Physicochemical Properties and Sensory Attributes of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) and Chia Seeds (Salvia hispanica L.) Fortified Jelly

Pratama, Ayu Ananda Puspa and Prof. Ir. Simon Bambang Widjanarko, M.App.Sc., Ph.D. and Chutha Takahashi Yupanqui, Prof. Dr. (2024) Physicochemical Properties and Sensory Attributes of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) and Chia Seeds (Salvia hispanica L.) Fortified Jelly. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jeli adalah salah satu kudapan manis populer yang umumnya memiliki nilai gizi yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, banyak penelitian mencoba memformulasikan jeli dengan berbagai macam bahan fungsional, menganalisis dampak positifnya terhadap kesehatan, dan prospeknya dalam minat pasar pangan fungsional. Penelitian ini memfortifikasi formula jeli dengan puree mangga (Mangifera indica L. cv. Nam Dok Mai) dan biji chia hitam yang terhidrasi (Salvia hispanica L.), diformulasikan dengan bantuan Optimal (Custom) Design dari software DesignExpert ver. 13. Hasil optimasi menunjukkan formula terbaik dengan respon optimum adalah 44% (b/b) puree mangga dan 16% (b/b) chia seed terhidrasi. Formula dari jeli mangga-chia (MCJ) kemudian dianalisis sifat fisikokimia and atribut sensorinya, dibandingkan dengan dua produk jeli komersial, lalu dianalisis ANOVA (analysis of variance) dan uji lanjut Fisher’s LSD dengan selang kepercayaan 95%, menggunakan bantuan software Minitab ver. 19. MCJ menunjukkan karakteristik warna cerah kuning kehijauan (L* 45,93; a* -2,19; b* 18,30). Berdasarkan segi tekstur, diperoleh bahwa MCJ memiliki tingkat kekerasan (15.494,65 g), gumminess (5.353,15), dan kekenyalan (2.563,06) yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan sampel lainnya. MCJ didapati memiliki 90,71% kadar air; 0,991 AW; pH 3,15; dan 7,3% Brix. Pada analisis gula, MCJ ditemukan mengandung 2.32 g/100 g gula total, dengan 2.05 g/100 g gula pereduksi dan 0.27 g/100 g gula non pereduksi; hasil menunjukkan bahwa MCJ memiliki kadar gula paling rendah. Fortifikasi pada penelitian ini juga berkontribusi dalam memberikan aktivitas antioksidan dengan nilai 175,68 µg TE/g sampel (uji DPPH) dan 331,43 µg TE/g sampel (uji ABTS), lebih tinggi dibandingkan sampel komersial. Setiap 100 g MCJ memiliki 36,44 kkal energi; 7,47 g total karbohidrat; 0,92 g protein; 0,32 g lemak; 90,72 g kadar air; 0,57 g abu; dan 0,54 g serat kasar. Menggunakan 9-skala uji hedonik (1-terendah; 9-tertinggi) dan 5-skala keinginan membeli (1-tertinggi; 5-terendah) pada 50 panelis tidak terlatih, MCJ memperoleh nilai rata-rata 7,7 hingga 8 untuk atribut sensori and 1,5 untuk keinginan membeli. Dampak positif dari hasil analisis penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam penggunaan kombinasi mangga-biji chia di pasar pangan fungsional masa depan.

English Abstract

Jelly is a popular gelatinous confectionery usually found low in nutritional value. Due to this reason, researchers have been formulating jellies with various functional ingredients and analyzing its positive effects on health and possibility to gain interest in the functional food market. This study was conducted to fortify jelly formula with mango puree (Mangifera indica L. cv. Nam Dok Mai) and hydrated black chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L.), formulated with Optimal (Custom) Design by Design-Expert ver. 13 software. Optimization results show that the best formula with optimum responses are 44% (w/w) mango puree and 16% (w/w) hydrated chia seeds. Optimized mango-chia jelly (MCJ) formula is then analyzed for its physicochemical properties and sensory attributes, compared with two commercially available jelly samples, analyzed by ANOVA (analysis of variance) and Fisher’s LSD post-hoc test in 95% confidence interval, with the help of Minitab ver. 19 software. Color values of MCJ showed light greenish-yellow color (L* 45.93, a* -2.19, b* 18.30). Texture wise, it is highlighted that MCJ has higher value of hardness (15,494.65 g), gumminess (5,353.15), and chewiness (2,563.06) compared to other samples. MCJ has an average of 90.71% moisture content, 0.991 water activity value, pH of 3.15, and 7.3% Brix value. As for sugar analysis, MCJ contains 2.32 g/100 g of total sugar, with 2.05 g/100 g is reducing sugar and 0.27 g/100 g is non-reducing sugar; results shown that MCJ has the lowest sugar value. Fortification in this research also provides antioxidant activity, having values of 175.68 µg TE/g sample (DPPH assay) and 331.43 µg TE/g sample (ABTS assay) that are higher compared to commercial samples. Every 100 g of MCJ has 36.44 kcal energy, 7.47 g total carbohydrate, 0.92 g protein, 0.32 g fat, 90.72 g moisture, 0.57 g ash, and 0.54 g crude fiber. With a 9-point scale of hedonic test (1-lowest; 9 highest) and 5-point scale of purchase intent (1-highest; 5-lowest) among 50 untrained panelists, MCJ resulted in an average value of 7.7 to 8 for its sensory attributes and 1.5 for its purchase intent. Positive effects of analysis in this research may become consideration for such combinations used in future functional food markets.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524100067
Uncontrolled Keywords: Jeli fortifikasi; mangga; biji chia; sifat fisikokimia; atribut sensori
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 31 May 2024 07:49
Last Modified: 31 May 2024 07:49
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