Efek Injeksi Subkonjungtiva Bevacizumab Terhadap Ekspresi Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Pada Neovaskularisasi Kornea Tikus Model Chemical Burn Injury

Damanik, Hidris and dr. Herwindo Dicky Putranto, Sp.M(K) and Dr. dr. Rosy Aldina, Sp.M(K) and dr. Hidayat Sujuti, Sp.M(K), Ph.D (2024) Efek Injeksi Subkonjungtiva Bevacizumab Terhadap Ekspresi Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Pada Neovaskularisasi Kornea Tikus Model Chemical Burn Injury. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tujuan: Mengetahui efek injeksi subkonjungtiva Bevacizumab terhadap ekspresi VEGF pada neovaskularisasi kornea yang terjadi pada tikus model Chemical burn injury. Metode: Penelitian eksperimental yang melibatkan 25 ekor tikus Rattus novergicus, dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok (kelompok kontrol positif yang tidak mendapatkan injeksi subkonjungtiva bevacizumab, kelompok 1 yang mendapatkan terapi injeksi subkonjungtiva bevacizumab di hari ke 3 dengan dosis 1,25 mg, kelompok 2 yang mendapatkan terapi di hari ke 3 dengan dosis 2,5 mg, kelompok 3 yang mendapatkan terapi di hari ke 10 dengan dosis 1,25 mg, kelompok 4 yang mendapatkan terapi di hari ke 10 dengan dosis 2,5 mg), sebelumnya semua kelompok penelitian dilakukan paparan perak nitrat 75% dan potassium nitrat 25% pada mata kanannya untuk menginduksi neovaskularisasi kornea. 14 Hari pasca Chemical burn injury, semua sampel penelitian di enukleasi lalu ekspresi VEGF diamati menggunakan pewarnaan imunoflouresceine dengan antibodi VEGF (C1SC7269 Santa cruz, Biotechnology) – FITC. Uji statistik dilakukan dengan uji Kruskal Wallis dan uji Mann Whitney. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada semua kelompok yang dilakukan perbandingan, kontrol positif dengan rerata ekspresi VEGF 36,71%, kelompok satu 7,64%, kelompok dua 4,13%, kelompok tiga 22,8% dan kelompok empat 12,14%. Dengan nilai P < 0,05. Perbandingan dosis dan waktu pemberian juga memiliki nilai P < 0,05. Kesimpulan: Pemberian terapi injeksi subkonjungtiva Bevacizumab dapat menurunkan ekspresi VEGF pada neovaskularisasi kornea yang terjadi pada tikus model Chemical burn injury, terutama pada kelompok yang diberikan dengan dosis 2,5 mg (0,1 ml) dibandingkan dengan dosis 1,25 mg (0,05 ml), serta pada kelompok yang mendapatkan terapi lebih cepat yaitu pada pemberian hari ke 3 paska chemical burn injury dibandingkan dengan pemberian hari ke 10.

English Abstract

Objectives: To determine the effect of Bevacizumab subconjunctival injection on VEGF expression in corneal neovascularization that occurs in chemical burn injury Mice Model. Methods: This is experimental study on 25 Rattus novergicus mices which divided into 5 groups (positive control group which did not receive bevacizumab subconjunctival injection, group 1 which received bevacizumab subconjunctival injection therapy on day 3 with a dose 1.25 mg, group 2 which received therapy on day 3 with a dose 2.5 mg, group 3 who received therapy on day 10 with a dose 1.25 mg, group 4 who received therapy on day 10 with a dose 2.5 mg), previously all sample groups were exposure to 75% silver nitrate and 25% potassium nitrate in his right eye to induce corneal neovascularization. 14 Days after the chemical burn injury, all sample groups were enucleated and then the expression of VEGF was observed using immunofluoresceine staining with the VEGF antibody (C1-SC7269 Santa Cruz, Biotechnology) – FITC. Statistical analysis were carried out using the Kruskal Wallis test and the Mann Whitney test. Results: There were significant differences in all groups, the positive control group with a mean VEGF expression was 36.71%, first group was 7.64%, second group was 4.13%, third group was 22.8% and fourth group was 12.14%. P value all comparison was <0.05. The comparison of dose and bevacizumab subconjunctival injection administration time have P value <0.05. Conclusions: Bevacizumab subconjunctival injection therapy can reduce VEGF expression in corneal neovascularization that occurs in mice in chemical burn injury Mice Model, especially in the group given at a dose of 2.5 mg (0,01 ml) compared to a dose of 1.25 mg (0,05 ml), as well as in the group that received therapy more quickly (on the third day) after the chemical burn injury compared to the group with administration on the 10 th day after the injury.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042406
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bevacizumab, VEGF, Neovaskularisasi Kornea-Bevacizumab, VEGF, Corneal neovascularization
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Ilmu Kesehatan Mata, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 30 Jul 2024 05:04
Last Modified: 30 Jul 2024 05:04
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/225469
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