Sari, Galuh Wulan and Prof. Dr. Ir. Mimit Primyastanto, MP and Dr. Candra Adi Intyas, S.Pi., M.P. (2023) Kelayakan Usaha Pengolahan Fillet Ikan Pada CV. Kelola Mina Tawar Kecamatan Watulimo Kabupaten Trenggalek Jawa Timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Ikan patin merupakan komoditas ikan budidaya yang mempunyai cita rasa daging yang gurih dan lezat sehingga banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai bahan olahan hasil perikanan. Berdasarkan periode 2019-2022 Produksi patin cenderung mengalami peningkatan tercatat kenaikan rata-rata 165,901 kg/tahun. Sehingga produksi 11 budidaya semakin dikembangkan salah satunya ikan patin. Ikan patin memiliki pangsa pasar yang besar karena memiliki rasa gurih dan harga yang murah. Pendistribusian ikan patin segar sangat terbatas jangkauannya karena sifat produk ikan segar yang mudah rusak. Hal tersebut menjadikan pengolahan dengan metode fillet menjadi pilihan dalam memberikan nilai tambah untuk meningkatkan harga jual ikan patin salah satunya di CV. Kelola Mina Tawar.Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis kelayakan usaha ditinjau dari aspek nonfinansial dan finansial usaha pengolahan fillet ikan di CV Kelola Mina Tawar Kecamatan Watulimo Kabupaten Trenggalek. Menganalisis tingkat sensitivitas usaha pengolahan fillet ikan di CV Kelola Mina Tawar. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari-Februari 2024. Jenis metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian deskriptif. Jenis data berupa data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis kelayakan usaha nonfinansial dan finansial serta analisis tingkat sensitivitas pada usaha pengolahan fillet ikan patin di CV Kelola Mina Tawar Kecamatan Watulimo Kabupaten Trenggalek. Hasil dari penelitian kelayakan usaha pada aspek nonfinansial dilihat dari aspek teknis sesuai dengan kriteria, aspek pemasaran memenuhi kriteria, namun promosi yang dilakukan CV Kelola Mina Tawar belum maksimal hanya dilakukan dari mulut ke mulut. Aspek hukum tidak sesuai karena terdapat perubahan nama usaha namun belum dilakukan pembaharuan, aspek sosial ekonomi sesuai dengan manfaat usaha dan aspek lingkungan sesuai dengan AMDAL. Pada aspek finansial menguntungkan dilihat dari hasil perhitungan R/C Ratio 1,33 dan rentabilitas 33% >12. Dan layak secara jangka panjang dilihat dari hasil perhitungan NPV Rp39.103.963.339, Net B/C 9, IRR 24%, dan PP 0,6 bulan akan tetapi berdasarkan analisis tingkat sensitivitas yang menggunakan 3 skenario menunjukkan usaha ini cukup sensitif. Saran dari penelitian bagi perusahaan sebaiknya memperbaharui kelengkapan berkas izin usaha, dan dapat melakukan pemasaran secara online seperti pemesanan melalui e-commerce shopee, tokopedia, dan melakukan promosi secara online melalui website, sosial media yang berisikan informasi mengenai filet ikan patin. Bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Trenggalek dapat dengan cara memberikan sosialisasi dan pelatihan mengenai pemasaran dan promosi serta perlunya adanya dukungan dalam menfasilitasi sarana dan prasana. Bagi mahasiswa diharapkan dapat mengkaji lebih lanjut pada aspek kelayakan usaha
English Abstract
Patin fish is a cultivated fish commodity that has savory and delicious meat so that many people use it as an ingredient in processed fishery products. Based on the 2019-2022 period, catfish production tends to increase, recording an average increase of 165,901 kg/year. So that the production of 11 aquaculture is increasingly being developed, one of which is catfish. Catfish has a large market share because it has a delicious taste and low price. The distribution of fresh catfish is very limited in scope due to the perishable nature of fresh fish products. This makes processing using the fillet method an option to provide added value to increase the selling price of catfish, one of which is at CV. Manage Mina Tawar. The objectives of the research are 1) Describe and analyze business feasibility in terms of non-financial and financial aspects of the fish fillet processing business at CV Kelola Mina Tawar, Watulimo District, Trenggalek Regency. 2) Analyze the level of sensitivity of the fish fillet processing business at CV Kelola Mina Tawar. This research was conducted in January-February 2024. The type of research method uses descriptive research. The types of data are primary and secondary data. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Data collection methods use observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis methods used are business feasibility analysis and sensitivity level analysis. The results of the business feasibility research on non-financial aspects are seen from the technical aspect according to the criteria, the marketing aspect meets the criteria, however the promotion carried out by CV Kelola Mina Tawar has not been optimal, it is only done by word of mouth. The legal aspects are not appropriate because there has been a change in the business name but the update has not been carried out, the socio-economic aspects are in accordance with the benefits of the business and the environmental aspects are in accordance with the AMDAL. In the financial aspect, it is profitable, seen from the calculation results of the R/C Ratio of 1.33 and profitability of 33% >12. Meanwhile, it is worth looking at the NPV calculation results of IDR 39,103,963,339, Net B/C 9, IRR 24%, and PP 0.57. The sensitivity level is seen from three scenarios, namely scenario 1 with the assumption that costs will increase by 30% and benefits will remain constant, scenario 2 will assume benefits will decrease by 32% and costs will remain fixed, and scenario 3 will assume costs will increase by 30% and benefits will decrease by 15%. The very high level of sensitivity is caused by the increase in the cost of raw materials used during the production process. Suggestions from the research are for companies to update their complete business license files, and be able to carry out online marketing such as ordering via e-commerce Shopee, Tokopedia, and carrying out online promotions via websites and social media which contain information about catfish fillets. For the Trenggalek Regency Government, this can be done by providing outreach and training regarding marketing and promotion as well as the need for support in facilitating facilities and infrastructure. Students are expected to be able to study further aspects of business feasibility
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0523080833 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Sosial Ekonomi Agrobisnis Perikanan |
Depositing User: | Sugeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 17 Jul 2024 03:03 |
Last Modified: | 17 Jul 2024 03:03 |
URI: | |
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