Sholihuddin, Muhammad Afif and Dr. Ir. Hari Siswoyo, ST., MT., IPM., ASEAN Eng. and Emma Yuliani, ST., MT., Ph.D. (2024) Penilaian Tingkat Kerentanan Air Tanah Terhadap Pencemaran dengan Menggunakan Metode SINTACS dan Metode DRASTIC di Kecamatan Sumobito Kabupaten Jombang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kecamatan Sumobito merupakan sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Jombang yang terdiri dari 21 Desa dan berpenduduk sebanyak 91.568 jiwa dengan luas wilayah total sebesar 47,64 km2. Sektor industri Kecamatan Sumobito berkembang cukup pesat dimana ditandai dengan kontribusi yang diberikan secara signifikan. Perkembangan tersebut justru memicu dampak negatif terhadap air tanah. Pada umumnya potensi kerentanan air tanah terhadap pencemaran di Kecamatan Sumobito disebabkan oleh pengelolaan limbah industri yang kurang baik. Hal tersebut terjadi pada beberapa pabrik di kecamatan sumobito, seperti pabrik tahu di Desa Brudu, pabrik plastik di Desa Plosokerep dan pabrik daur ulang karung di Desa Plemahan yang membuang limbahnya langsung ke Sungai maupun saluran drainase. Penilaian kerentanan air tanah terhadap pencemaran merupakan langkah yang tepat untuk dilakukan dalam usaha perlindungan kualitas air tanah dimana hasil dari penilaian nantinya dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan dalam upaya pencegahan pencemaran air tanah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode SINTACS dan metode DRASTIC berdasarkan parameter-parameter hidrogeologinya. Metode Sintacs berdasarkan parameter kedalaman muka air tanah (S), laju infiltrasi (I), kondisi zona tak jenuh (N), tekstur tanah (T), media akuifer (A), konduktivitas hidraulik (C), kemiringan lereng (S). Metode Drastic berdasarkan parameter kedalaman muka air tanah (D), curah hujan (R), media akuifer (A), tekstur tanah (S), kemiringan lereng (T), pengaruh zona tak jenuh (I), dan konduktivitas hidraulik (C). Penilaian setiap parameter masing-masing metode berdasarkan nilai bobot dan nilai skor dimana kedua nilai tersebut menunjukkan besarnya pengaruh terhadap kerentanan atau potensi pencemaran air tanah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 6 bulan (Bulan Juli 2023 – Bulan November 2023) di setiap minggu pertama pada setiap bulannya dengan mengkaji 23 titik sumur gali.
English Abstract
Sumobito District is a sub-district in Jombang Regency which consists of 21 villages and has a population of 91,568 people with a total area of 47.64 km2. The industrial sector of Sumobito District is developing quite rapidly, which is marked by significant contributions. This development actually triggers a negative impact on groundwater. In general, the potential vulnerability of groundwater to pollution in Sumobito District is caused by poor industrial waste management. This happens to several factories in Sumobito sub-district, such as the tofu factory in Brudu Village, the plastic factory in Plosokerep Village and the sack recycling factory in Pringan Village which dumps its waste directly into the river or drainage channel. An assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution is an appropriate step to take in efforts to protect groundwater quality where the results of the assessment can later be used as material for consideration in efforts to prevent groundwater pollution. This research was carried out using the SINTACS method and the DRASTIC method based on hydrogeological parameters. The Syntacs method is based on the parameters of groundwater level depth (S), infiltration rate (I), unsaturated zone conditions (N), soil texture (T), aquifer media (A), hydraulic conductivity (C), slope slope (S). The Drastic method is based on the parameters of groundwater level depth (D), rainfall (R), aquifer media (A), soil texture (S), slope slope (T), influence of the unsaturated zone (I), and hydraulic conductivity (C) . The assessment of each parameter for each method is based on the weight value and score value, where these two values indicate the magnitude of the influence on the vulnerability or potential for groundwater pollution. This research was carried out for 6 months (July 2023 – November 2023) in the first week of each month by examining 23 dug well points.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0524070192 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Air Tanah, Kerentanan, Pencemaran, Metode SINTACS, Metode DRASTIC |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username nova |
Date Deposited: | 28 Aug 2024 07:13 |
Last Modified: | 28 Aug 2024 07:13 |
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