Nirwana, Aufa Zatin and Prof. Amin Setyo Leksoso, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. and Zulfaidah Penata Gama,, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D (2024) Rekayasa Habitat Blog Refugia Untuk Meningkatkan Diversitas Musuh Alami Yang Berfungsi Sebagai Pengendali Hama Lalat Buah Bactrocera Dorsalis Di Kebun Jeruk Siam Dan Rima Gerga Lebong (Rgl) Malang. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan rekayasa habitat terhadap populasi lalat buah B. dorsalis dan keanekaragaman musuh alaminya, menganalisis fluktuasi populasi lalat buah, dan menganalisis persepsi petani dalam pengendalian hama lalat buah B. dorsalis yang menyerang Jeruk Siam dan RGL. Karakteristik tanaman refugia yang ditanam di area perlakuan 2 lahan kebun jeruk (Kebun jeruk siam, Kebun jeruk siam & RGL), memiliki warna yang terang, mudah ditanam di berbagai habitat, mudah didapat, dan menarik serangga/musuh alami untuk datang. Sehingga, dipilihlah tanaman bunga matahari, kenikir, dan marigold pada penelitian ini karena efektif dalam pengendalian hama lalat buah secara alami berdasar inovasi dari penelitian terdahulu (Haram, dkk., 2018). Berdasarkan pengamatan pada 2 kebun jeruk, area lahan perlakuan dan kontrol ditemukan 34 spesies, 27 family, 8 ordo, dan total 1492 individu serangga. Jenis serangga yang didapat terdiri dari serangga predator, parasitoid dan hama. Pada ketiga tanaman refugia, didapatkan hasil ketertarikan serangga terbanyak pada tanaman bunga kenikir dengan jumlah 23 spesies, pada bunga matahari serangga yang hadir sebanyak 20 spesies dan paling sedikit pada bunga marigold total serangga yang datang 15 spesies. Hasil diversitas lahan perlakuan ditandai dengan (plot 1 dan 3) tergolong pada diversitas kategori sedang. Area lahan kontrol yang ditandai dengan (plot 2 dan 4) tergolong diversitas kategori rendah. Hasil ini memperkuat hipotesis bahwa adanya tanaman refugia pada kebun jeruk dapat mengendalikan hama lalat buah B. dorsalis dan menambah diversitas musuh alami. Fluktuasi populasi lalat buah dipengaruhi oleh peningkatan curah hujan yang ditandai dengan tingginya populasi lalat buah di kebun jeruk siam searah dengan peningkatan curah hujan, sedangkan fluktuasi populasi lalat buah di kebun jeruk siam & RGL berbanding terbalik dengan peningkatan curah hujan, namun lebih dipengaruhi oleh faktor abiotik di lahan. Persepsi petani terhadap tanaman refugia sebagai pengendalian hama lalat buah yang menyerang buah jeruk menunjukkan respon baik sesuai dengan hasil skala likert tergolong kategori tinggi. Hasil ini berpeluang dapat diterapkan secara global kepada petani jeruk, khususnya di daerah Sumbersekar, Dau.
English Abstract
This research aims to analyze the application of habitat engineering to the B. dorsalis fruit fly population and the diversity of its natural enemies, analyze fruit fly population fluctuations, and analyze farmers' perceptions in controlling the B. dorsalis fruit fly pest which attacks Siamese Oranges and RGL. The characteristics of refugia plants planted in the 2 orange garden treatment areas (Siamese orange garden, Siamese orange garden & RGL), have bright colors, are easy to plant in various habitats, are easy to obtain, and attract insects/natural enemies to come. Thus, sunflower, kenikir, and marigold plants were chosen in this research because they are effective in naturally controlling fruit fly pests based on innovations from previous research (Haram, et al., 2018). Based on observations at 2 orange garden, 34 species, 27 families, 8 orders and a total of 1492 insect individuals were found in the treatment and control land areas. The types of insects obtained consist of predatory insects, parasitoids and pests. In the three refugia plants, the highest insect attraction results were found in kenikir flower plants with a total of 23 species, in sunflowers there were 20 species of insects and the least in marigold flowers, a total of 15 species of insects were present. The diversity results of the treatment land are marked with (plots 1 and 3) belonging to the medium diversity category. The control land area marked with (plots 2 and 4) is classified as low diversity. These results strengthen the hypothesis that the presence of refugia plants in citrus orchards can control the fruit fly pest B. dorsalis and increase the diversity of natural enemies. Fluctuations in fruit fly populations are influenced by increased rainfall, which is characterized by high fruit fly populations in Siamese orange orchards in the same direction as increased rainfall, while fruit fly population fluctuations in Siamese orange orchards & RGL are inversely proportional to increased rainfall, but are more influenced by abiotic factors. on the land. Farmers' perceptions of refugia plants as a control for fruit fly pests that attack citrus fruit show a good response according to the results of the Likert scale which is in the high category. These results have the opportunity to be applied globally to orange farmers, especially in the Sumbersekar, Dau area.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 0424090028 |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Biologi, Fakultas MIPA |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username nova |
Date Deposited: | 11 Sep 2024 07:32 |
Last Modified: | 11 Sep 2024 07:32 |
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