Janna, Raddina Arsy Afaratul and Dr. Ir. Alexander Tunggul Sutan Haji, MT and Fajri Anugroho, STP., M.Agr., Ph.D (2024) Simulasi Konservasi Lahan dalam Pengurangan Laju Erosi di Sub DAS Konto Hulu Menggunakan Model SWAT+ Terintegrasi QGIS 3.28. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Provinsi Jawa Timur memiliki lahan kritis terluas kedua di Pulau Jawa dengan luas sebesar 432.225 Ha. Lahan kritis sangat berpotensi mempercepat laju erosi dan sedimentasi. Jika fenomena erosi dan sedimentasi di daratan tidak dapat dicegah atau diminimalisir maka akan menimbulkan bencana seperti banjir dan kekeringan. Maka dari itu, perlu dilakukan tindakan preventif dengan melakukan pengelolaan lahan di area rawan erosi didaerah aliran sungai (DAS) bagian Hulu. Salah satu DAS Terbesar di Jawa Timur (25%) ialah DAS Brantas dengan anak sungai yang menyebar, seperti anak sungai Konto yang membentuk sub DAS Konto yang terbagi dalam tiga bagian (hulu, tengah, hilir). Lokasi penelitian yakni sub DAS konto Hulu yang terletak di Kabupaten Malang memiliki topografi curam dan termasuk DAS Prioritas 1. Maka perlu dilakukan kajian analisis mengenai prediksi laju erosi di area tersebut untuk menentukan arahan pengelolaan lahan yang tepat dalam upaya minimalisasi erosi dan dampaknya. Penelitian akan dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tools) dengan metode MUSLE yang terintegrasi dengan QGIS 3.28 dengan lokasi penelitian berada di Sub DAS Konto Hulu yang termasuk bagian dari DAS Brantas Hulu. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis prameter sensitivitas untuk proses kalibrasi menerapkan RSWAT. Model yang telah terkalibrasi dilakukan simulasi skenario konservasi lahan yang dapat menurunkan laju erosi paling optimal. Hasil penelitian pada model SWAT yang telah terkalibrasi dengan pencapaian nilai NSE sebesar 0.53 dan R 2 0.57 (memuaskan) menunjukkan di Sub DAS Konto Hulu didominasi laju erosi kelas berat dengan luas 44% dari total luas DAS. Penggunaan lahan yang menyumbang erosi tertinggi ialah lahan pemukiman dengan prediksi laju erosi sebesar 114.95 ton/tahun kemudian lahan perkebunan menduduki peringkat kedua perolehan laju erosi tertinggi sebesar. Penerapan Skenario paling efektif yang dapat mereduksi laju erosi sebesar 35,3% ialah skenario T (Terasering) pada penerapan lahan kemiringan 3-8%.
English Abstract
East Java Province has the second largest area of critical land in Java with an area of 432,225 Ha. Critical land has the potential to accelerate the rate of erosion and sedimentation. If the phenomenon of erosion and sedimentation on land cannot be prevented or minimized, it will cause disasters such as floods and droughts. Therefore, it is necessary to take preventive action by conducting land management in erosion-prone areas in the upper watershed. One of the largest watersheds in East Java (25%) is the Brantas watershed with tributaries that spread, such as the Konto tributary which forms the Konto sub-watershed which is divided into three parts (upstream, middle, downstream). This research location, namely the Upper Konto sub-watershed located in Malang Regency, has a steep topography and is included in Priority 1 watersheds. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an analytical study on the prediction of erosion rates in the area to determine the direction of appropriate land management in an effort to minimize erosion and its impacts. The research will be conducted using the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tools) model approach with the MUSLE method integrated with QGIS 3.28 with the research location in the Upper Konto Subwatershed which is part of the Upper Brantas Watershed. Furthermore, sensitivity parameter analysis was carried out for the calibration process of applying R-SWAT. The calibrated model simulates land conservation scenarios that can reduce the most optimal erosion rate. The results of this study on the SWAT model that has been calibrated with the achievement of the NSE value of 0.53 and R2 0.57 (satisfactory) show that the Upper Konto Subwatershed is dominated by heavy erosion rates with an area of 44% of the total watershed area. Land use that contributes to the highest erosion is residential land with a projected erosion rate of 114.95 tons/year then plantation land is ranked second with the highest erosion rate. The application of the most effective scenario that can reduce the erosion rate by 35.3% is scenario T (Terracing) on the application of land slope 3-8%.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052410 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), Erosi, Konservasi, Model SWAT-Erosion, Conservation, SWAT Model, Watershed |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username nova |
Date Deposited: | 23 Sep 2024 07:02 |
Last Modified: | 23 Sep 2024 07:02 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/225864 |
RADDINA ARSY AFARATUL JANNA.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (5MB) |
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