dear David. This research uses the reception analysis method which is part of qualitative research methodology. Data collection was conducted through John Fiske's semiotic analysis for the encoding process and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) with six informants for the decoding process. Data analysis was conducted through Jensen's data analysis technique which consists of data collecting, data analysis, and data interpretation. Informants' reception was classified into Stuart Hall's three hypothetical positions. The results showed that four informants were in the negotiated reading position, where they compromised on most of the preferred reading, while two informants were in the oppositional reading position, where they rejected most of the preferred reading. The informants' reception of the gender construction messages through the portrayal of character of Laras in the film Dear David is influenced by their experiences, backgrounds, and references. The results show that the portrayal of Laras' character in Dear David tends to successfully address the issue of female sexual exploration, which has been rarely discussed in Indonesia due to its taboo nature, but fails to convey further messages related to gender construction due to the narrative element of a complex and multi-interpretative plot. The implication of this research is that filmmakers need to consider a narrative approach that is not multi-interpretive and a comprehensive understanding of audience reception in creating works that carry the message of gender construction through female characters in the future.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052411
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 21 Nov 2024 07:17
Last Modified: 21 Nov 2024 07:17
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