Pemanfaatan Ampas Kopi sebagai Pupuk Kompos dengan Penambahan Daun Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) dan Kalsium (Ca)

Wulansari, Risqita Cahyaning and Yusron Sugiarto, STP., MP., M.Sc., Ph.D and Dr. Ir. Gunomo Djoyowasito, MS. (2024) Pemanfaatan Ampas Kopi sebagai Pupuk Kompos dengan Penambahan Daun Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) dan Kalsium (Ca). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Limbah ampas kopi di Kota Malang terus meningkat, berpotensi merusak lingkungan karena mengandung gas metana dan karbondioksida. Permasalahan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan memanfaatkan ampas kopi menjadi pupuk kompos. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan pemberian dosis ampas kopi, daun lamtoro, dan kalsium terhadap standar mutu pupuk kompos sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) dan Keputusan Menteri Pertanian serta mendapatkan dosis terbaik dari perbandingan ampas kopi, daun lamtoro, dan kalsium yang memenuhi standar mutu pupuk kompos. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) enam belas taraf dan tiga kali pengulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu pemberian variasi perbandingan dosis daun lamtoro (0:0,5:1:2) dan variasi perbandingan pemberian kalsium (0:1:2:3) pada ampas kopi dengan dosis campuran ketiga bahan tersebut yaitu 600 gram. Parameter yang diamati pada seluruh perlakuan yaitu pH, suhu, dan kadar air. Perlakuan yang memiliki memiliki pH, suhu, dan kadar air terbaik sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) dan Keputusan Menteri Pertanian dilakuakan pengujian lanjut untuk mengetahui kandungan unsur hara seperti C-Organik, nitrogen, fosfor, dan kalium. Pengamatan pH pupuk kompos menunjukkan nilai 7,06-7,48 dan sudah sesuai dengan SNI. Pengamatan suhu belum sesuai karena suhu pengomposan hanya mencapai fase mesofilik yaitu berkisar antara 26-37oC. Pengamatan kadar air pupuk kompos sudah sesuai SNI yaitu berkisar antara 39%-72% namun pada perlakuan campuran ampas kopi dan daun lamtoro belum sesuai SNI. Selanjutnya pengujian C-Organik, nitrogen, fosfor dan kalium pada perlakuan terbaik menghasilkan nilai kandungan C, N, P, K dan C/N rasio yang sudah sesuai dengan SNI dimana pada perlakuan kontrol 12,64% C-Organik, 0,73% nitrogen, 2,18% fosfor, 0,62% kalium dan 17,32 C/N rasio. Perlakuan penambahan daun lamtoro pada pengomposan ampas kopi yaitu 14,21% C-Organik, 1,22% nitrogen, 2,25% fosfor, 0,78% kalium dan 11,65 C/N rasio. Perlakuan penambahan kalsium pada pengomposan ampas kopi 15,61% C-Organik, 2,18% nitrogen, 2,27% fosfor, 0,80% kalium dan 7,16 C/N rasio. Perlakuan penambahan daun lamtoro dan kalsium pada pengomposan ampas kopi 15,72% C-Organik, 2,22% nitrogen, 2,32 fosfor, 0,95% kalium dan 7,08 C/N rasio.

English Abstract

Coffee grounds waste in Malang City continues to increase, potentially damaging the environment due to its methane and carbon dioxide content. This problem can be overcome by using coffee grounds into compost. This research aims to determine the effect of the comparison of doses of coffee grounds, lamtoro leaves, and calcium on the quality standards of compost fertilizer according to the Indonesian National Standards (SNI) and the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and to obtain the best dose from the comparison of coffee grounds, lamtoro leaves, and calcium that meets the standards. quality of compost fertilizer. This research used a Group Randomized Design (GRD) with sixteen levels and three repetitions. The treatments used in this study were variations in the dose ratio of lamtoro leaves (0:0.5:1:2) and variations in the ratio of calcium (0:1:2:3) in coffee grounds with a mixed dose of the three ingredients, namely 600 grams. The parameters observed in all treatments were pH, temperature and air content. Treatments that had the best pH, temperature and air content in accordance with the Indonesian National Standards (SNI) and the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture are further tested to determine the nutrient content such as C-Organic, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Observation of the pH of compost fertilizer showed normal results in accordance with SNI. In observation, the temperature was not suitable because the composting temperature only reached the mesophilic phase. Meanwhile, the levels of compost fertilizer were in accordance with SNI, but the treatment of the mixture of coffee grounds and lamtoro leaves was not in accordance with SNI. Furthermore, testing of C-Organic, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the best treatment produced C, N, P, K content values and the C/N ratio which were in accordance with SNI Where in the control treatment, the C-organic content was 12,64%, nitrogen was 0,73%, phosphorus was 2,18%, potassium was 0,62%, and the C/N ratio was 17,32. The treatment involving the addition of leucaena leaves during coffee grounds composting resulted in 14,21% C-organic, 1,22% nitrogen, 2,25% phosphorus, 0,78% potassium, and a C/N ratio of 11,65. The treatment with calcium addition during coffee grounds composting showed 15,61% C-organic, 2,18% nitrogen, 2,27% phosphorus, 0,80% potassium, and a C/N ratio of 7,16. Finally, the treatment combining leucaena leaves and calcium addition during coffee grounds composting had 15,72% C-organic, 2,22% nitrogen, 2,32% phosphorus, 0,95% potassium, and a C/N ratio of 7,08.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524100134
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ampas Kopi, Daun Lamtoro, Kalsium, Pupuk Kompos-Calcium, Coffee Grounds, Compost Fertilizer, Lamtoro Leaves
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 04 Jul 2024 08:00
Last Modified: 04 Jul 2024 08:00
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