Power Relations on the Use of Taboo Words by Players in the Game Last Land

Sulaiman, Amanda Elfain and Dr. Emy Sudarwati, S.S., M.Pd (2024) Power Relations on the Use of Taboo Words by Players in the Game Last Land. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Last Land adalah game perang di mana para pemain bersaing untuk memenangkan perang. Untuk memenangkan perang dan mengalahkan lawan, mereka perlu berkembang menjadi lebih kuat. Hal ini mengakibatkan adanya perbedaan tingkat kekuasaan yang dimiliki masing-masing pemain, menyebabkan adanya pihak yang kuat mengalahkan pihak yang lemah. Maka, banyak ditemukan pemain yang mengungkapkan emosinya dengan kata tabu untuk mengumpat ketika dikalahkan atau diserang oleh lawan yang lebih kuat. Penelitian ini mengkaji relasi kekuasaan pada penggunaan kata tabu oleh pemain dalam game Last Land. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis kata tabu yang digunakan oleh para pemain dalam obrolan yang ada di ruang chat Kingdom 238 (K238), mengkategorikannya, dan mengkaji motif yang mendasari penggunaannya menggunakan teori Jay (2009) yang mengusulkan 9 jenis dan 3 motif penggunaan kata tabu. Temuan mengungkapakan terdapat 76 data mengandung kata tabu yang masuk dalam 8 kategori berbeda, yaitu ethnic-racial-gender slurs; offensive slang; psychological, physical, social deviations insults; sexual references; animal names; scatological reference and disgusting objects; ancestral allusions; dan profane and blasphemous. Selain itu, peneliti menemukan terdapat 44 data mengandung unsur relasi kuasa. Berdasarkan teori Foucault (1994), hanya 4 unsur relasi kekuasaan yang ditemukan dalam percakapan para pemain Last Land yang menggunakan kata tabu, yaitu forms of institutionaization, systems of differentiations, types of objectives, dan instrumental modes. Berdasarkan temuan di atas, ditemukan bahwa relasi kekuasaan berkaitan dengan motif penggunaan kata tabu yang diungkapkan para pemain. Diketahui bahwa relasi kekuasaan terdapat pada motif penggunaan kata tabu melalui pemain yang menggunakan kata tabu, yaitu to signify various emotions; to achieve certain outcomes; dan to express the speaker's frustration or anger, dengan menyerang orang lain secara verbal untuk mengejek atau mengintimidasi. Ada pula pemain menggunakan kata tabu dengan menyerang orang lain secara verbal untuk melawan kekuasaan lawan bicaranya. Peneliti mempunyai beberapa keterbatasan, mulai dari variabel, jumlah data yang diperoleh, temuan, desain dan ruang lingkup penelitian. Peneliti lain di masa depan bisa mengeksplorasi dampak relasi kekuasaan terhadap motif di balik penggunaan kata tabu, dan melakukan penelitiannya pada komunitas lain. Juga disarankan untuk menggunakan metode kuantitatif untuk mengetahui secara obyektif korelasi dan keterkaitan antara relasi kekuasaan dengan motif kata tabu.

English Abstract

Last Land is a war game where players compete to win the wars. In order to win the wars and defeat their enemies, they need to develop to become stronger. This resulting the different levels of power held by each players, leads to the existences of strong parties defeated the weak parties. Therefore, many players are found expressing their emotions with taboo words to swear when they are defeated or being attacked by the enemies who are stronger than them. This study explores the power relations inherent in the use of taboo words among players in the game Last Land. This study used descriptive qualitative method. This research identifies various types of taboo words used by players in Kingdom Chat of Kingdom 238 (K238), categorizes them, and examines the motives underlying their use using Jay's (2009) theory which proposes 9 types of taboo words and 3 motives for using taboo words. It is found that there are 76 data containing taboo words, where these taboo words fall into 8 different categories, namely ethnic-racialgender slurs; offensive slang; psychological, physical, social deviations insults; sexual references; animal names; scatological reference and disgusting objects; ancestral allusions; as well as profane and blasphemous. In addition, the researcher found that there were 44 utterances that contained elements of power relations. Based on Foucault's (1994) theory, only 4 elements of power relations are displayed in the conversational utterances of Last Land players who use taboo words, namely forms of institutionalization, system of differentiations, types of objectives, and instrumental modes. Based on the findings above, it was found that the group of power relations that the researchers resolved was related to the motives for using taboo words by the players. It is found that power relations are reflected in the motives for using taboo words through players who use taboo words, namely to signify various emotions; to achieve certain outcomes; and to express speaker’s frustration or anger, by verbally attacking other people to mock or to intimidate. There are also players who use taboo words by verbally attacking other people to resist against interlocutors’ power. The researcher have several limitations, from research variables, the amount of data obtained, research findings, research design and research scope. Future researchers are encouraged to explore the impact of power relations on the motives behind the use of taboo words, and conduct the research of the other communitites. It is also highly recommended to use quantitative methods to objectively determine the correlation and link between power relations and the motives of taboo words.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524120155
Uncontrolled Keywords: Taboo words, Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG), Last Land, Chat rooms, Power relations-Kata-Kata tabu, Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG), Last Land, Ruang chat, Relasi kuasa
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: soegeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 30 Oct 2024 00:04
Last Modified: 30 Oct 2024 00:04
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/227625
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