Pengembangan sentra peternakan berbasis partisipasi masyarakat dan pemerintah desa (studi kasus usaha pengembangan sentra peternakan domba di desa pacul kecamatan bojonegoro kabupaten bojonegoro)

Nurhayati, Rini and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugiyanto, MS and Prof. Dr. Ir. Kliwon Hidayat, MS. (2024) Pengembangan sentra peternakan berbasis partisipasi masyarakat dan pemerintah desa (studi kasus usaha pengembangan sentra peternakan domba di desa pacul kecamatan bojonegoro kabupaten bojonegoro). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pemerintah pusat memprioritaskan ketahanan pangan dalam RPJMN 2020- 2024. Berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden nomor 104 tahun 2021, penggunaan 20% Dana Desa dialokasikan untuk program ketahanan pangan dan hewani. Pemerintah Desa Pacul menjalankan program pengembangan sentra peternakan dengan melibatkan masyarakatnya dan fokus pengembangan peternakan domba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan pengelolaan program tersebut, (2) mendeskripsikan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dan pemerintah desa, serta (3) menganalisis kontribusi program terhadap pendapatan usaha ternak domba. Metode penentuan lokasi penelitian adalah sengaja (purposive) dengan lokasi berada di kelompok pengembangan sentra peternakan Desa Pacul, Kecamatan Bojonegoro. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan pendekatan sensus. Analisis data melibatkan: (1) analisis deskriptif dengan skala Likert (2) analisis kuantitatif meliputi scoring, analisis usaha pengembangan sentra peternakan domba, serta analisis kontribusi pendapatan untuk menilai dampak program terhadap pendapatan usaha ternak ternak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengelolaan program sangat efektif dengan persentase 92,26%, kegiatan partisipasi tersebut mencapai 93,4%, menunjukkan komitmen tinggi dalam mengembangkan sentra peternakan domba. Namun, kontribusi program terhadap pendapatan usaha ternak domba hanya sebesar 23,3%, belum mendominasi pendapatan rumah tangga secara keseluruhan. Saran untuk penelitian ini meliputi: (1)Keterbatasan SDM peternak merupakan kelemahan dengan pembinaan dan penyuluhan dapat meningkatkan pendampingan kepada peternak(2)Pemerintah desa harus fokus pada pengembangan kapasitas peternak melalui pelatihan dan pendidikan yang lebih baik(3) Perlu ditingkatkan pemahaman kepada peternak untuk menjadikan pengembangan sentra peternakan domba sebagai pekerjaan utama bukan sampingan

English Abstract

The central government prioritizes food security in the National Medium�Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024. According to Presidential Regulation No. 104 of 2021, at least 20% of the Village Fund is allocated for food and livestock security programs. The Pacul Village government implements a livestock center development program involving its community, focusing on sheep farming. This study aims to: (1) describe the management of the program, (2) describe the level of community and village government participation, and (3) analyze the program's contribution to sheep farmers' income. The research location was purposively determined, located in the livestock center development group of Pacul Village, Bojonegoro Sub-district, Bojonegoro District. Data were collected through in-depth interviews using a census approach. Data analysis involved: (1) descriptive analysis using the Likert scale, and (2) quantitative analysis through scoring, livestock development business analysis, and income contribution analysis to assess the program's impact on farmers' income. The study's findings indicate that the management of the livestock center development program in Pacul Village is highly effective, with a percentage of 92.26%, indicating active participation from the community and village government in every activity. This participation reached 93.4%, showing a high commitment to developing the sheep farming center. However, the program's contribution to sheep farmers' income is only 23.3%, indicating a moderate impact and not dominating the overall household income. Suggestions for this study include: (1) The limited human resources of farmers are a weakness with coaching and counseling can improve assistance to farmers (2) The village government should focus on developing the capacity of farmers through better training and education (3) It is necessary to increase understanding to farmers to make the development of sheep farming centers as a main job not a side job. The central government prioritizes food security in the National Medium�Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024. According to Presidential Regulation No. 104 of 2021, at least 20% of the Village Fund is allocated for food and livestock security programs. The Pacul Village government implements a livestock center development program involving its community, focusing on sheep farming. This study aims to: (1) describe the management of the program, (2) describe the level of community and village government participation, and (3) analyze the program's contribution to sheep farmers' income. The research location was purposively determined, located in the livestock center development group of Pacul Village, Bojonegoro Sub-district, Bojonegoro District. Data were collected through in-depth interviews using a census approach. Data analysis involved: (1) descriptive analysis using the Likert scale, and (2) quantitative analysis through scoring, livestock development business analysis, and income contribution analysis to assess the program's impact on farmers' income. The study's findings indicate that the management of the livestock center development program in Pacul Village is highly effective, with a percentage of 92.26%, indicating active participation from the community and village government in every activity. This participation reached 93.4%, showing a high commitment to developing the sheep farming center. However, the program's contribution to sheep farmers' income is only 23.3%, indicating a moderate impact and not dominating the overall household income. Suggestions for this study include: (1) The limited human resources of farmers are a weakness with coaching and counseling can improve assistance to farmers (2) The village government should focus on developing the capacity of farmers through better training and education (3) It is necessary to increase understanding to farmers to make the development of sheep farming centers as a main job not a side job.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0424040037
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Sosiologi, Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 23 Jul 2024 07:34
Last Modified: 23 Jul 2024 07:34
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