Reliabilitas Interobserver Pada Pengukuran Tinggi Patella Populasi Dewasa Normal Di Indonesia

Suhaedy, dr. Satria Prabawa Perkasa and Dr. dr. Edi Mustamsir, SpOT(K) and dr. Irma Darinafitri, Sp.Rad (K) (2024) Reliabilitas Interobserver Pada Pengukuran Tinggi Patella Populasi Dewasa Normal Di Indonesia. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Patella merupakan tulang yang berperan penting dalam berbagai gerakan fisiologis sendi lutut. Letak dan posisi patella seperti patellar height, patellar shift, dan patellar tilt menyebabkan patella memiliki fungsi biomekanikal untuk meningkatkan dan memusatkan gaya tarik dari otot quadriceps. Dan diantara pengukuran tersebut, patellar height menjadi faktor yang penting untuk diketahui karena dapat menjadi faktor predisposisi terjadinya berbagai kelainan pada sendi lutut. Terdapat banyak metode untuk mengukur patellar height, namun hingga saat ini, banyak penelitian yang berusaha membandingkan berbagai teknik perhitungan patellar height, namun masih belum ada teknik yang diakui sebagai pilihan utama untuk mengukur ketinggian patella yang paling reliabel dan akurat di Indonesia. Metode Metode penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengambil data primer pada sample yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Penilaian bentuk patella pada sendi lutut dilakukan melalui foto X-ray lateral view lutut. Patellar height selanjutnya diukur oleh 3 observer yang tersertivikasi dengan menggunakan metode Insall-Salvati, rasio modified Insall-Salvati, indeks CatonDeschamps, dan indeks Blackburne-Peel. Data kemudian dilakukan uji deskriptif untuk mencari nilai rata – rata dan selanjutnya data diolah dan dilakukan uji reliabilitas dengan menggunakan Interclass Corellation Coefficients (ICC) pada program Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). Hasil Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan Patellar height menggunakan metode Insall salvati memiliki rata – rata sebesar 1,152 ± 0,141, metode Modified insall salvati rata – rata sebesar 1,817 ± 0,302, metode Caton deschamps rata – rata 1,215 ± 0,188, dan Blackburne peel index 0,974 ± 0,085. Dengan metode Blackburne-peel index memiliki reliabiltias yang paling tinggi yaitu 0,9. Diskusi Pemeriksaan menggunakan Blackburne-Peel dapat diigunakan pada semua kondisi normal maupun abnormal dan tetap memiliki kecenderungan hasil yang konstan apabila dibandingakn dengan metode pengukuran yang lain. Selain itu, Blackburne-Peel merupakan yang paling mudah diaplikasikan dan selalu mendapatkan hasil yang konsisten dalam mengukur tinggi patella Kesimpulan Metode pengukuran Blackburne-Peel memiliki reliabilitas lebih tinggi diantara metode pengukuran yang lain.

English Abstract

The patella is a bone that plays an important role in various physiological movements of the knee joint. The location and position of the patella, such as patellar height, patellar shift, and patellar tilt, cause the patella to have a biomechanical function to increase and concentrate the tensile force of the quadriceps muscle. Among these measurement methods, patellar height is an important factor to know because it can be a predisposing factor for various abnormalities in the knee joint. There are many methods for measuring patellar height, but to date, many studies have attempted to compare various patellar height calculation techniques, but there is still no technique that is recognized as the main choice for measuring the most reliable and accurate patellar height in Indonesia. Method This research method was carried out by taking primary data from samples that met the inclusion criteria. Sampling in this study used a purposive sampling technique. Assessment of the shape of the patella in the knee joint is carried out through X-ray lateral views of the knee. Patellar height was then measured by three certified observers using the Insall-Salvati method, modified Insall-Salvati ratio, CatonDeschamps index, and Blackburne-Peel index. The data was then subjected to a descriptive test to find the average value and then the data was processed and a reliability test was carried out using Interclass Corellation Coefficients (ICC) in the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) program. Results From the research results, it was found that the patellar height using the Insall Salvati method had an average of 1.152 ± 0.141, the modified Insall Salvati method had an average of 1.817 ± 0.302, the Caton Deschamps method had an average of 1.215 ± 0.188, and the Blackburne peel index was 0.974 ± 0.085. With the Blackburne-peel index method, it has the highest reliability, namely 0.9. Discussion Examination using Blackburne-Peel can be used in all normal and abnormal conditions and still has a tendency for constant results when compared with other measurement methods. In addition, Blackburne-Peel is the easiest to apply and always produces consistent results in measuring patellar height. Conclusion The Blackburne-Peel measurement method has higher reliability compared to other measurement methods.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0424060049
Uncontrolled Keywords: Patellar height, Insall-Salvati, rasio modified Insall-Salvati, indeks CatonDeschamps, dan indeks Blackburne-Peel, Reliability
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Orthopedi dan Traumatologi, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2024 04:46
Last Modified: 15 Jul 2024 04:46
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