Event Budaya Sapi Sonok Sebagai Faktor Pengungkit Usaha Peternakan Sapi Madura Di Kabupaten Pamekasan

Zali, Moh. and Ihsan, M.S., Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Nur and Kuswati, M.S., IPM., ASEAN Eng., Dr. Ir. and Hariyono, M.S., Dr.Ir. M.B. (2024) Event Budaya Sapi Sonok Sebagai Faktor Pengungkit Usaha Peternakan Sapi Madura Di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Sapi Madura yang dilatih dan dipelihara dengan baik melalui sosial kebudayaan menghasilkan sapi yang cantik dan membudaya. Tujuan penelitian : Mengkaji tingkat keberhasilan event budaya sapi Sonok sebagai faktor pengungkit usaha peternakan sapi Madura di Kabupaten Pamekasan berdasarkan analisis swot, serta merumuskan solusi alternatif pemecahan masalah. Mengkaji faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi/menghambat pengungkit usaha peternakan sapi Madura. Menentukan strategi dan mengevaluasi kebijakan strategi pengembangan sapi Sonok sebagai faktor pengungkit usaha peternakan Sapi Madura di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Teknik analisis data penelitian dilakukan secara dekskriptif untuk mengetahui gambaran wilayah penelitian, karasteristik respinden, dan kondisi eksiting pengembangan sapi Sonok. Hasil dideskripsikan, dan digunakan srbagai acuan di dalam melakukan kehiatan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) pada tingkat ahli ( Expert ). Analisis SWOT dan AHP dilakukan untuk merumuskan strategi alternatif pengembangan sapi Sonok sebagai sumberdaya lokal yang bernilai budaya di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa event budaya sapi Sonok sebagai faktor pengungkit usaha peternakan sapi Madura di Kabupaten Pamekasan berdasarkan matriks IE berada pada sel sel I (agresif). Hasil sintetis prioritas strategi menggunakan metode AHP menghasilkan urutan nilai prioritas global tertinggi, berturut-turut: meningkatkan jumkah populasi dan skala kepemilikan sapi Sonok pada tingkat peternak di Kabupaten Pamekasan, mengoptimalkan fungsi tanah,air,dan sistem pemeliharaan sapi Sonok di Kabupaten Pamekasan, mengoptimalkan penerapan teknologi tepat guna dan kerjasama penelitian dalam bidang petenakan di Kabupaten Pamekasan, mengoptimalkan penerapan teknologi tepat guna dan kerjasama penelitian dalam bidang peternakan dalam usaha sapi Sonok di Kabupaten Pamekasan,meningkatkan upaya promosi dan menetepkan event budaya sebagai “branding” atraksi budaya dan destinasi pariwisata. Mengembangkan pasar penjualan komoditas sapi Sonok, serta menggalakkan kontes sapi Sonok,dan kolom taccek. Strategi masuk dalam kuadran 1 dan prioritas strategi peningkatan jumlah populasi dan skala kepemilikan sapi Sonok di tingkat peternak

English Abstract

Madurese cattle that are trained and maintained well through socio-culture produce beautiful and cultivated cattle. Research objectives: Assessing the success rate of sonok cow cultural events as a leverage factor for Madura cattle farming business in Pamekasan Regency based on swot analysis, as well as formulating alternative solutions to problem solving. Assessing the factors that influence / hinder the leverage of Madura cattle farming business. Determining the strategy and evaluating the policy of the Sonok cattle development strategy as a leverage factor for the Madura Cattle farming business in Pamekasan Regency. The research data analysis technique was carried out descriptively to find outthe description of the research area, respinden characteristics, and the external conditions of sonok cattle development. The results are described, and used as a reference in conducting focus group discussions (FGD) at the expert level . SWOT and AHP analyses were conducted to formulate alternative strategies for the development of Sonok cattle as a local resource of cultural value in Pamekasan Regency. The results showed that the Sonok cow cultural event as a lever factor for Madura cattle farming business in Pamekasan Regency based on the IE matrix was in cell cell I (aggressive). The results of synthetic priority strategies using the AHP method resulted in the highest sequence of global priority values, successively: increasing the population and scale of Sonok cattle ownership at the farmer level in Pamekasan Regency), optimizing the function of soil, water, and Sonok cattle rearing systems in Pamekasan Regency. Optimizing the application of appropriate technology and research cooperation in the field of petenakan in Pamekasan Regency, optimizing the application of appropriate technology and research cooperation in the field of animal husbandry, in the Sonok cattle business in Pamekasan Regency. Increasing promotional efforts and maintaining cultural events as "branding" cultural attractions and tourism destinations,developed the market for the sale of Sonok cattle commodities, as well as promoting the Sonok cattle contest, and the taccek column. The strategy falls into quadrant 1 and the priority of the strategy of increasing the number of population and the scale of ownership of Sonok cattle at the farmer level

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: 0624050003
Uncontrolled Keywords: Event Budaya, Sapi Sonok, SWOT dan AHP
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 24 Jul 2024 05:11
Last Modified: 24 Jul 2024 05:11
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/221650
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