Optimasi Ukuran Partikel, Konsentrasi HCl, dan Konsentrasi CaCl2 Terhadap Karakteristik Fisikokimia Alginat dari Rumput Laut Cokelat Turbinaria conoides

Anugrah, Ghalis Akmal and Dr. Ir. Muhamad Firdaus, MP (2024) Optimasi Ukuran Partikel, Konsentrasi HCl, dan Konsentrasi CaCl2 Terhadap Karakteristik Fisikokimia Alginat dari Rumput Laut Cokelat Turbinaria conoides. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Alginat merupakan polisakarida yang menjadi struktur komponen dari rumput laut cokelat, dimana 40% alginat terdapat di dalam getah intraselular dan dinding sel rumput laut cokelat dengan sifat yang tidak dapat larut dalam kalsium, magnesium, potassium, dan garam sodium. Alginat merupakan senyawa heteropolisakarida dari hasil pembentukan rantai monomer asam manuronat dan asam guluronat. Terdapat dua metode ekstraksi alginat yang dapat dilakukan, yaitu metode asam dengan bantuan asam klorida (HCl) pada proses perendaman dan metode kalsium dengan bantuan kalsium klorida (CaCl2). Alginat dapat diaplikasikan sebagai pengemulsi dan penstabil pada produk pangan, pengental, adsorben ion-ion logam, industri tekstil, kertas, farmasi, kedokteran, dan industri kosmetik. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2024 hingga Mei 2024 di Laboratorium Teknologi Hasil Perikanan Divisi Perekayasaan Hasil Perikanan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu eksperimental dengan dua tahapan yaitu penelitian pendahuluan dan penelitian utama. Ekstraksi alginat dilakukan menggunakan jalur kalsium. Penelitian pendahuluan dilakukan untuk mencari batas bawah dan batas atas, berdasarkan hasil uji alginat yang menghasilkan viskositas sesuai standar FCC, yaitu 10-5.000 cPs. Kemudian, hasil dimasukkan ke dalam aplikasi Design Expert 13 untuk mendapatkan titik tengah dan formulasi untuk penelitian utama. Penelitian utama dilakukan untuk mencari titik optimum berdasarkan formulasi yang telah ditentukan dari 3 variabel bebas berupa ukuran partikel, konsentrasi HCl, dan konsentrasi CaCl2. Penelitian utama dilakukan menggunakan metode RSM (Response Surface Method) dengan tipe BBD (BoxBehnken Design) pada aplikasi Design Expert 13. Penelitian utama terdiri dari lima tahap, yaitu rancangan formulasi, penetapan dan uji formulasi, analisis respon, optimasi, dan verifikasi. Variabel terikat pada penelitian ini yaitu viskositas, rendemen, kadar air, kadar abu, kadar abu tak larut asam, kadar lemak, kadar protein, dan derajat putih. Penentuan gugus fungsional alginat dilakukan menggunakan analisis FTIR-ATR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan viskositas, rendemen, dan kadar air menunjukkan nilai 20,21 cPs-39 cPs, 48,67%-60,48%, 7%-10% sehingga masuk rentang standar FCC. Kadar abu menunjukkan nilai 67%-76% sehingga tidak masuk standar FCC. Respon lain berupa kadar abu tak larut asam, kadar lemak, protein, derajat putih dan derajat keasaman menunjukkan nilai 2,5%-10,7%, 0,05%-0,93%, 0,69%-1,3%, 61,52-76,21, dan 6-8,5. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut terkait optimasi ini agar keempat nilai respon masuk standar FCC.

English Abstract

Alginate is a polysaccharide which is a structural component of brown seaweed, where 40% of alginate is found in the intracellular sap and cell walls of brown seaweed with the property of being insuluble in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium salts. Alginate is a heteropolysaccharide compound resulting from the formation of monomer chains of mannuronic acid and guluronic acid. There are two alginate extraction methods that can be carried out, namely the acid method with the help of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the soaking process and the calcium method with the help of calcium chloride (CaCl2). Alginate can be applied as an emulsifier and stabilizer in food products, thickener, metal ion adsorbent, textile, paper, pharmaceutical, medical, and cosmetic industries. The research was carried out from January 2024 to May 2024 at the Fisheries Products Technology Laboratory, Fisheries Products Engineering Division. The research method used is experimental with two stages, namely preliminary research and main research. Alginate extraction is carried out using the calcium pathway. Preliminary research was carried out to find the lower and upper limits, based on the alginate test results which produced a viscosity according to FCC standards, namely 10-5.000 cPs. Then, the results are entered into the Design Expert 13 application to obtain the midpoint and formulation for the main research. The main research was carried out to find the optimum point based on a formulation that had been determined from 3 independent variables in the form of particle size, HCl concentration, and CaCl2 concentration. The main research was carried out using the RSM (Response Surface Method) with the BBD (Box-Behnken Design) type in the Design Expert 13 application. The main research consisted of five stages, namely formulation design, formulation determination and testing, response analysis, optimization and verification. The dependent variables in this research are viscosity, yield, water content, ash content, acid insoluble ash content, fat content, protein content, and whiteness. Determination of alginate functional groups was carried out using FTIR-ATR analysis. The research results showed that the viscosity, yield and water content showed values of 20,21 cPs-39 cPs, 48,67%-60,48%, 7%-10%, so they fall into the FCC standard range. The ash content shows a value of 67% -76% so it does not meet FCC standards. Other responses in the form of acid insoluble ash content, fat content, protein, whiteness and pH showed values of 2,5%-10,7%, 0,05%-0,93%, 0,69%-1,3%, 61,52-76,21, and 6-8,5. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that further research needs to be carried out regarding this optimization so that the four response values enter the FCC standard.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524080303
Divisions: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Teknologi Hasil Perikanan
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 23 Aug 2024 03:33
Last Modified: 23 Aug 2024 03:33
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/224519
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