Oki Mayuna, I Komang (2024) Urgensi Pengaturan Prinsip Debt Forgiveness Melalui Kondisi Fresh Starting Bagi Debitur Usaha Mikro dan Kecil (UMK) Yang Telah Diputus Pailit. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Dalam skripsi ini, problematika hukum yang diangkat oleh penulis akibat adanya kekosongan hukum terkait pengaturan prinsip debt forgiveness melalui kondisi fresh starting bagi debitur Usaha Mikro dan Kecil (UMK) yang telah diputus pailit. Debitur UMK khususnya UMK non badan hukum tidak memperoleh kesempatan untuk memulai usaha kembali tanpa diikuti oleh utang sebelumnya setelah berakhirnya kepailitan. Hal ini disebabkan karena UU KPKPU tidak mengatur prinsip debt forgiveness melalui kondisi fresh starting. Terlebih lagi, UU KPKPU memberikan hak kepada kreditur untuk memohonkan pailit terhadap debitur yang sama dan hak eksekusi setelah berakhirnya kepailitan. Berbeda halnya dengan, debitur UMK berbadan hukum yang dapat memulai usahanya kembali tanpa diikuti oleh utang sebelumnya karena adanya prinsip pemisahan harta kekayaan yang dimana pemegang saham hanya akan bertanggung jawab sebatas modal yang dimasukkan saja. Berdasarkan pemaparan di atas, skripsi ini mengangkat rumusan masalah sebagai berikut: (1) Bagaimana urgensi pengaturan Prinsip Debt Forgiveness melalui kondisi Fresh Starting bagi debitur UMK yang telah diputus pailit? dan (2) Bagaimana formulasi pengaturan Prinsip Debt Forgiveness melalui kondisi Fresh Starting bagi debitur UMK yang telah diputus pailit? Penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundangundangan, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan perbandingan. Bahan hukum yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian ini, meliputi bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier yang dianalisis menggunakan penafsiran sistematis, teologis, dan perbandingan yang berfungsi untuk menjawab permasalahan yang telah dirumuskan dalam rumusan masalah. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan penelitian ini, Peraturan PerundangUndangan di Indonesia tidak mengatur mengenai prinsip debt forgiveness melalui kondisi fresh starting bagi debitur UMK khususnya debitur UMK non badan hukum yang telah diputus pailit. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pengaturan prinsip debt forgiveness melalui kondisi fresh starting bagi debitur UMK khususnya debitur UMK non badan hukum yang “beritikad baik dan jujur” agar dapat memulai usaha kembali tanpa diikuti oleh utang sebelumnya. Hal ini disebabkan karena debitur UMK non badan hukum tidak mengenal adanya pemisahan harta kekayaan sehingga pemilik UMK tersebut akan bertanggung jawab sampai ke harta pribadinya. Dengan adanya pengaturan prinsip tersebut, debitur yang “beritikad baik dan jujur” akan diberikan fresh starting. Selain itu, debitur UMK non badan hukum akan kedapat menempuh upaya rehabilitasi kedepannya karena memenuhi syarat “pembayaran secara memuaskan” agar dapat menempuh upaya tersebut. Berbeda halnya dengan, DCL Bankruptcy Act Belanda yang mengatur prinsip debt forgiveness melalui Skema Pembayaran Utang. Skema Pembayaran Utang akan disetujui oleh Pengadilan apabila memenuhi persyaratan sebagaimana diatur di dalam DCL Bankruptcy Act. Apabila debitur “beritikad baik dan jujur” selama proses Skema Pembayaran Utang maka debitur akan diberikan kesempatan untukx memulai usaha kembali tanpa diikuti oleh utang sebelumnya sehingga “itikad baik dan jujur” debitur menjadi kunci utama dalam pemberlakuan prinsip tersebut. Dengan demikian, ketentuan Skema Pembayaran Utang tersebut ideal untuk diterapkan dalam UU KPKPU karena pemberlakuan prinsip tersebut diberikan berdasarkan persetujuan kreditur melalui proses Skema Pembayaran Utang yang dimana debitur harus melakukan kewajibannya dengan “itikad baik dan jujur” selama proses Skema Pembayaran Utang tersebut.
English Abstract
In this thesis, the legal problems raised by the author are due to the legal vacuum related to the regulation of the principle of debt forgiveness through fresh starting conditions for Micro and Small Enterprise (MSE) debtors who have been terminated by bankrupt. MSE debtors, especially non-legal entity MSEs, do not have the opportunity to start a business again without being followed by previous debts after the end of bankruptcy. This is because the KPKPU Law does not regulate the principle of debt forgiveness through fresh starting conditions. Moreover, the KPKPU Law gives creditors the right to file for bankruptcy against the same debtor and the right of execution after the end of bankruptcy. Unlike the case, MSE debtors with legal entities can restart their business without being followed by previous debts due to the principle of separation of assets where shareholders will only be responsible for the amount of capital entered. Based on the explanation above, this thesis raises the following problem formulations: (1) What is the urgency of regulating the Debt Forgiveness Principle through Fresh Starting conditions for MSE debtors who have been terminated by bankruptcy? and (2) How is the formulation of regulating the Debt Forgiveness Principle through Fresh Starting conditions for MSE debtors who have been terminated by bankruptcy? The writing of this thesis uses normativejuridical research with a statutory approach, conceptual approach, and comparative approach. The legal materials used by the author in this research include primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials which are analyzed using systematic, theological, and comparative interpretations that serve to answer the problems that have been formulated in the problem formulation. Based on the results and discussion of this research, the Indonesian Legislation does not regulate the principle of debt forgiveness through fresh starting conditions for MSE debtors, especially non-legal entity MSE debtors who have been terminated by bankruptcy. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the principle of debt forgiveness through fresh starting conditions for MSE debtors, especially non-legal entity MSE debtors who are "in good faith and fair" so that they can start a business again without being followed by previous debts. This is because non-legal entity MSE debtors do not recognize the separation of assets so that the MSE owner will be responsible for their personal assets. With the regulation of this principle, debtors who are "good faith and fair" will be given a fresh start. In addition, non-legal entity MSE debtors will be able to pursue rehabilitation efforts in the future because they meet the requirements of "satisfactory payment" in order to pursue these efforts. In contrast, the Dutch DCL Bankruptcy Act regulates the principle of debt forgiveness through a Debt Repayment Scheme. The Debt Repayment Scheme will be approved by the Court if it meets the requirements as set out in the DCL Bankruptcy Act. If the debtor is in "good faith and fair" during the Debt Repayment Scheme process, the debtor will be given the opportunity to restart the business without being followed by the previous debt so that the debtor's "good faith and fair" is the main key in applyingxii this principle. Thus, the provisions of the Debt Payment Scheme are ideal to be applied in the KPKPU Law because the application of the principle is given based on creditor approval through the Debt Repayment Scheme process where the debtor must carry out its obligations in "good faith and fair" during the Debt Repayment Scheme process.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052402 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum |
Depositing User: | Annisti Nurul F |
Date Deposited: | 24 Jun 2024 07:37 |
Last Modified: | 24 Jun 2024 07:37 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/221842 |
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