Komposisi Hasil Tangkapan Purse Seine Dua Kapal Berdasarkan Lokasi Penangkapan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Prigi

Shidqi, Mohammad Hafizh and Dr. Ir. Tri Djoko Lelono,, M. Si and Wahida Kartika Sari,, S. Pi, M. Si (2024) Komposisi Hasil Tangkapan Purse Seine Dua Kapal Berdasarkan Lokasi Penangkapan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Prigi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia dengan luas laut mencapai 5,8 juta km2 . Indonesia memiliki 2000 dari 7000 spesies ikan keseluruhan yang ada di dunia dengan potensi perikanan tangkap mencapai 6,4 juta ton pertahun. Terletak di pantai selatan Jawa Timur dengan garis pantai sepanjang 96 km, Trenggalek memiliki 3 teluk besar dengan teluk terbesar yaitu Teluk Prigi. Teluk Prigi memiliki luas Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif sekitar 35.424 km2 dan memiliki Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Prigi yang menjadi salah satu pelabuhan dengan pendaratan ikan terbesar di Indonesia. PPN Prigi memiliki 5 jenis alat tangkap utama, alat tangkap purse seine merupakan alat tangkap dominan kedua dengan presentase sebesar 16%. Dominasi alat tangkap purse seine ini dipengaruhi oleh waktu operasional yang cukup singkat (one day fishing) dan dapat menghasilkan tangkapan dalam jumlah besar. Purse seine di Prigi termasuk kedalam alat tangkap penghasil tangkapan terbanyak dengan 93,93%. Daerah penangkapan purse seine dua kapal Prigi berada pada wilayah koordinat 8°-9° LS dan 111°-113° BT, wilayah ini mempunyai potensi sumber daya ikan melimpah dan bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis ikan hasil tangkapan purse seine dua kapal Prigi berdasarkan lokasi penangkapan, mengetahui komposisi ikan hasil tangkapan purse seine dua kapal Prigi berdasarkan lokasi penangkapan, mengetahui nilai indeks keanekaragaman, keseragaman, dan dominasi dari ikan hasil tangkapan purse seine dua kapal Prigi berdasarkan lokasi penangkapan. serta memetakan lokasi penangkapan alat tangkap purse seine dua kapal Prigi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari – Maret 2024 di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Prigi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui buku Market Fishes of Indonesia, Website FishBase, dan studi pustaka. Hasil tangkapan alat tangkap purse seine dua kapal Prigi berdasarkan lokasi penangkapan yaitu terdiri dari ikan kategori pelagis kecil yang meliputi layang deles (Decapterus macrosoma), layang anggur (Decapterus kurroides), tongkol lisong (Auxis rochei), kembung lelaki (Restreliger kanagurta), lemuru (Sardinella lemuru), dan ikan tembang (Sardinella bracysoma). Ikan kategori pelagis besar meliputi tongkol krai (Auxis thazard), tongkol komo (Euthynnus affinis), cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis). Ikan demersal yaitu ikan slengseng (Scomber australasicus). Data komposisi hasil tangkapan alat tangkap purse seine dua kapal Prigi berdasarkan lokasi penangkapan didapatkan 10 jenis spesies ikan dengan jumlah total tangkapan sebanyak 349.830 ekor Ikan. Komposisi hasil tangkapan didominasi oleh ikan layang deles (Decapterus macrosoma) sebesar 32,15%, tongkol lisong (Auxis rochei) 25,02%, lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) 18,83%, tembang (Sardinella bracysoma) 12,61%, layang anggur (Decapterus kurroides) 8,18%, cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) 1,04%, tongkol komo (Euthynnus affinis) 0,64%, slengseng (Scomber australasicus) 0,63% tongkol krai (Auxis thazard) 0,62% dan ikan kembung lelaki (Restreliger kanagurta) 0,28%. Perhitungan nilai indeks keanekaragaman didapatkan nilai keanekaragaman (H’) sebesar 1,652 dan termasuk kedalam kriteria indeks keanekaragaman dengan kategori sedang. Perhitungan nilai indeks keseragaman didapatkan nilai keseragaman (E) sebesar 0,717 dan dikategorikan kedalam indeks keseragaman tinggi. Perhitungan nilai indeks dominasi hasil didapatkan nilai indeks dominasi (D) sebesar 0,224 yang termasuk kedalam kategori indeks dominasi rendah. Peta lokasi penangkapan alat tangkap purse seine dua kapal Prigi didapatkan 52 titik lokasi penangkapan yang wilayah penangkapan perairan Munjungan, perairan Prigi, perairan Popoh, perairan Sine, dan perairan Blitar. Wilayah penangkapan perairan Munjungan didapatkan 2 kategori ikan dengan 4 jenis spesies ikan yang didominasi ikan lemuru sebesar 74,36%. Perairan Prigi didapatkan 3 kategori ikan dengan 9 jenis spesies ikan yang didominasi ikan layang deles sebesar 36,52%. Perairan Popoh didapatkan 2 kategori ikan dengan 5 jenis spesies ikan yang didominasi ikan tongkol lisong sebesar 57,36%. Perairan Sine didapatkan 2 kategori ikan dengan 4 jenis spesies ikan yang didominasi ikan layang deles sebesar 49,20%, dan perairan Blitar didapatkan 1 jenis spesies hasil tangkapan ikan pelagis kecil berupa layang deles dengan 32.130 ekor ikan.

English Abstract

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world with a sea area of 5.8 million km2. Indonesia has 2000 of the 7000 fish species in the world with a potential for capture fisheries reaching 6.4 million tons per year. Located on the south coast of East Java with a coastline of 96 km, Trenggalek has 3 large bays with the largest bay being Prigi Bay. Prigi Bay has an Exclusive Economic Zone area of around 35,424 km2 and has the Prigi Archipelago Fisheries Port (PPN) which is one of the largest fish landing ports in Indonesia. PPN Prigi has 5 main types of fishing gear, purse seine fishing gear is the second dominant fishing gear with a percentage of 16%. The dominance of the purse seine fishing gear is influenced by the relatively short operational time (one day fishing) and can produce large catches. Purse seine in Prigi is included in the fishing gear that produces the most catches with 93.93%. The purse seine fishing area of the two Prigi vessels is in the coordinate area of 8°-9° South Latitude and 111°-113° East Longitude. This area has the potential for abundant fish resources and high economic value. This research aims to determine the types of fish caught in the purse seine of the two Prigi vessels based on the location of the catch, to determine the composition of the fish caught by the purse seine of the two Prigi vessels based on the location of the catch, to determine the diversity, uniformity and dominance index values of the fish caught by the purse seine of the two Prigi vessels. based on arrest location. as well as mapping the location of the purse seine fishing gear of the two Prigi vessels. This research was conducted in January – March 2024 at the Prigi Archipelago Fisheries Port (PPN). The method used in this research is a quantitative descriptive method. The data collection method was carried out using primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. Secondary data obtained through the book Market Fishes of Indonesia, the FishBase Website, and literature study. The catch of the purse seine fishing equipment of the two Prigi vessels based on the fishing location consisted of fish in the small pelagic category which included deles kite (Decapterus macrosoma), grape kite (Decapterus kurroides), lisong tuna (Auxis rochei), male mackerel (Restreliger kanagurta), lemuru (Sardinella lemuru), and tembang fish (Sardinella bracysoma). Fish in the large pelagic category include krai tuna (Auxis thazard), komo tuna (Euthynnus affinis), skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis). The demersal fish is the slengseng fish (Scomber australasicus). Data on the composition of catches from purse seine fishing gear from two Prigi vessels based on fishing location showed 10 types of fish species with a total catch of 349,830 fish. The composition of the catch was dominated by deles gliding fish (Decapterus macrosoma) at 32.15%, lisong tuna (Auxis rochei) 25.02%, lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) 18.83%, tembang (Sardinella bracysoma) 12.61%, layang grapes (Decapterus kurroides) 8.18%, skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) 1.04%, komo cob (Euthynnus affinis) 0.64%, slengseng (Scomber australasicus) 0.63% krai cob (Auxis thazard) 0.62% and male mackerel (Restreliger kanagurta) 0.28%. Calculating the diversity index value, the diversity value (H') is 1.652 and is included in the diversity index criteria in the medium category. Calculating the uniformity index value obtained a uniformity value (E) of 0.717 and was categorized into a high uniformity index. Calculating the dominance index value results in a dominance index value (D) of 0.224 which is included in the low dominance index category. A map of the fishing locations for purse seine fishing gear on two Prigi vessels found 52 fishing locations in the Munjungan waters, Prigi waters, Popoh waters, Sine waters and Blitar waters. In the Munjungan waters fishing area, 2 categories of fish were found with 4 types of fish species, dominated by lemuru fish at 74.36%. In Prigi waters, 3 categories of fish were found with 9 types of fish species, dominated by deles flying fish at 36.52%. In Popoh waters, 2 categories of fish were found with 5 types of fish species, dominated by Lisong tuna at 57.36%. In Sine waters, there were 2 categories of fish with 4 types of fish species, dominated by deles kites at 49.20%, and in Blitar waters, there was 1 type of small pelagic fish caught in the form of deles kites with 32,130 fish.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052408
Divisions: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan dan Kelautan
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 21 Aug 2024 04:13
Last Modified: 21 Aug 2024 04:13
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/224419
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