Analisis Kualitas Dan Keberadaan Mikroplastik Air Sebagai Evaluasi Resiko Lingkungan Di Perairan Sungai Brantas Kota Malang

Parikesit, Anindya Rahmawati Putri and Dr. Ir. Hartati Kartikaningsih, M. Si. and Maharani Pertiwi K., S.Si.,M.Biotech., Ph.D. (2024) Analisis Kualitas Dan Keberadaan Mikroplastik Air Sebagai Evaluasi Resiko Lingkungan Di Perairan Sungai Brantas Kota Malang. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) kualitas air pada Aliran Sungai Brantas Kota Brantas untuk parameter TSS, BOD dan Fosfat telah melampaui batas baku mutu kelas II berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 22 Tahun 2021. Berdasarkan hasil kualitas air maka status pencemaran pada aliran Brantas Kota Malang tercemar ringan, (2) kelimpahan mikroplastik yang terkandung pada Aliran Sungai Brantas Kota Malang tergolong dalam Tercemar Sedang. Hasil pengujian menggunakan sampel ikan dan air menunjukkan jenis film banyak ditemukan pada sampel, sedangkan untuk warna yang banyak ditemukan pada sampel adalah hitam. Banyaknya kandungan mikroplastik ditemukan pada titik 3 penelitian, hal tersebut dapat dikarenakan pada titik 3 dengan kondisi air terlihat tenang namun terdapat banyak sampah yang mengalir memungkinkan menjadi sumber utama banyaknya mikroplastik yang ditemukan , (3) dampak sebaran mikroplastik diteleti menggunakan sampel ikan. pada saluran pencernaan ikan jenis ikan dan tombro banyak ditemukan mikroplastik. Banyaknya mikroplastik pada ikan, dapat berasal dari sampah yang berada di aliran sungai sehingga serpihan plastik akan masuk dan tertelan pada ikan, (4) Kondisi perairan Aliran Sungai Brantas Kota Malang pada titik 4 penelitian ditemukan banyaknya tumpukan sampah yang berasal dari sisa banjir di tahun 2022. Tumpukan – tumpukan sampah tersebut Sebagian digunakan oleh warga dan sebagian tidak digunakan. Tidak adanya pengangkutan sampah pada lokasi tersebut menjadi salah stau faktornya, (5) Jika kondisi perairan saat ini tidak dilakukan upaya, kedepannya pada bagian badan sungai akan terpenuhi dengan tumpukan sampah yang tidak dapat terurai dengan ukuran bervariasi akan menjadikan pada beberapa titik terlihat kotor, (6) Adapun strategi yang dapat dilakukan yaitu (a)Membuat TPS (tempat penampungan sampah) yang bersifat sementara untuk menampung sampah dan di setorkan ke TPS Kota agar mencegah tindakan pembuangan sampah langsung ke sungai sehingga masyarakat dapat berpartisipasi dalam menjaga kelestarian sungai, (b) Membentuk program pengelolaan sungai dengan memperbaiki keseimbangan ekologi seperti kualitas air dan keanekaragaman hayati yang menyertakan masyarakat serta Lembaga terkait, (c) Pemberian izin terhadap bangunan industri maupun usaha lebih ditingkatkan, (d) Melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat disekitar sungai terkait pengelolaan dan pemilahan sampah.

English Abstract

The Brantas River in Malang City is one of the main rivers in Malang City which crosses Kedungkandang, Klojen, Blimbing, and Lowokwaru Districts. In recent years, the condition and air quality status of the Brantas River has decreased. In 2019, the water quality of the Brantas River in Malang City decreased almost 3 (three) times, and in 2020 the flow of the Brantas River in Malang City was included in the lightly polluted and heavily polluted categories. The increasing population in an area will have an impact on the waste produced so that domestic activities around river flows become one of the factors that influence air quality, one example of which is domestic waste disposal. Domestic waste thrown into rivers has an impact on air quality and has a microplastic effect on water and air biota. These problems are the background for carrying out this research. The aims of the research are (1) to analyze the quality conditions and status of air quality in the Brantas River Stream in Malang City, (2) to analyze the amount of microplastic content in the Brantas River Stream in Malang City, (3) to analyze the distribution of microplastics in the Brantas River Stream in Malang City and knowing the impact on air biota, (4) evaluating the water conditions of the Brantas Watershed, Malang City, (5) analyzing the environmental risks of the Brantas Watershed, Malang City, (6) developing control strategies that can be implemented on the Brantas River Flow in Malang City. The research was carried out by referring to Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation, Protection, and Management of the Environment and the Decree of the Minister of the Environment Number 115 of 2003. Air quality testing uses 9 (nine) parameters, namely Temperature, TSS, TDS, pH, BOD, COD, DO, Phosphate, and Total Coliform. Calculation of pollutant loads uses the mass balance method. Microplastic testing uses the NOAA method and the air microplastic pollutant index refers to Huang et al (2022). Microplastic testing uses fish and surface air samples. To find out the strategies that can be used on the Brantas river flow, a location survey is carried out first and then the results will be analyzed using the SWOT method. The results of the research show (1) the air quality in the Brantas River, Brantas City for TSS, BOD and Phosphate parameters has exceeded the class II quality standards based on Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021. Based on the water quality results, the pollution status in the Brantas River, Malang City, is lightly polluted, (2) revealed that the microplastics contained in the Brantas River, Malang City, are classified as Moderately Polluted. The test results using fish and water showed that the type of film that was mostly found in the samples, while the color that was mostly found in the samples was black. A large amount of microplastic content was found at point 3 of the research. This could be caused at point 3 where the air conditions looked calm but there was a lot of rubbish flowing which could be the main source of the large number of microplastics found. (3) The impact of the distribution of microplastics was investigated using fish samples. Many microplastics were found in the digestive tract of fish and fish. The large amount of microplastics in fish can come from rubbish in the river flow so plastic fragments will enter and be swallowed by the fish. (4) The condition of the waters of the Brantas River, Malang City at point 4, the research found that there are many piles of rubbish coming from the remainder of the flood in 2022. Some of these piles of rubbish are used by residents and some are not used. The absence of waste transportation at this location is one of the factors, (5) If efforts are not made for the current condition of the waters, in the future the river body will be filled with piles of non-degradable rubbish of varying sizes, which will make at some points look dirty, ( 6) The strategies that can be implemented are (a) Creating temporary TPS (garbage storage areas) to accommodate waste and deposit it at the City TPS to prevent the act of dumping waste directly into the river so that the community can participate in preserving the river, (b) Establishing a river management program by improving ecological balance such as air quality and biodiversity which includes the community and related institutions, (c) Providing permits for industrial buildings and businesses that are further improved, (d) Carrying out social

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: -
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kualitas air, Mikroplastik, Status Mutu, Strategi Pengendali- Air quality, Control Strategies, Microplastic, Quality Status.
Divisions: Program Pascasarjana > Magister Pengelolaan Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2024 07:53
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2024 07:53
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