Hubungan Faktor Determinan Epilepsi Dengan Gangguan Kualitas Tidur Pada Pasien Epilepsi Yang Berobat Di Klinik Rawat Jalan Rsud Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang

Rivaldy, dr. Fransiscus and Dr. dr. Machlusil Husna, Sp.S (K) and dr. Catur Ari Setianto, Sp.S (K) and Dr. dr. Tita Hariyanti, M. Kes (2024) Hubungan Faktor Determinan Epilepsi Dengan Gangguan Kualitas Tidur Pada Pasien Epilepsi Yang Berobat Di Klinik Rawat Jalan Rsud Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Sekitar 65 juta pasien di dunia menderita epilepsi, mempengaruhi 50 hingga 70 juta orang dan menyumbang 0,75% beban penyakit global. Epilepsi berdampak langsung pada tidur, dengan gangguan tidur menjadi pemicu kuat kejang, menurunkan kualitas hidup dan produktivitas kerja. Tujuan: Meneliti hubungan faktor risiko epilepsi dengan kualitas tidur pasien epilepsi di Malang, yang belum pernah diteliti di Indonesia Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain analitik dengan pendekatan crosssectional, mengukur faktor determinan dan kejadian gangguan tidur pada pasien epilepsi terkontrol dan tidak terkontrol secara bersamaan. Penelitian dilakukan di Poliklinik Neurologi RSUD Saiful Anwar Malang pada Oktober 2023-Maret 2024. Hasil: Uji Regresi Logistik menunjukkan variabel signifikan terhadap gangguan tidur adalah kontrol epilepsi (p = 0,001, OR = 8,364), frekuensi bangkitan 1-5x/bulan (p = 0,012), nocturnal seizure (p = 0,017), dan lokasi fokus epileptogenik (p = 0,036). Variabel lain (frekuensi bangkitan, ASM, durasi epilepsi, jenis kelamin, bentuk bangkitan, dan usia) tidak signifikan (p > 0,05). Lokasi fokus epileptogenik bihemisfer meningkatkan gangguan tidur 23,527 kali dibanding kelompok normal. Kesimpulan: Analisis penelitian menunjukkan hubungan antara kontrol epilepsi, lokasi lesi, dan nocturnal seizure dengan kualitas tidur berdasarkan Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, namun tidak ada hubungan antara bentuk bangkitan, frekuensi bangkitan, penggunaan ASM, durasi epilepsi, dan faktor demografis dengan kualitas tidur.

English Abstract

Approximately 65 million patients in the world suffer from epilepsy, affecting 50 to 70 million people and accounting for 0.75% of the global disease burden. Epilepsy has a direct impact on sleep, with sleep disturbances being a strong trigger for seizures, reducing quality of life and work productivity. Objective: To examine the relationship between epilepsy risk factors and sleep quality of epilepsy patients in Malang, which has never been studied in Indonesia. Methods: This study used an analytic design with a cross-sectional approach, measuring determinant factors and the incidence of sleep disorders in controlled and uncontrolled epilepsy patients simultaneously. The study was conducted at the Neurology Polyclinic of Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang in October 2023-March 2024. Results: Logistic Regression Test shows significant variables for sleep disturbance are epilepsy control (p = 0.001, OR = 8.364), frequency of awakening 1-5x/month (p = 0.012), nocturnal seizure (p = 0.017), and location of epileptogenic focus (p = 0.036). Other variables (frequency of seizures, ASM, duration of epilepsy, gender, form of seizure, and age) were not significant (p > 0.05). The location of bihemispheric epileptogenic foci increased sleep disturbance 23.527 times compared to the normal group. Conclusions: The analysis showed an association between epilepsy control, lesion location, and nocturnal seizure with sleep quality based on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, but there was no association between the form of awakening, frequency of awakening, ASM use, epilepsy duration, and demographic factors with sleep quality.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0424060041
Uncontrolled Keywords: PSQI, Epilepsi, Gangguan tidur, kualitas tidur
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Neurologi, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2024 04:46
Last Modified: 15 Jul 2024 04:46
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