Pengaruh Penambahan Enzim Transglutaminase dan Persentase Air Terhadap Karakteristik Roti Bebas Gluten Berbasis Tepung Kedelai Hitam Menggunakan Metode Pemanggangan Oven

Hastuti, Jenny Eva Anggia Novianing and Ir. Aji Sutrisno, M.Sc., Ph.D (2024) Pengaruh Penambahan Enzim Transglutaminase dan Persentase Air Terhadap Karakteristik Roti Bebas Gluten Berbasis Tepung Kedelai Hitam Menggunakan Metode Pemanggangan Oven. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Roti bebas gluten merupakan inovasi pangan untuk penderita penyakit seliak, autis, dan intoleran gluten. Tepung kedelai hitam dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan roti bebas gluten karena memiliki kandungan protein tinggi dan tidak mengandung gluten. Ketidaktersediaan gluten pada tepung kedelai hitam mengakibatkan roti memiliki karakteristik fisik yang lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan roti dari tepung terigu. Oleh karena itu, enzim transglutaminase dapat digunakan untuk membentuk jejaring atau matriks yang bersifat seperti gluten. Enzim transglutaminase mampu mengkatalis reaksi antara residu asam amino lisin dan residu asam amino glutamin membentuk ikatan isopeptida yang dapat menghasilkan ikatan kovalen inter atau intramolekuler yang berikatan silang dengan protein makanan. Pembentukan matriks dan konsistensi adonan juga dipengaruhi oleh penambahan air yang berperan dalam melarutkan bahan selama proses pencampuran, menghidrasi karbohidrat dan protein, serta meningkatkan matriks protein. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan enzim transglutaminase, persentase air dan interaksi kedua perlakuan terhadap roti bebas gluten berbasis tepung kedelai hitam, serta mengetahui perlakuan penambahan enzim transglutaminase dan persentase air terbaik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial dengan dua faktor, yaitu penambahan enzim transglutaminase (0, 0,5, dan 1%) dan persentase air (80, 100, dan 120%). Perlakuan dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak tiga kali sehingga didapatkan 27 satuan percobaan. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dan uji Tukey dengan selang kepercayaan 95%. Penentuan perlakuan terbaik pada roti bebas gluten dilakukan dengan metode Multiple Attribute Zeleny. Penambahan enzim transglutaminase berpengaruh nyata terhadap baking loss, hardness, cohesiveness, chewiness, resilience, dan rasa. Penambahan air berpengaruh nyata pada volume spesifik, baking loss, hardness, chewiness, dan resilience. Interaksi antara kedua perlakuan berpengaruh nyata terhadap densitas pori, porositas, ukuran pori, springiness, tekstur, dan warna. Perlakuan terbaik didapatkan pada perlakuan penambahan persentase air 120% dan enzim transglutaminase 0,5% dengan karakteristik berupa nilai volume spesifik 2,66 cm3 /g; baking loss 5,22%; porositas 22%; densitas pori 24,54 pori/cm2 ; ukuran pori 11,16 mm; hardness 224,97 g; cohesiveness 0,53; springiness 8,15 mm; chewiness 9,54 mJ; dan resilience 0,25; serta hasil uji organoleptik menghasilkan rerata pada parameter rasa 3,56; tekstur 3,58; aroma 3,46; dan warna 3,30.

English Abstract

Gluten-free bread is a food innovation for people with celiac disease, autism and gluten intolerance. Black soy flour can be used as a basic ingredient for making gluten-free bread because it has a high protein content and does not contain gluten. The absence of gluten in black soybean flour results in bread having inferior physical characteristics when compared to bread from wheat flour. Therefore, transglutaminase enzyme can be used to form a gluten-like network or matrix. The transglutaminase enzyme is able to catalyze the reaction between lysine amino acid residues and glutamine amino acid residues to form isopeptide bonds that can produce inter or intramolecular covalent bonds that crosslink with food proteins. Matrix formation and dough consistency also influenced by the addition of water which plays a role in dissolving ingredients during the mixing process, hydrating carbohydrates and proteins, and increasing the protein matrix. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of transglutaminase enzyme, the percentage of water and the interaction of the two treatments on black soybean flour-based gluten-free bread, as well as to determine the best treatment of transglutaminase enzyme addition and water percentage. This study used a factorial Randomized Group Design (RAK) with two factors, namely the addition of transglutaminase enzyme (0, 0.5, and 1%) and the percentage of water (80, 100, and 120%). The treatments were repeated three times, resulting in 27 experimental units. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey test with 95% confidence interval. Determination of the best treatment in gluten-free bread was done by the Multiple Attribute Zeleny method. The addition of transglutaminase enzyme significantly affected baking loss, hardness, cohesiveness, chewiness, resilience, and flavor. The addition of water had a significant effect on specific volume, baking loss, hardness, chewiness, and resilience. The interaction between the two treatments significantly affected pore density, porosity, pore size, springiness, texture, and color. The best treatment was obtained in the treatment of adding 120% water percentage and 0.5% transglutaminase enzyme with characteristics such as specific volume value of 2.66 cm3/g; baking loss of 5.22%; porosity of 22%; pore density of 24.54 pores/cm2; pore size of 11.16 mm; hardness of 224.97 g; cohesiveness of 0.53; springiness of 8.15 mm; chewiness of 9.54 mJ; and resilience of 0.25; and the results of the organoleptic test resulted in an average in the parameters of taste 3.56; texture 3.58; aroma 3.46; and color 3.30.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052410
Uncontrolled Keywords: Air, Enzim Transglutaminase, Roti Bebas Gluten, Tepung Kedelai Hitam-Black Soybean Flour, Gluten-free Bread, Transglutaminase Enzyme, Water
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 19 Sep 2024 08:07
Last Modified: 19 Sep 2024 08:07
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