Uji Diagnostik Infrared thermography Berbasis Citra Digital Dalam Mendeteksi Neuropati Perifer Pada Kaki Diabetik Di Rumah Sakit Lavalette Kota Malang

Adiantara, Ken Rangga Galang and Prof. Dr. dr. Yuyun Yueniwati Prabowowati Wadjib, M.Kes., Sp.Rad (K) and Dr. Ns. Heri Kristianto, S.Kep., M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.MB (2024) Uji Diagnostik Infrared thermography Berbasis Citra Digital Dalam Mendeteksi Neuropati Perifer Pada Kaki Diabetik Di Rumah Sakit Lavalette Kota Malang. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Suhu kaki menjadi indikator dini terjadinya kaki diabetik. infrared thermography dapat menjadi alat yang efektif dan non-invasif untuk mencegah komplikasi kaki diabetik termasuk neuropati melalui skrinning perubahan suhu kaki. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji nilai diagnostik Infrared thermography dengan biothesiometer, sebagai standar emas dalam mendeteksi neuropati perifer kaki diabetik. Penelitian cross sectional analitik ini melibatkan 140 responden DMT2 dan 100 responden sehat, menggunakan Purposive Sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah infrared thermography dan biothesiometer, dengan analisis diagnostik. suhu infrared thermography diperoleh sensitivitas sebesar 72.9%, spesifisitas sebesar 60.4%, nilai duga positif sebesar 31.5%, nilai duga negatif sebesar 89.9%.dan akurasi sebesar 62.9%. Pada citra digtal warna merah infrared thermography diperoleh nilai sensitivitas sebesar 68.8%, spesifisitas sebesar 60.9%, nilai duga positif sebesar 30.6%, nilai duga negatif sebesar 88.6%dan akurasi sebesar 62.5%. Pada instrumen citra digtal warna hijau infrared thermography diperoleh sensitivitas sebesar 35.4%, spesifisitas sebesar 31.3 %, nilai duga positif sebesar 11.4% nilai duga negatif sebesar 65.9% dan akurasi sebesar 32.1%. Sedangkan pada instrumen citra digtal warna biru infrared thermography diperoleh hasil sensitivitas sebesar 64.6%, spesifisitas sebesar 60.4%, nilai duga positif sebesar 29%, nilai duga negatif sebesar 87.2% dan akurasi sebesar 61.3%. Infrared thermography memiliki potensi sebagai alat diagnostik alternatif dalam deteksi dini neuropati perifer kaki diabetik, dengan nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang cukup tinggi. Meskipun tidak secara signifikan lebih unggul dari standar emas biothesiometer. Infrared thermography menawarkan keamanan yang lebih karena non invasif.

English Abstract

Foot temperature is an early indicator of diabetic foot. Infrared thermography can be an effective and non-invasive tool to prevent diabetic foot complications including neuropathy by screening foot temperature changes. This study aims to test the diagnostic value of Infrared thermography with biothesiometer, as the gold standard in detecting peripheral neuropathy of diabetic foot. This analytical crosssectional study involved 140 T2DM respondents and 100 healthy respondents, using purposive sampling. The instruments used were infrared thermography and biothesiometer, with diagnostic analysis. temperature infrared thermography obtained sensitivity of 72.9%, specificity of 60.4%, positive presumptive value of 31.5%, negative presumptive value of 89.9%, and accuracy of 62.9%. In the red digital image infrared thermography obtained a sensitivity value of 68.8%, specificity of 60.9%, positive presumptive value of 30.6%, negative presumptive value of 88.6% and accuracy of 62.5%. In the green digital image instrument, infrared thermography obtained a sensitivity of 35.4%, a specificity of 31.3%, a positive presumptive value of 11.4%, a negative presumptive value of 65.9% and an accuracy of 32.1%. Whereas in the blue digital image instrument infrared thermography obtained sensitivity results of 64.6%, specificity of 60.4%, positive presumptive value of 29%, negative presumptive value of 87.2% and accuracy of 61.3%. Infrared thermography has potential as an alternative diagnostic tool in the early detection of peripheral neuropathy of the diabetic foot, with high sensitivity and specificity values. Although not significantly superior to the gold standard biothesiometer. Infrared thermography offers safety because non invasive.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042416
Uncontrolled Keywords: Diabetes melitus, Neuropati Perifer, Uji Diagnostik, Infrared thermography- Diabetes mellitus, Peripheral Neuropathy, Diagnostic Test, Infrared Thermography.
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Keperawatan, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 26 Jul 2024 02:42
Last Modified: 26 Jul 2024 02:42
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/223082
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