Perancangan Ui/Ux Aplikasi E-Alokasi Pupuk Bersubsidi Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan Metode Human-Centered Design

Ramadhani, Mohammad Khatami Ilham and Citra Dewi Megawati, Ssn.,M.T. NIK. (2024) Perancangan Ui/Ux Aplikasi E-Alokasi Pupuk Bersubsidi Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan Metode Human-Centered Design. Diploma thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Aplikasi E-Alokasi pupuk bersubsidi “SUBSIPI” merupakan sebuah platform berbasis mobile yang digunakan untuk memudahkan alokasi pupuk bersubsidi serta penebusan pupuk yang lebih praktis juga penyebaran informasi mengenai sektor pertanian. Setelah dilakukannya wawancara dan observasi awal, didapatkan permasalahan yaitu prosedur penebusan pupuk yang diwajibkan melalui proses juga tahap-tahap verifikasi data diri dan hal itu cukup menghabiskan waktu. Selain itu, proses penyebaran informasi juga cukup sulit untuk didapatkan sehingga penyebaran informasi saat ini hanya dilakukan melalui mulut ke mulut sehingga sangat kurang efektif. Seiring dalam perkembangan zaman dan teknologi, alangkah perlunya jika memanfaatkan teknologi untuk kemajuan sektor pertanian. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dirasa perlu untuk diciptakan aplikasi E-alokasi pupuk bersubsidi yang difokuskan kepada kebutuhan pengguna, maka dipilihlah Human-Centered Design sebagai metode dasar dari perancangan ini. Yaitu dengan dilakukannya analisis yang dibutuhkan pengguna, analisis konteks fungsionalitas sistem, perancangan desain solusi, dan evaluasi untuk desain solusi dapat menjadi penyelesaian dari permasalahan yang sedang ada. Penggunaan Human-Centered Design dilakukan dengan mencermati kebutuhan dan karakteristik dari beberapa pengguna sebagai data dalam perancangan UI/UX. Maka diberlakukanlah wawancara, kuesioner, observasi, dan studi literatur dalam pengumpulan data. Kemudian, dibuat rancangan UI/UX dan mendapatkan hasil pengujian usability pada aspek efektivitas 97% dan 94,16%, aspek efisiensi 0,21 goals/sec . Aspek kepuasan pengguna 80,5 dan 77,5. Pada pengalaman pengguna telah didapatkan hasil excellent pada masing-masing skala penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini berguna untuk pengembangan prototype aplikasi E-alokasi pupuk bersubsidi “SUBSIPI” terealisasikan membantu sektor pertanian.

English Abstract

The Subsidized Fertilizer E-Allocation Application “SUBSIPI” is a mobile-based platform that is used to facilitate the allocation of subsidized fertilizer as well as fertilizer redemption and the dissemination of information regarding the agricultural sector. After conducting initial interviews and observations, a problem was found, namely the fertilizer redemption procedure which was required to go through a personal data verification process and this took quite a lot of time. Apart from that, the process of disseminating information is also quite difficult to obtain, so information dissemination is currently only done through word of mouth, making it very ineffective. As time and technology develop, it is necessary to utilize technology to advance the agricultural sector. Based on this, it was deemed necessary to create an E-allocation application for subsidized fertilizer that was focused on user needs, so Human-Centered Design was chosen as the basic method for this design. Namely, by analyzing user needs, analyzing the context of system usability, designing solution designs, and evaluating solution designs, it can be a solution to existing problems. The Human-Centered Design method is carried out by looking at the needs and characteristics of several users as data in UI/UX design. So interviews, questionnaires, observations and literature studies were used in data collection. Then, a UI/UX design was created and obtained usability testing results in the effectiveness aspect of 97% and 94.16%, the efficiency aspect of 0.21 goals/sec. Aspects of user satisfaction 80.5 and 77.5. In terms of user experience, excellent results have been obtained on each research scale. The results of this research are useful for developing a prototype application for the E-allocation of subsidized fertilizers “SUBSIPI” which can be realized to help the agricultural sector.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Identification Number: 052417
Uncontrolled Keywords: erancangan, UI ,UX, Human-Centered Design, Usability-Design, UI, UX, Human-Centered Design, Usability
Divisions: Program Vokasi > D4 Desain Grafis
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 04 Oct 2024 08:14
Last Modified: 04 Oct 2024 08:14
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