Studi Transpor Urea Secara PIM (Polymeric Inclusion Membrane) CTA:TBP:1-Decanol

Salsabilla, Thalia and Dr. Ulfa Andayani, S.Si., M.Si. and Barlah Rumhayati, S.Si., M.Si, Ph.D. (2024) Studi Transpor Urea Secara PIM (Polymeric Inclusion Membrane) CTA:TBP:1-Decanol. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tujuan penelitian adalah mempelajari pengaruh komposisi CTA dan TBP terhadap karakter fisik membran, serta pengaruh komposisi membran dan konsentrasi urea di fasa umpan terhadap fluks dan persen transpor urea. Pada penelitian ini digunakan CTA (Cellulose triacetate) sebagai polimer dasar, TBP (Tributhyl phosphate) sebagai senyawa pembawa dan 1-Decanol sebagai plasticizer. Tahapan penelitian diawali dengan pembuatan membran PIM dengan variasi komposisi CTA:TBP:1-Decanol 5:4:1, 6:3:1 dan 8:1:2. Membran PIM diaplikasikan untuk mentranspor urea. Pada proses transpor urea variasi konsentrasi urea di fasa umpan yaitu 50, 500 dan 1000 mg/L. Proses transpor urea dilakukan selama 4 jam. Sampel urea hasil transpor ditambahkan reagen DMAB dan diukur absorbansi menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Dilakukan karakterisasi membran berupa uji sudut kontak/hidrofilisitas membran, uji swelling degree, uji ketebalan membran, uji kuat tarik membran, uji gugus fungsi. Data hasil transpor menunjukkan bahwa PIM variasi 8:1:2 memiliki kinerja yang paling baik dalam mentranspor urea. Hasil transpor konsentrasi fasa umpan yang paling baik adalah 1000 mg/L dengan % transpor urea yang paling tinggi yaitu sebesar 48,09%. Dari hasil tersebut disimpulkan bahwa laju transpor membran PIM terhadap urea dengan variasi 8:1:2 lebih baik dibandingkan 5:4:1 dan 6:3:1, dengan urutan yaitu 8:1:2>6:3:1>5:4:1.

English Abstract

The purpose of this research is to study the effect of CTA and TBP composition on the physical characteristics of the membrane, as well as the effect of membrane composition and urea concentration in the feed phase on flux and percent urea transport. In this study, CTA (Cellulose triacetate) was used as the basic polymer, TBP (Tributhyl phosphate) as a carrier compound and 1-Decanol as a plasticizer. The research stages began with the manufacture of PIM membranes with variations in the composition of CTA:TBP:1-Decanol 5:4:1, 6:3:1 and 8:1:2. PIM membrane was applied to transport urea. In the urea transport process, the variation of urea concentration in the feed phase was 50, 500 and 1000 mg/L. The urea transport process was carried out for 4 hours. The transported urea sample was added with DMAB reagent and the absorbance was measured using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. Membrane characterization was carried out in the form of contact angle/hydrophilicity test, swelling degree test, membrane thickness test, membrane tensile strength test, functional group test. Transport data showed that PIM variation 8:1:2 has the best performance in transporting urea. The best feed phase concentration transport result is 1000 mg/L with the highest % urea transport of 48.09%. From these results it is concluded that the PIM membrane transport rate of urea with 8:1:2 variation is better than 5:4:1 and 6:3:1, in the order of 8:1:2>6:3:1>5:4:1.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052409
Uncontrolled Keywords: CTA, TBP, 1-Decanol, urea, transpor
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Kimia
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 18 Sep 2024 07:00
Last Modified: 18 Sep 2024 07:00
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