Uji Efektivitas Asap Cair dalam Pengendalian Penyakit Kanker Berkudis (Pestalotiopsis psidii (Pat.) Mordue) secara In Vitro dan In Vivo.

Devian Arief, Aditya Rizky and Prof. Dr. Ir. Abdul Latief Abadi, MS. (2024) Uji Efektivitas Asap Cair dalam Pengendalian Penyakit Kanker Berkudis (Pestalotiopsis psidii (Pat.) Mordue) secara In Vitro dan In Vivo. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jambu kristal (Psidium guajava var. 'kristal') adalah varietas jambu dalam keluarga Myrtaceae dengan permintaan yang terus meningkat karena manfaatnya. Namun, tanaman ini menghadapi ancaman penyakit seperti kanker berkudis yang disebabkan oleh patogen Pestalotiopsis psidii, yang bisa merugikan hingga 60% hasil panen. Petani biasanya menggunakan fungisida sintetis, yang meninggalkan residu berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, metode pengendalian yang lebih ramah lingkungan, seperti pemanfaatan asap cair, menjadi penting. Penelitian efektivitas asap cair sebagai pengendali patogen Pestalotiopsis psidii dilakukan secara in vitro dan in vivo dari Februari 2024 hingga Mei 2024 di lahan P4S Bumiaji Sejahtera Kota Batu serta Laboratorium Penyakit Tumbuhan 3, Departemen Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan. Penelitian ini mencakup isolasi jamur Pestalotiopsis psidii, uji diameter koloni, laju pertumbuhan, daya hambat, kejadian penyakit, intensitas penyakit, masa inkubasi, dan toksisitas asap cair. Rancangan acak lengkap digunakan di laboratorium dengan 6 perlakuan: R0 (kontrol tanpa asap cair), R1 (asap cair 0,2%), R2 (asap cair 0,4%), R3 (asap cair 0,6%), R4 (asap cair 0,8%), dan R5 (asap cair 1%) yang diulang sebanyak 4 kali. Di lapangan, digunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 7 perlakuan: R0 (kontrol negatif/aquades), R1 (kontrol positif/fungisida berbahan aktif Mancozeb 60% + Dimetomorf 9%), R2 (asap cair 0,2%), R3 (asap cair 0,4%), R4 (asap cair 0,6%), R5 (asap cair 0,8%), dan R6 (asap cair 1%) yang diulang sebanyak 4 kali, Data diolah menggunakan ANOVA dan uji DMRT pada taraf 5%, dengan analisis menggunakan Microsoft Excel 365 dan IBM SPSS 29. Hasil penelitian in vitro menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan asap cair dengan konsentrasi 1% memiliki potensi daya hambat paling efektif sebesar 100%, dengan nilai diameter koloni dan laju pertumbuhan masing-masing 0 cm dan 0 cm/hari di akhir pengamatan. Selain itu, asap cair pada konsentrasi 1% menunjukkan daya hambat tertinggi diantara perlakuan asap cair lain dengan kejadian penyakit sebesar 33,33%, intensitas penyakit 10,40%, dan masa inkubasi 18 HSP. Meskipun perlakuan pestisida memberikan hasil yang lebih baik, asap cair tetap memberikan efektivitas yang sebanding dan bisa menjadi alternatif yang lebih aman bagi lingkungan. Perlakuan asap cair pada konsentrasi ini juga tidak menunjukkan adanya toksisitas pada buah jambu kristal. Pengujian secara in vitro dan in vivo menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan asap cair dengan konsentrasi 1% berpengaruh nyata terhadap berbagai parameter pengamatan.

English Abstract

The crystal guava (Psidium guajava var. 'crystal') is a variety of guava in the Myrtaceae family with steadily increasing demand due to its benefits. However, this plant faces threats from diseases such as scabby canker caused by the pathogen Pestalotiopsis psidii, which can damage up to 60% of the harvest. Farmers typically use synthetic fungicides, which leave harmful residues in the environment. Therefore, more environmentally friendly control methods, such as the use of liquid smoke, become essential. The research on the effectiveness of liquid smoke as a control agent against the pathogen Pestalotiopsis psidii was conducted in vitro and in vivo from February 2024 to May 2024 at the P4S Bumiaji Sejahtera fields in Kota Batu and the Plant Disease Laboratory 3, Department of Plant Pests and Diseases. The study included the isolation of the Pestalotiopsis psidii fungus, colony diameter tests, growth rate, inhibitory effect, disease occurrence, disease intensity, incubation period, and the toxicity of liquid smoke. A completely randomized design was used in the laboratory with 6 treatments: R0 (control without liquid smoke), R1 (0.2% liquid smoke), R2 (0.4% liquid smoke), R3 (0.6% liquid smoke), R4 (0.8% liquid smoke), and R5 (1% liquid smoke), each replicated four times. In the field, a randomized block design was used with 7 treatments: R0 (negative control/distilled water), R1 (positive control/fungicide with active ingredients Mancozeb 60% + Dimethomorph 9%), R2 (0.2% liquid smoke), R3 (0.4% liquid smoke), R4 (0.6% liquid smoke), R5 (0.8% liquid smoke), and R6 (1% liquid smoke), each replicated four times. Data was processed using ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at a 5% significance level, analyzed using Microsoft Excel 365 and IBM SPSS 29. The in vitro research results indicate that the treatment with 1% liquid smoke concentration has the most effective inhibitory potential at 100%, with colony diameter and growth rate values of 0 cm and 0 cm/day, respectively, at the end of the observation period. Additionally, the 1% liquid smoke concentration displayed the highest inhibitory effect among other liquid smoke treatments with a disease occurrence of 33.33%, disease intensity of 10.40%, and an incubation period of 18 DAP. Although pesticide treatment yields better results, liquid smoke still offers comparable effectiveness and can be a safer alternative for the environment. Liquid smoke treatment at this concentration also shows no toxicity in crystal guava fruit. Both in vitro and in vivo tests indicate that liquid smoke treatment at a 1% concentration significantly affects various observation parameters.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052404
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 11 Oct 2024 06:30
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2024 06:30
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/227329
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