Perubahan Body Image Terhadap Pemberian Perawatan Kecantikan Lash Lift and Tint Pada Wanita Dewasa Awal di Kota Malang

Aurelia, Shella and Dr. Yati Sri Hayati, S.Kp., M, Kes and Ns. Akhiyan Hadi Susanto, S.Kep, M.Biomed (2024) Perubahan Body Image Terhadap Pemberian Perawatan Kecantikan Lash Lift and Tint Pada Wanita Dewasa Awal di Kota Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Masa dewasa awal merupakan peralihan dari masa remaja ke masa dewasa yang ditandai dengan proses eksperimen dan eksplorasi untuk mencapai body image ideal sesuai dengan tugas perkembangannya. Perawatan kecantikan Lash Lift and Tint adalah salah satu cara yang dilakukan agar dapat mencapai body image ideal bagi wanita usia dewasa awal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan body image wanita dewasa awal di Kota Malang sebelum dan sesudah pemberian perawatan kecantikan Lash Lift and Tint. Desain penelitian menggunakan rancangan penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi experimental) dengan pendekatan pre-post-test without control group. Responden penelitian adalah wanita dewasa awal di Kota Malang sebanyak 20 orang yang diperoleh menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling dengan pendekatan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mengisi kuesioner body image sebelum perawatan kecantikan (pre-test) dan sesudah perawatan kecantikan (post-test). Analisis data menggunakan uji t dua sampel berpasangan (paired sample t Test). Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai ratarata post-test lebih besar dari pre-test, dan hasil analisis data didapatkan p-value (0,000) < α (0,05), sehingga H0 diterima, yang artinya terdapat perubahan yang signifikan body image wanita dewasa awal sebelum dan sesudah perawatan kecantikan Lash Lift and Tint. Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa perawatan kecantikan Lash Lift and Tint dapat meningkatkan body image wanita dewasa awal. Dengan demikian, hasil penilitian ini dapat referensi dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan perawatan kecantikan Lash Lift and Tint dengan memperhatikan aspek-aspek body image.

English Abstract

Early adulthood is a transition from adolescence to adulthood which is marked by a process of experimentation and exploration to achieve the ideal body image in accordance with developmental tasks. Lash Lift and Tint beauty treatment is one way to achieve the ideal body image for women in early adulthood. This study aims to determine changes in body image of early adult women in Malang City before and after giving Lash Lift and Tint beauty treatments. The research design uses a quasi-experimental research design with a pre-post-test approach without control group. The research respondents were 20 early adult women in Malang City who were obtained using a non-probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out by filling out a body image questionnaire before beauty treatment and after beauty treatment. Data analysis used a paired sample t test (paired sample t test). The results of the research showed that the average post-test value was greater than the pre-test, and the results of data analysis showed that the p-value (0.000) < α (0.05), so that H0 was accepted, which means there was a significant change in the body image of adult women. The research conclusion is that Lash Lift and Tint beauty treatments can improve the body image of early adult women. Thus, the results of this research can be a reference in improving the quality of Lash Lift and Tint beauty care services by paying attention to aspects of body image

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052416
Uncontrolled Keywords: Body image, Wanita Dewasa Awal, Lash Lift and Tint-Body image, Early Adult Women, Lash Lift and Tint
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan > Ilmu Keperawatan, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 19 Jul 2024 02:06
Last Modified: 19 Jul 2024 02:06
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