Departemen Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya, Juli 2024, “Konsep Boutique Hospital Pada Interior Rawat Inap Pasca Persalinan (Objek Studi: RSIA Melati Husada, Malang)”.

Isna Johanda, Almira Firdania and Dr. Eng. Ir. Herry Santosa, ST., MT., IPM and Dr. Ir. Ema Yunita Titisari, ST., MT. (2024) Departemen Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya, Juli 2024, “Konsep Boutique Hospital Pada Interior Rawat Inap Pasca Persalinan (Objek Studi: RSIA Melati Husada, Malang)”. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Konsep Boutique Hospital merupakan konsep rumah sakit baru yang menjadi perkembangan dari konsep Healing Environment dan menjadi tren saat ini di era abad ke- 20. Konsep Boutique Hospital adalah rumah sakit yang memiliki desain yang unik atau menarik, mengutamakan personalisasi dan privasi pasien, serta memiliki suasana ruang yang homey dan nyaman. Konsep ini sering diterapkan pada rumah sakit dengan spesialisasi tertentu yang memerlukan penanganan khusus sehingga membutuhkan konsep rumah sakit yang lebih terpersonalisasi. Perancangan Boutique Hospital berbasis pada konsep Healing Environment untuk mendukung pemulihan pasien. Beberapa prinsip perancangan Boutique Hospital yakni Healing Environment, Personalized Patient- Centered Care, Homey, Sustainable Design, Cultural & Contextual Relevance, Privacy & Safety, Accessibility & Efficiency, Advanced Technology Facilities, Therapy Element, dan Healthcare Facility Standards. Konsep Boutique Hospital di Indonesia belum sepenuhnya populer namun ditemukan 6 objek rumah saki yang mem-branding dirinya sebagai Boutique Hospital. Objek didominasi menggunakan konsep modern pada interiornya namun ditemukan 1 objek yang berbeda yakni RSIA Melati Husada Malang yang menerapkan elemen lokalitas pada interiornya. Objek ini memiliki rating dan reputasi tertinggi dibandingkan objek lain. Namun, perancangan awal bangunan ini tidak dirancang untuk bangunan fasilitas kesehatan melainkan hunian rumah tinggal. Maka dari itu, diperlukan studi untuk menelaah bagaimana penerapan konsep Boutique Hospital pada objek yang sesuai dengan standar fasilitas kesehatan dan preferensi pasien. Fokus penelitian adalah ruang rawat inap pasca persalinan yang membutuhkan Healing Environment dan menjadi ruang terlama yang dihuni pasien selama masa pemulihan dan subjek utamanya adalah pasien ibu nifas. Penelitian ini diawali dengan studi literatur dengan mengembangkan teori Healing Environment dengan Boutique Hospital karena keterbatasan teori terkait perancangannya. Hasil elaborasi teori menghasilkan kriteria desain Boutique Hospital yang menjadi unit amatan penelitian. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan deduktif dan paradigma Post Positivisme dan untuk menguji kebenaran teori sebelumnya berdasarkan hasil observasi lapangan. Hasil analisis kemudian divalidasi dengan kuesioner preferensi pasien ibu nifas karena penelitian terkait Healing Environment dan Boutique Hospital berorientasi pada pasien (Patient-centered Care). Sampel ruang rawat inap yang diteliti adalah ruang yang menerapkan elemen lokalitas yakni Ruang Lameison, Madura, Shanghai, Semarangan, dan Paris. Hasil analisis menunjukkan ruang yang paling sesuai dengan teori adalah Ruang Semarangan dan Paris. Hasil penelitian dari triangulasi data antara teori, kondisi eksisting objek, dan kuesioner preferensi menunjukkan penerapan konsep Boutique Hospital pada objek studi yang menerapkan elemen lokalitas berdasarkan preferensi pasien yakni zona publik-privat yang terpisah, tata ruang mudah dipahami, soothing colour combination, material lokal yang mudah dibersihkan, material dinding kedap suara, material lantai tidak licin, dekorasi yang menarik, pola bentuk dinamis dan tidak rumit, vegetasi interior, furnitur nyaman dan fleksibel, jendela bertirai non-porosif, elemen tidak menarik tersembunyi, pencahayaan alami, perpaduan jenis lampu, sirkulasi udara nyaman, kecanggihan teknologi, elemen terapeutik, dan kelengkapan standar fasilitas kesehatan. Kriteria desain ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan desain interior Boutique Hospital yang menerapkan elemen lokalitas pada ruang rawat inap pasca persalinan serta sesuai dengan preferensi pasien ibu nifas. Konsep baru ini juga diharapkan dapat diterapkan pada perancangan RSIA di Indonesia agar lebih berorientasi pada kesembuhan pasien serta sebagai upaya dalam melestarikan nilai kearifan lokal.

English Abstract

The Boutique Hospital concept is a new hospital concept that is a development of the Healing Environment concept and is a current trend in the 20th century era. The Boutique Hospital concept is a hospital that has a unique or attractive design, prioritizes patient personalization and privacy, and has a homey and comfortable space atmosphere. This concept is often applied to hospitals with certain specialties that require special handling so that it requires a more personalized hospital concept. The design of Boutique Hospital is based on the concept of Healing Environment to support patient recovery. Some of the design principles of Boutique Hospital are Healing Environment, Personalized Patient-Centered Care, Homey, Sustainable Design, Cultural & Contextual Relevance, Privacy & Safety, Accessibility & Efficiency, Advanced Technology Facilities, Therapy Element, and Healthcare Facility Standards. The concept of Boutique Hospital in Indonesia is not yet fully popular, but 6 hospital objects were found that branded themselves as Boutique Hospital. The objects predominantly use modern concepts in their interiors but 1 different object was found, namely RSIA Melati Husada Malang, which applies Javanese locality elements to its interior. This object has the highest rating and reputation compared to other objects. However, the initial design of this building was not designed for a health facility building but a residential house. Therefore, a study is needed to examine how to apply the Boutique Hospital concept to objects that are in accordance with health facility standards and patient preferences. The focus of the study is the postpartum inpatient room which requires a Healing Environment and is the longest room occupied by patients during the recovery period and the main subject is postpartum patients. This research starts with a literature study by developing the theory of Healing Environment with Boutique Hospital due to limited theories related to its design. The results of the theoretical elaboration resulted in Boutique Hospital design criteria which became the research observation unit. The research method uses descriptive qualitative with a deductive approach and Post Positivism paradigm and to test the truth of the previous theory based on the results of field observations. The results of the analysis were then validated with a questionnaire of postpartum patient preferences because research related to Healing Environment and Boutique Hospital is patient-oriented. The sample of inpatient rooms studied is a room that applies elements of locality, namely the Lameison Room, Madura, Shanghai, Semarangan, and Paris. The results of the analysis show that the rooms that best fit the theory are Semarangan and Paris Rooms. Research results from data triangulation between theory, existing conditions of the object, and preference questionnaires show the application of the Boutique Hospital concept to the study object which applies elements of locality based on patient preferences, namely separate public-private zones, easy to understand spatial layout, soothing color combinations, local materials that are easy to clean, soundproof wall material, non-slip floor material, attractive decoration, dynamic and uncomplicated shape patterns, interior vegetation, comfortable and flexible furniture, non-corrosive curtained windows, hidden unattractive elements, natural lighting, a combination of lamp types, comfortable air circulation, technological sophistication, therapeutic elements, and completeness of health facility standards. These design criteria are expected to be a reference for the interior design of the Boutique Hospital which applies elements of locality to the postpartum inpatient room and in accordance with the preferences of postpartum patients. This new concept is also expected to be applied to the design of RSIA in Indonesia to be more oriented towards patient recovery and as an effort to preserve the value of local wisdom.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042407
Uncontrolled Keywords: Boutique Hospital, Healing Environment, Ruang Inap Pasca Persalinan, Pasien Ibu Nifas.
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Arsitektur Lingkungan Binaan, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2024 02:46
Last Modified: 10 Oct 2024 02:46
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