Analisis Efektivitas Subsidi Pupuk Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Produksi Jagung di Desa Jono Kecamatan Temayang Kabupaten Bojonegoro

Aisa, Siti Nurul and Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, M.S and Dr. Sujarwo, S.P, M.P (2024) Analisis Efektivitas Subsidi Pupuk Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Produksi Jagung di Desa Jono Kecamatan Temayang Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Saelaeh saetu faektoer penting yaeng mempengaeruhi proeduksi jaegung aedaelaeh penggunaeaen pupuk, keberaedaen daen pemaenfaeaetaennyae merupaekaen saelaeh saetu kebutuhaen utaemae daelaem peningkaetaen proeduksi jaegung. Pupuk jugae berperaen sebaegaei pemenuhaen nutrisi taenaemaen yaeng daepaet menunjaeng pertumbuhaen taenaemaen jaegung. Kebutuhaen aekaen pupuk semaekin haeri semaekin meningkaet, mengaekibaetkaen haergae pupuk yaeng kiaen melaembung menjaedikaen petaeni kesulitaen daelaem menjaelaenkaen usaehaetaeninyae. Oeleh kaerenaenyae, pemerintaeh terus mendoeroeng penggunaeaen pupuk yaeng efisien melaelui berbaegaei kebijaekaen meliputi aespek teknis, penyediaeaen daen distribusi maeupun haergae melaelui subsidi. kebijaekaen pupuk subsidi penting daelaem upaeyae menekaen haergae pupuk. Haergae pupuk yaeng maehael tentu aekaen berdaempaek paedae kemaempuaen daeyae beli petaeni. Ini jugae mengaekibaetkaen petaeni melaekukaen penguraengaen jumlaeh pemberiaen pupuk paedae taenaemaen jaegungnyae. Dengaen haergae pupuk yaeng maehael tersebut maekae petaeni tidaek memberikaen pupuk paedae taenaemaen yaeng tidaek sesuaei dengaen kebutuhaen pupuknyae. Hael ini tentu aekaen berdaempaek paedae haesil proeduksi yaeng daepaet menurun. Dengaen demikiaen, tidaek daepaet dipungkiri baehwae proeduksi jaegung saengaet bergaentung paedae ketersidaeaen pupuk terutaemae pupuk bersubsidi dengaen haergae yaeng muraeh sehinggae maempu dibeli petaeni. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Mengaenaelisis efektivitaes kebijaekaen subsidi pupuk berdaesaerkaen empaet indikaetoer keberhaesilaen subsidi pupuk di Desae Joenoe Kecaemaetaen Temaeyaeng Kaebupaeten Boejoenegoeroe. (2) Menganalisis pengaruh perubahan harga pupuk terhadap penggunaan pupuk di Desa Jono Kecamatan Temayang Kabupaten Bojonegoro. (3) Mengaenaelisis pengaeruh Efektivitaes subsidi pupuk terhaedaep proeduksi jaegung di Desae Joenoe Kecaemaetaen Temaeyaeng Kaebupaeten Bojoe nego e roe e Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas subsidi pupuk masih dikategorikan tidak efektiv berdasarkan indikator empat tepat yakni tepat harga, jumlah, waktu dan tempat. Dari empat indikator hanya tepat tempat yang dikategorikan sedangkan indikator tepat harga, jumlah dan waktu dikategorikan tidak efektiv. v Perubahan harga pupuk tidak mempengaruhi permintaan terhadap pupuk berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini. perubaehaen haergae pupuk ureae yaeng signifikaen tidaek diikuti oeleh perubaehaen kuaentitaes permintaeaen yaeng besaer. Hael ini disebaebkaen kaerenae raetae-raetae respoenden menggunaekaen pupuk ureae lebih baenyaek daeripaedae pupuk NPK sehinggae kenaeikaen haergae pupuk ureae tidaek menurunkaen permintaeaen pupuk ureae. Dengaen demikiaen waelaeupun terjaedi perubaehaen haergae pupuk ureae tidaek berpengaeruh besaer terhaedaep kebutuhaen petaeni daelaem menggunaekaen jumlaeh pupuk, naemun perubaehaen haergae aekaen berdaempaek paedae pengeluaeraen biaeyae input proeduksi pertaeniaen. Daeri haesil persaemaeaen tersebut, daepaet disimpulkaen baehwae efektivitaes kebijaekaen subsidi pupuk merupaekaen hael yaeng penting daelaem pemenuhaen kebutuhaen pupuk paedae petaeni yaeng aekaen berpengaeruh paedae pengeluaeraen biaeyae proeduksi petaeni. Efektivitaes haergae dipilih sebaegaei vaeribel yaeng mewaekili efektivitaes subsidi pupuk kaerenae eraet hubungaennyae dengaen ketepaetaen haergae ecereraen tertinggi (HET) pupuk subsidi yaeng diterimae oeleh respoenden. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan respoenden yaeng mendaepaetkaen haergae pupuk subsidi yaeng efektiv menghaesilkaen proeduksi jaegung yaeng lebih baenyaek daeri paedae yaeng tidaek efektiv. respoenden yaeng mendaepaetkaen pupuk dengaen tepaet haergae aetaeu saemae dengaen HET maekae respoenden daepaet menggunaekaen pupuk sesuaei dengaen doesis yaeng tepaet taenpae haerus menggaenti, menaembaeh aetaeu baehkaen menguraengi jumlaeh pupuk yaeng digunaekaen. Jikae doesis tepaet maekae penggunaeaen pupuk terseraep oeptimael yaeng aekaen meningkaetkaen jumlaeh haesil proeduksi jaegung. Dengaen demikiaen daepaet diaembil kesimpulaen baehwae efektivitaes kebijaekaen subsidi pupuk penting gunae peningkaetaen proeduksi jaegung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, saran yang dapat dikemukakan adalah: guna meningkatkan produksi jagung yang lebih baik, yakni dengan lebih memperhatikan efektivitas dari kebijakan subsidi pupuk terutama dari segi harga yang diterima pada Tingkat petani. Selain hal itu perlu diperhatikan juga jumlah dan waktu diterimanya pupuk pada petani agar petani dapat menggunakan jumlah pupuk yang tepat dan berimbang serta setiap saat petani membutuhkan pupuk tersedia guna didapatkannya hasil produksi jagung yang optimal.

English Abstract

One of the important factors influencing maize production is the use of fertilizers; their presence and utilization are essential in increasing maize production. Fertilizers also play a role in providing plant nutrients that support maize growth. The demand for fertilizers is increasing day by day, leading to soaring fertilizer prices, which in turn make it difficult for farmers to sustain their operations. Therefore, the government continues to promote efficient fertilizer use through various policies, including technical aspects, provision, distribution, and pricing through subsidies. Subsidized fertilizer policies are crucial in efforts to control fertilizer prices. Expensive fertilizer prices undoubtedly affect farmers' purchasing power, leading them to reduce the amount of fertilizer applied to their maize crops. Due to these high fertilizer prices, farmers may refrain from applying fertilizer to crops that do not meet their fertilizer needs, consequently reducing their production yields. Thus, it is undeniable that maize production heavily depends on the availability of fertilizers, especially subsidized ones priced affordably for farmers to purchase. The objectives of this research are as follows: (1) To analyze the effectiveness of fertilizer subsidy policies based on four indicators of fertilizer subsidy success in Jono Village, Temayang Subdistrict, Bojonegoro Regency. (2)To analyze the influence of fertilizer price changes on fertilizer usage in Jono Village, Temayang Subdistrict, Bojonegoro Regency. (3) To analyze the impact of fertilizer subsidy effectiveness on maize production in Jono Village, Temayang Subdistrict, Bojonegoro Regency. The research findings indicate that the effectiveness of fertilizer subsidies is categorized as ineffective based on the four precise indicators: price adequacy, quantity, timing, and location. Among these indicators, only location adequacy is categorized as effective, whereas price adequacy, quantity, and timing are categorized as ineffective. The change in fertilizer prices does not affect fertilizer demand according to the findings of this study. Significant price increases in urea fertilizer are not accompanied by large changes in quantity demanded. This is because, on average, respondents use more urea fertilizer compared to NPK fertilizer, so the increase in urea fertilizer prices does not reduce urea fertilizer demand. Therefore, although changes in urea fertilizer prices do not greatly influence farmers' fertilizer usage quantities, price changes will impact agricultural input cost expenditures. From these equation results, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of fertilizer subsidy policies is crucial in meeting farmers' fertilizer needs, which in turn affects farmers' production cost expenditures. The effectiveness of price was selected as the variable representing the effectiveness of fertilizer subsidies due to its close relationship with the accuracy of the highest retail price (HET) of subsidized fertilizers received by respondents. The research findings indicate that respondents receiving effectively priced subsidized fertilizers yield higher maize production compared to those receiving ineffective prices. Respondents receiving fertilizers at the accurate or HET price are able to use fertilizers at the correct dosage without needing to adjust, add, or even reduce the amount of fertilizer used. When the dosage is correct, fertilizer vii utilization is optimized, leading to increased maize production yields. Thus, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of fertilizer subsidy policies is crucial for enhancing maize production. Based on the research findings, the recommendations that can be proposed are as follows: to enhance maize production effectively, it is crucial to pay closer attention to the effectiveness of fertilizer subsidy policies, particularly in terms of the prices received at the farmer level. Additionally, it is important to consider the quantity and timing of fertilizer distribution to farmers so that they can use the appropriate and balanced amount of fertilizer. Ensuring the availability of fertilizer at all times is also essential for farmers to achieve optimal maize production yields.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042404
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 30 Jul 2024 03:25
Last Modified: 30 Jul 2024 03:25
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