Analisis Anteseden Sikap Individu Pada User-Generated Content (Ugc) Di Tiktok Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Purchase Intention Produk Skincare

Emirulhaq, Brandon Savero and Rizki Yudhi Dewantara, S.Sos, MAP. (2024) Analisis Anteseden Sikap Individu Pada User-Generated Content (Ugc) Di Tiktok Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Purchase Intention Produk Skincare. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk (1) menganalisis pengaruh anteseden, yang terdiri dari Source Homophily, Source Credibility, Perceived Usefulness, Information Quality, Quantity of Posts, Views, Reviews, dalam pembentukan sikap positif individu terhadap konten UGC produk skincare di TikTok Indonesia, (2) mengetahui pengaruh sikap positif individu pada konten UGC produk skincare di TikTok terhadap intensi pembelian produk skincare yang ditampilkan, (3) mengetahui pengaruh dari sikap positif individu pada konten UGC produk skincare di TikTok dalam memediasi hubungan antara setiap anteseden dengan intensi pembelian individu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksplanatori (explanatory research) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Variabel penelitian ini terdiri dari variabel eksogen, yaitu Source Homophily, Source Credibility, Perceived Usefulness, Information Quality, Quantity of Posts, Views, Reviews, variabel mediasi yaitu Attitude toward UGC, dan variabel endogen yaitu Purchase Intention. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pengguna aktif media sosial TikTok Indonesia yang pernah melihat konten UGC produk skincare di TikTok. Total responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 134 orang yang dikumpulkan menggunakan metode kuesioner.Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan PLS-SEM menggunakan software SmartPLS versi 3.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa empat anteseden, yaitu Source Homophily, Source Credibility, Perceived Usefulness, Quantity of Posts, Views, Reviews, memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Attitude toward UGC, sedangkan tidak ditemukan pengaruh signifikan dari Information Quality. Hasil juga menunjukkan bahwa Attitude toward UGC memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Purchase Intention. Selain itu, Attitude toward UGC memediasi secara signifikan empat anteseden, yaitu Source Homophily, Source Credibility, Perceived Usefulness, Quantity of Posts, Views, Reviews, terhadap Purchase Intention

English Abstract

This research aims to (1) analyze the influence of antecedents, consisting of Source Homophily, Source Credibility, Perceived Usefulness, Information Quality, Quantity of Posts, Views, Reviews, in forming individuals' positive attitudes towards UGC content of skincare products on TikTok Indonesia, ( 2) determine the influence of an individual's positive attitude on the UGC content of skincare products on TikTok on the intention to purchase skincare products displayed, (3) determine the influence of an individual's positive attitude on the UGC content of skincare products on TikTok in mediating the relationship between each antecedent and individual purchase intentions. This research is explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The variables in this research consist of exogenous variables, namely Source Homophily, Source Credibility, Perceived Usefulness, Information Quality, Quantity of Posts, Views, Reviews, the mediating variable namely Attitude toward UGC, and the endogenous variable namely Purchase Intention. The population of this research is active users of the Indonesian TikTok social media who have seen UGC content for skincare products on TikTok. The total number of respondents in this study was 134 people who were collected using the questionnaire method. The analysis technique used was descriptive analysis and PLS-SEM using SmartPLS version 3.0 software. The results of this study show that four antecedents, namely Source Homophily, Source Credibility, Perceived Usefulness, Quantity of Posts, Views, Reviews, have a positive and significant influence on Attitude toward UGC, while no significant influence was found from Information Quality. The results also show that Attitude toward UGC has a positive and significant influence on Purchase Intention. Apart from that, Attitude toward UGC significantly mediates four antecedents, namely Source Homophily, Source Credibility, Perceived Usefulness, Quantity of Posts, Views, Reviews, on Purchase Intention.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524030151
Uncontrolled Keywords: Konten Buatan Pengguna, Sikap Konsumen, Minat Pembelian Konsumen, Produk Skincare, TikTok
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi > Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis / Niaga
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 21 Jun 2024 03:56
Last Modified: 21 Jun 2024 03:56
Brandon Savero Emirulhaq.pdf

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