Rachmansyah, Achmad Yudis and Dr. Eng, Devi Nuralinah, ST., MT. and Ir. Indra Waluyohadi, ST., MT., M.Sc., IPM. (2024) Pengaruh Variasi Kadar Integral Waterproofing Conplast WP421 terhadap Sifat Mekanik Beton dengan Kondisi Basah. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Beton merupakan elemen utama dalam pembangunan infrastruktur. Beton sendiri merupakan campuran antara semen, kerikil, pasir, dan air, serta dapat diberi bahan tambah lainnya (admixture). Beton memiliki kelemahan pada permeabilitas dan absorpsi air sehingga dapat mengurangi umur layanan dan kekuatan beton. Air akan meresap melalui pori-pori beton sehingga kualitasnya akan menurun. Kondisi ini akan semakin buruk pada daerah yang terendam air atau daerah rawan banjir. Untuk membantu beton melawan kekurangan ini maka dapat digunakan admixture untuk memperbaiki kekurangan beton tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan admixture Conplast WP421. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan Conplast WP421 terhadap sifat mekanik beton terutama kuat tekan, absorpsi, dan modulus elastisitas beton setelah direndam selama 28 hari melalui pengujian di laboratorium. Pengujian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode eksperimental. Benda uji yang digunakan yaitu silinder berukuran 15 x 30 cm mutu 25 MPa sejumlah 12 buah silinder dengan variasi presentase integral Conplast WP421 0 L/m serta tiga buah silinder untuk uji absorpsi. Benda uji yang telah dibuat akan direndam air selama 28 hari untuk mensimulasikan kondisi beton pada daerah yang tergenang air seperti banjir dan lainnya. Parameter utama yang diambil dari hasil pengujian yaitu berupa hasil uji kuat tekan, modulus elastisitas, dan absorpsi beton. Ketiga parameter tersebut diambil karena dapat menentukan sifat akhir beton yang telah diberi integral. 3 3 , 1,75 L/m , dan 3,5 L/m 3 Hasil pengujian kuat tekan saat beton berumur 28 hari menunjukkan rata-rata kuat tekan beton dengan kadar 0 L/m berturut-turut memiliki nilai sebesar 28,99 MPa, 25,33 MPa, dan 18,98 MPa. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan kadar 1,75 L/m 3 3 , 1,75 L/m , dan 3,5 L/m 3 3 dapat digunakan dan sudah memenuhi mutu 25 MPa. Nilai absorpsi beton yang telah diberi cairan Conplast WP421 dan direndam selama 28 hari cenderung menurun. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan presentase penurunan nilai absorpsi pada kadar 1,75 L/m dan 3,5 L/m 3 3 berada di angka 33,58% dan 47,70% dari beton normal pada umur yang sama. Pengujian ini menunjukkan penambahan cairan Conplast WP421 cukup efektif untuk menghambat penyerapan beton terhadap air pada saat direndam. Pada pengujian modulus elastisitas setelah dihitung menggunakan cara ASTM C 469-02, beton dengan kadar Conplast WP421 sebanyak 0 L/m memiliki nilai modulus elastisitas berturut-turut yaitu sebesar 33057 MPa, 31259 MPa, dan 29498 MPa. Sedangkan melalui perhitungan SNI 2847:2019 nilai modulus elastisitas berada di angka 25274 MPa, 23630 MPa, dan 20416 MPa. Hasil pengujian ini menunjukkan semakin bertambah kadar Conplast WP421 maka akan semakin menurun modulus elastisitasnya.
English Abstract
Concrete is a key element in the construction of infrastructure. Concrete itself is a mixture of hydrolyzed cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water, and can be added with other admixture. Concrete has weaknesses in water permeability and absorption, which can reduce its service life and strength. Water will seep through the pores of concrete, causing its quality to decrease. This situation will worsen in flood-prone regions. To mitigate these shortcomings, admixtures can be used. The admixture used in this study is Conplast WP421. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of adding Conplast WP421 on the mechanical properties of concrete, especially compressive strength, absorption, and modulus of elasticity of concrete after being submerged for 28 days through laboratory testing. This test is carried out using experimental methods. The test object used was a 15 x 30 cm 25 MPa cylinder consisting of 12 cylinders with integral concentration variations of Conplast WP421 0 L/m as well as three cylinders for absorption testing. The test objects that have been made will be submerged in water for 28 days to simulate the condition of concrete in waterlogged areas such as floods zones and so on. The main parameters taken from the test results are the pressure strength test results, modulus of elasticity, and the absorption of concrete. These three parameters are taken because they can determine the ultimate properties of the treated concrete. 3 3 , 1,75 L/m , and 3,5 L/ m 3 The compressive strength test results at 28 days indicated that the average compressive strength of concrete with dosages of 0 L/m were 28,99 MPa, 25,33 MPa, and 18,98 MPa, respectively. This indicates that the addition of 1,75 L/m 3 3 , 1,75 L/m , and 3,5 L/m 3 dosage can be utilized and meets the quality requirement of 25 MPa. The absorption rate of concrete treated with Conplast WP421 admixture and submerged for 28 days showed a tendency to decrease. Test results revealed that the percentage reduction in absorption rates at dosages of 1,75 L/m 3 were 33,58% and 47,70%, respectively compared to normal concrete of the same age. This test indicates that the addition of Conplast WP421 admixture effectively inhibits water absorption by concrete when submerged. In the modulus of elasticity test after being calculated using the ASTM C 469-02 method, concrete with Conplast WP421 dosages of 0 L/m 3 and 3,5 L/m 3 had modulus of elasticity values of 33057 MPa, 31259 MPa, and 29498 MPa, respectively. Meanwhile, through calculations according to SNI 2847:2019, the modulus of elasticity values were 25274 MPa, 23630 MPa, and 20416 MPa, respectively. These test results indicate that a higher dosage of Conplast WP421 leads to a greater decrease in elastic modulus.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052407 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Beton, kuat tekan, modulus elastisitas, absorpsi, Conplast WP421.-Concrete, Compressive Strength, Modulus of Elasticity, Absorption, Conplast WP421 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username nova |
Date Deposited: | 23 Aug 2024 06:25 |
Last Modified: | 23 Aug 2024 06:25 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/224464 |
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