Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Tapioka dan Enzim Transglutaminase Terhadap Karakteristik Roti Manis Bebas Gluten Berbasis Tepung Kedelai Hitam dengan Metode Pemanggangan Oven

Arindie, Freshika Intan and Ir. Aji Sutrisno, M.Sc., Ph.D (2024) Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Tapioka dan Enzim Transglutaminase Terhadap Karakteristik Roti Manis Bebas Gluten Berbasis Tepung Kedelai Hitam dengan Metode Pemanggangan Oven. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Roti manis bebas gluten berbahan dasar tepung kedelai hitam varietas DETAM-4 menghasilkan karakteristik fisik yang buruk seperti tekstur mudah hancur dan remah. Untuk meningatasi permaslahan tersebut, perlu ditambahkan tepung tapioka sebagai bahan pengikat sehingga mampu membentuk tekstur yang lebih padat. Meskipun demikian, penambahan tepung tapioka pada roti bebas gluten kedelai hitam memiliki elastisitas yang rendah karena tidak adanya gluten sehingga menyebabkan roti terasa lebih keras. Dengan demikian, perlu ditambahkan enzim transglutaminase (TGase) yang akan mengkatalisis reaksi antara residu glutamin dan lisin sehingga terbentuk ikatan isopeptida, dimana ikatan tersebut memiliki sifat mirip gluten. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung tapioka, enzim TGase, dan interaksi antara penambahan tepung tapioka dan enzim TGase terhadap roti manis bebas gluten berbasis tepung kedelai serta menganalisis perlakuan yang menghasilkan roti manis bebas gluten berbasis tepung kedelai dengan karakteristik terbaik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial (RAKF) dengan dua faktor yaitu konsentrasi penambahan tepung tapioka (0, 15, 30, dan 45%) dan penambahan enzim transglutaminase (0% dan 1%). Perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali sehingga menghasilkan 24 satuan percobaan. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey dengan selang kepercayaan 95% jika berpengaruh pada parameter. Perlakuan penambahan tepung tapioka berpengaruh nyata (α=0,05) terhadap parameter hardness, cohesiveness, resilience, porositas, ukuran pori, dan tingkat kesukaan tekstur. Perlakuan penambahan enzim TGase berpengaruh nyata (α=0,05) terhadap parameter hardness, chewiness, porositas, densitas pori, ukuran pori, serta tingkat kesukaan rasa dan tekstur. Penentuan perlakuan terbaik pada roti tawar bebas gluten dilakukan dengan metode Multiple Attribute Zeleny. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan penambahan 30% tepung tapioka dan 1% enzim Tgase dengan hasil nilai volume spesifik 6,52 cm3 /gr, baking loss 2,39%, hardness 356,97 g, cohesiveness 0,63, springiness 8,96 mm, chewiness 15,11 mJ, resilience sebesar 0,34, densitas pori 23,67 pori/cm2 , porositas 25,53 %area, ukuran pori 11,34 mm2 , tingkat kesukaan warna 3,78, tingkat kesukaan aroma 3,66, tingkat kesukaan rasa 3,68, tingkat kesukaan tekstur 3,62.

English Abstract

Gluten-free sweet bread made from black soybean flour variety DETAM-4 produces poor physical characteristics such as crumbly and crumbly texture. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to add tapioca flour as a binder so that it can form a denser texture. However, the addition of tapioca flour to black soy gluten-free bread has low elasticity due to the absence of gluten, causing the bread to feel harder. Thus, it is necessary to add the enzyme transglutaminase (TGase) which will catalyze the reaction between glutamine and lysine residues to form isopeptide bonds, which have gluten-like properties. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of tapioca flour, TGase enzyme, and the interaction between the addition of tapioca flour and TGase enzyme on soy flour-based gluten-free sweet bread and to analyze the treatment that produces soy flour-based gluten-free sweet bread with the best characteristics. This study used a Randomized Group Factorial Design (RAKF) with two factors, namely the concentration of tapioca flour addition (0, 15, 30, and 45%) and the addition of transglutaminase enzyme (0% and 1%). The treatments were repeated three times resulting in 24 experimental units. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and continued with Tukey test with 95% confidence interval if it affected the parameters. The treatment of tapioca starch addition had a significant effect (α=0.05) on the parameters of hardness, cohesiveness, resilience, porosity, pore size, and texture liking level. The treatment of TGase enzyme addition had a significant effect (α=0.05) on the parameters of hardness, chewiness, porosity, pore density, pore size, as well as the level of taste and texture preference. Determination of the best treatment in gluten-free white bread was carried out by the Multiple Attribute Zeleny method. The best treatment was obtained from the addition of 30% tapioca flour and 1% Tgase enzyme with specific volume value of 6.52 cm3/gr, baking loss of 2.39%, hardness of 356.97 g, cohesiveness of 0.63, springiness of 8.96 mm, chewiness of 15, 11 mJ, resilience of 0.34, pore density of 23.67 pore/cm2, porosity of 25.53 %area, pore size of 11.34 mm2, color liking level of 3.78, aroma liking level of 3.66, taste liking level of 3.68, texture liking level of 3.62.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052410
Uncontrolled Keywords: Roti Manis Bebas Gluten, Tepung Kedelai Hitam, Tepung Tapioka, Transglutaminase-Gluten Free Sweet Bread, Black Soybean Flour, Tapioca Flour, Transglutaminase
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 17 Sep 2024 08:12
Last Modified: 17 Sep 2024 08:12
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