Pengaruh Perlakuan Steaming up Terhadap Produksi Dan Kualitas Susu Tinjauan Komprehensif Terhadap Aspek Nutrisi Dan Komponen Fungsional Susu Sapi FH

Handayani, Ike Mawarni and Prof. Dr. Ir. Puguh Surjowardojo, MP. and Prof. Dr. Ir. Lilik Eka Radiati, MS., IPU., ASEAN Eng (2024) Pengaruh Perlakuan Steaming up Terhadap Produksi Dan Kualitas Susu Tinjauan Komprehensif Terhadap Aspek Nutrisi Dan Komponen Fungsional Susu Sapi FH. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh perlakuan steaming up terhadap produksi dan kandungan nutrisi pada susu segar perah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksplorasi laboratorik yang melibatkan dua kelompok sapi perah, yaitu kelompok perlakuan steaming up dan kelompok kontrol Non Steaming up. Sampel susu diambil dari kedua kelompok dihitung jumlah produksi susu dan dianalisis kualitas nutrisi susu diantaranya kandungan lemak, protein, laktosa, asam lemak serta aktivitas antioksidan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok dengan perlakuan steaming up menghasilkan volume susu yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sapi yang tidak diberi perlakuan. Rata-rata produksi susu segar yang diberi perlakuan steaming up adalah 23,79 ± 6,53 liter per hari, sedangkan yang tidak diberi perlakuan adalah 18,71 ± 2,75 liter per hari. Perlakuan steaming up tidak hanya meningkatkan kuantitas tetapi juga kualitas nutrisi susu, termasuk kandungan lemak 4,74%, protein 3,60%, dan laktosa 4,56%. Sedangkan pada sapi Non Steaming up diketahui kandungan lemak 2,43%, protein 3,40% laktosa 4,66%. Susu dari sapi steaming up memiliki komposisi asam lemak lebih baik dengan kandungan asam lemak jenuh sebesar 56 g/100g dan asam lemak tidak jenuh sebesar 30,14 g/100g. Kelompok Non Steaming up menunjukkan kandungan asam lemak jenuh sebesar 45,82 g/100g dan asam lemak tidak jenuh sebesar 34,61g/100g Perlakuan steaming up juga meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan secara signifikan, dengan rata-rata aktivitas antioksidan pada kelompok steaming up mencapai 27,79 ± 0,70%, sedangkan kelompok kontrol hanya 16,82 ± 0,70%. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa perlakuan steaming up memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap produksi dan kualitas nutrisi susu segar perah. Metode ini meningkatkan komposisi nutrisi dan komponen fungsional susu, mendukung kesejahteraan ternak, serta meningkatkan nilai gizi produk susu. Temuan ini memberikan dasar ilmiah bagi praktik peternakan yang lebih baik dan membantu peternak dalam meningkatkan produktivitas dan kualitas susu yang dihasilkan.

English Abstract

This study aims to evaluate the effect of steaming up treatment on the production and nutritional content of dairy cow milk. The research was conducted using an exploratory laboratory method involving two groups of dairy cows, the steaming up treatment group and the non-steaming up control group. Milk samples were taken from both groups, and the milk production volume and nutritional quality, including fat, protein, lactose, fatty acids, and antioxidant activity, were analyzed.The results showed that the group with the steaming up treatment produced a higher volume of milk compared to the group without the treatment. The average milk production of cows that received the steaming up treatment was 23,79 ± 6,53 liters per day, whereas the group without the treatment produced 18,71 ± 2,75 liters per day. The steaming up treatment not only increased the quantity but also improved the nutritional quality of the milk, with fat content at 4,74%, protein at 3,60%, and lactose at 4,56%. In comparison, the non-steaming up cows had a fat content of 2.43%, protein at 3.40%, and lactose at 4,66%. Milk from the steaming up cows had a better fatty acid composition, with saturated fatty acids at 56 g/100g and unsaturated fatty acids at 30,14 g/100g. The non-steaming up group showed saturated fatty acids at 45,82 g/100g and unsaturated fatty acids at 34,61 g/100g. The steaming up treatment also significantly increased antioxidant activity, with an average of 27,79 ± 0,70% in the steaming up group compared to only 16,82 ± 0,70% in the control group. This study concludes that the steaming up treatment has a positive effect on the production and nutritional quality of dairy cow milk. This method enhances the nutritional composition and functional components of the milk, supports livestock welfare, and improves the nutritional value of dairy products. These findings provide a scientific basis for better farming practices and help farmers increase both the productivity and quality of the milk produced.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042405
Uncontrolled Keywords: Steaming up, Produksi Susu, Kualitas Susu, Kandungan Nutrisi Susu-Steaming up, Milk Production, Milk Quality, Nutritional Content of Milk
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 12 Jul 2024 07:31
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2024 07:31
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