Pengaruh Blanching Menggunakan ZnCl2 Pada Daun Suji dan Pandan Terhadap Karakteristik dan Stabilitas Warna

Manuel, Juan and Erni Sofia Murtini, STP., MP., PH.D. (2024) Pengaruh Blanching Menggunakan ZnCl2 Pada Daun Suji dan Pandan Terhadap Karakteristik dan Stabilitas Warna. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tepung beras sering dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan makanan tradisional yang memiliki warna yang menarik, salah satunya warna hijau. Inovasi tepung beras berwarna hijau dengan penambahan daun suji dan pandan dapat menjadi alternatif agar pembuatan makanan dapat lebih efektif, efisien, dan menambah nilai fungsional produk. Namun, pigmen klorofil pada daun tersebut kurang stabil terhadap beberapa faktor seperti suhu, pH, dan cahaya. Hal tersebut akan mempengaruhi kestabilan warna hijau produk tepung beras. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menanggulangi hal tersebut yaitu melakukan perlakuan pendahuluan terhadap daun dengan memberikan perlakuan blanching dan penambahan ZnCl2. Blanching dapat berperan untuk inaktivasi enzim pendegradasi klorofil. Sedangkan senyawa zinc yang terdapat pada ZnCl2 dapat mengikat klorofil sehingga terbentuk kompleks klorofil yang lebih stabil. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui lama blanching (menit) dan konsentrasi ZnCl2 yang sesuai terhadap stabilitas klorofil dan karakteristik fisikokimia warna (L*, a*, b*), kadar air, kadar klorofil, pH, kadar abu, rendemen, aktivitas antioksidan, stabilitas klorofil (suhu, pH, cahaya), dan particle size analyzer dari tepung beras berwarna hijau. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan dua tahap yaitu penelitian pendahuluan dan penelitian utama. Penelitian pendahuluan dilakukan untuk mengetahui metode blanching, konsentrasi ZnCl2, dan lama blanching yang dapat direkomendasikan ke penelitian utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode hot water blanching, konsentrasi ZnCl2 sebanyak 100ppm, 300ppm, 500ppm, dan lama blanching selama 3 menit dan 5 menit menjadi perlakuan yang dapat direkomendasikan untuk penelitian utama. Penelitian utama dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial (RAKF). Terdapat dua faktor yang digunakan yaitu lama blanching (3 menit dan 5 menit) dan konsentrasi ZnCl2 (100ppm, 300ppm, 500ppm)). Terdapat pengulangan sebanyak 4 kali sehingga diperoleh 24 satuan percobaan. Pengujian yang akan dilakukan yaitu warna (L*, a*, b*), kadar air, kadar klorofil, pH, kadar abu, rendemen, aktivitas antioksidan/IC50, dan kestabilan klorofil (suhu, pH, cahaya). Data yang diperoleh akan diolah menggunakan ANOVA dan uji lanjut menggunakan tukey (α = 0,05). Hasil menunjukkan adanya pengaruh nyata pada perlakuan lama blanching terhadap nilai L*, a*, b*, rendemen, kadar air, dan IC50. Pengaruh nyata perlakuan konsentrasi ZnCl2 terhadap nilai L*, a*, b*, kadar air, kadar abu, total klorofil, klorofil b, pH, dan IC50. Pengaruh nyata interaksi kedua perlakuan terhadap nilai L*, a*, b*, kadar air, kadar abu, dan IC50. Tepung beras berwarna hijau dengan perlakuan lama blanching selama 3 menit dan konsentrasi ZnCl2 sebanyak 500 ppm menjadi perlakuan terbaik dengan karakteristik meliputi : L* = 72.8±0.11, a* = -7.5±0.24, b* = +29.0±0.21, rendemen = 84.90±0.12, kadar air = 7.3±0.30%, kadar abu = 0,61±0.04%, total klorofil = 43.2±0.12 mg/L, klorofil a = 18.28±1,07 mg/L, klorofil b = 24.81±0.55 mg/L, pH = 6.59±0.07, IC50 = 27307±407.9 ppm, ΔE suhu 4°C = 0.22±0.16, ΔE suhu 105°C = 10.89±0.12, ΔE gelap = 2.25±0.12, ΔE cahaya = 3.74±0.13, ΔE pH 4 = 8.0±0.75, ΔE pH 7 = 5.9±1.10, ΔE pH 10 = 3.7±1.05

English Abstract

Rice flour is often used as the main raw material for making various traditional foods which have attractive colors, one of which is green. The innovation of green rice flour with the addition of suji leaves and fragrant pandan can be an alternative so that food production can be more effective, efficient and increase the functional value of the product. However, the chloropHyll pigment in the leaves is less stable against several factors such as temperature, pH and light. This will affect the stability of the green color of rice flour products. Efforts that can be made to overcome this are carrying out preliminary treatment of the leaves by providing blanching treatment and adding ZnCl2. Blanching can play a role in inactivating chloropHyll degrading enzymes. Meanwhile, the zinc compound found in ZnCl2 can bind chloropHyll to form a more stable chloropHyll complex. The aim of this research is to determine the blanching time (minutes) and appropriate ZnCl2 concentration on chloropHyll stability and pHysicochemical characteristics (color (L*, a*, b*), water content, chloropHyll content, pH, ash content, yield, activity antioxidants, chloropHyll stability (temperature, pH, light), and particle size analyzer from green rice flour. The research was carried out in two stages, namely preliminary research and main research. Preliminary research was carried out to determine the best blanching method, ZnCl2 concentration, and blanching time that could be recommended for main research. The research results showed that the hot water blanching method, ZnCl2 concentrations of 100ppm, 300ppm, 500ppm, and blanching time of 3 minutes and 5 minutes were treatments that could be recommended for the main research. The main research was conducted using the Randomized Block Factorial Design (RAKF) method. There are two factors used, namely blanching time (3 minutes and 5 minutes) and ZnCl2 concentration (100ppm, 300ppm, 500ppm)). There were 4 repetitions so that 24 experimental units were obtained. The tests that will be carried out are color (L*, a*, b*), water content, chloropHyll content, pH, ash content, yield, antioxidant activity/IC50, and chloropHyll stability (temperature, pH, light). The data obtained will be processed using ANOVA and further testing using Tukey (α = 0.05). The results showed that there was a real influence on the long blanching treatment on the L*, a*, b*, yield, water content and IC50 values. The real effect of ZnCl2 concentration treatment on the values of L*, a*, b*, water content, ash content, total chloropHyll, chloropHyll b, pH, and IC50. The real effect of the interaction of the two treatments on the L*, a*, b*, water content, ash content and IC50 values. The best treatment using the Multiple Attribute method (Zeleny, 1982) resulted in green colored rice flour with a long blanching treatment of 3 minutes and a ZnCl2 concentration of 500 ppm being the best treatment with characteristics including: L* = 72.8 ± 0.11, a* = -7.5 ±0.24, b* = +29.0±0.21, yield = 84.90±0.12, water content = 7.3±0.30%, ash content = 0.61±0.04%, total chloropHyll = 43.2±0.12 mg/L, chloropHyll a = 18.28± 1.07 mg/L, chloropHyll b = 24.81±0.55 mg/L, pH = 6.59±0.07, IC50 = 27307±407.9 ppm, ΔE at 4°C = 0.22±0.16, ΔE at 105°C = 10.89±0.12, ΔE dark = 2.25±0.12, ΔE light = 3.74±0.13, ΔE pH 4 = 8.0±0.75, ΔE pH 7 = 5.9±1.10, ΔE pH 10 = 3.7±1.05

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052410
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 14 Nov 2024 06:50
Last Modified: 14 Nov 2024 06:50
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