Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Toko Online Berbasis Website pada Kantor Elite Director Tupperware Sumenep

Faizie, M Rais Nur and Rachmad Andri Atmoko, S.ST, M.T (2023) Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Toko Online Berbasis Website pada Kantor Elite Director Tupperware Sumenep. Diploma thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kantor Elite Director Tupperware Sumenep merupakan salah satu pelaku bisnis yang telah berpengalaman dalam menjalankan operasi penjualan produk-produk Tupperware. Adopsi teknologi digital melalui perancangan aplikasi toko online berbasis website memiliki potensi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasional, meningkatkan pelayanan pelanggan, serta memperluas jangkauan pasar. Oleh kerena itu, peneliti melakukan penelitian untuk memberikan solusi alternatif berupa aplikasi Toko Online berbasis Website pada Kantor Elite Director Tupperware Sumenep. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Waterfall, permodelan desain program aplikasi menggunakan UML (Unified Modeling Language), serta menggunakan PHP sebagai bahasa pemograman dan MySQL sebagai database. Hasil Penelitian telah diterapkan untuk mendukung operasional Kantor Elite Director Tupperware Sumenep di era digital yang terus berkembang

English Abstract

The Sumenep Tupperware Elite Director Office is one of the business actors who has experience in running sales operations for Tupperware products. The adoption of digital technology through the design of websitebased online store applications has the potential to increase operational efficiency, improve customer service, and expand market reach. Therefore, researchers conducted research to provide alternative solutions in the form of a Website-based Online Store application at the Tupperware Sumenep Elite Director Office. This research uses the Waterfall method, application program design modeling using UML (Unified Modeling Language), and uses PHP as a programming language and MySQL as a database. The results of the research have been applied to support the operations of the Tupperware Sumenep Elite Director Office in the ever-growing digital era

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Identification Number: 0523170607
Uncontrolled Keywords: Aplikasi E-Commerce Berbasis Website, PHP, Mysql.Web-based E-Commerce Application, PHP, Mysql.
Divisions: Program Vokasi > D3 Teknologi Informasi
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 07 Jun 2024 09:20
Last Modified: 07 Jun 2024 09:20
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/220354
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