Yoli, Nisriina Cita and Afifah Kusumadara, S.H., LL.M., SJD. and Dr. Yenny Eta Widyanti,, S.H., M.Hum. (2024) Penerapan Prinsip Disclosure Dalam Perlindungan Desain Industri di Indonesia (Studi Komparasi Hukum di Indonesia, Serbia, dan Italia). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pada skripsi ini, penulis mengangkat permasalahan terkait prinsip disclosure atau prinsip pengungkapan dalam hukum desain industri. Pemilihan isu ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kekaburan hukum atas prinsip pengungkapan di dalam pasal 2 ayat 3, dan pasal 3 Undang-Undang Desain Industri di Indonesia. Kekaburan hukum ini diantaranya berkaitan dengan belum adanya perincian situasi dan kondisi yang termasuk kedalam pengungkapan desain industri, sehingga sering menyebabkan ditolaknya pengajuan hak desain industri dengan alasan desain industri tersebut telah diungkapkan sebelumnya. Berdasarkan latar belakang permasalahan tersebut, skripsi ini mengangkat rumusan masalah: (1) Bagaimana pengaturan prinsip disclosure menurut UndangUndang Desain Industri, The Law on Legal Protection of Design (Official Gazette of Serbia and Montenegro No. 61) di Serbia dan Italian Code of Industrial Property di Italia? (2) Bagaimana pengaturan tentang prinsip disclosure yang ideal dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 2000 Tentang Desain Industri untuk mewujudkan kepastian hukum apabila dibandingkan dengan The Law on Legal Protection of Design (Official Gazette of Serbia and Montenegro No. 61) di Serbia dan Italian Code of Industrial Property di Italia?. Penulisan karya tulis ini menggunakan jenis peneltian yuridis normatif dengan metode pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, pendekatan kasus, dan pendekatan perbandingan. Kemudian bahan hukum baik primer, sekunder, maupun tersier yang digunakan didapatkan melalui studi kepustakaan, wawancara, dan studi internet. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu, interpretasi ekstensif, interpretasi futuristis, dan interpretasi sistematis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penulis mendapatkan kesimpulan jawaban atas permasalahan yang ada bahwa klasifikasi situasi dan kondisi yang dapat termasuk dalam pengungkapan maupun situasi dan kondisi yang dikecualikan dari pengungkapan desain industri di Indonesia masih terlalu umum dan luas. Hal ini membuat para Pemohon Hak Desain Industri sulit untuk menentukan apakah aktivitas yang mereka lakukan atas suatu desain industri yang hendak didaftarkan haknya tersebut, telah termasuk dalam situasi dan kondisi pengungkapan atau tidak. Sehingga dibutuhkan pengaturan yang lebih lengkap terkait prinsip pengungkapan dalam desain industri ini. Perincian pengaturan dapat dilakukan dengan berkaca pada The Law on Legal Protection of Design (Official Gazette of Serbia and Montenegro No. 61) di Serbia dan Italian Code of Industrial Property di Italia yang telah mengatur terkait situasi dan kondisi dalam penerapan prinsip pengungkapan desain industri.
English Abstract
In this thesis, the author addresses issues related to the principle of disclosure in industrial design law. The choice of this topic is driven by the legal uncertainties pertaining to the principle of disclosure within the framework of the Industrial Design Law in Indonesia, especially on article 2 clause 3, and article 3. This legal ambiguity is linked to the absence of specific scenarios and conditions delineated under the purview of industrial design disclosure, frequently resulting in the denial of applications for industrial design rights, citing prior disclosure of the design. Based on the background of the issue, this thesis formulates the research questions as follows: (1) What is the regulation of the disclosure principle according to the Law on Legal Protection of Design (Official Gazette of Serbia and Montenegro No. 61) in Serbia and the Italian Code of Industrial Property in Italy? (2) How is the regulation of the ideal disclosure principle in Law Number 31 of 2000 Concerning Industrial Design to achieve legal certainty when compared with the Law on Legal Protection of Design (Official Gazette of Serbia and Montenegro No. 61) in Serbia and the Italian Code of Industrial Property in Italy? The writing of this paper employs a juridical-normative research approach with the methods of statutory regulation approach, conceptual approach, case approach, and comparative approach. Subsequently, legal materials, whether primary, secondary, or tertiary, utilized in this research were obtained through literature study, interviews, and internet study. The analysis techniques applied include extensive interpretation, futuristic interpretation, and systematic interpretation. Based on the research findings, the author draws the conclusion regarding the existing issues that the situations and conditions that fall within the scope of industrial design disclosure in Indonesia, as well as the situations and conditions exempted from industrial design disclosure in Indonesia, are still too general and broad. This makes it challenging for applicants of Industrial Design Rights to determine whether the activities they undertake for a design they intend to register fall under the category of disclosure or not. Consequently, a more comprehensive regulation regarding the principles of disclosure in industrial design is required. The details of this regulation can be developed by referring to The Law on Legal Protection of Design (Official Gazette of Serbia and Montenegro No. 61) in Serbia and the Italian Code of Industrial Property in Italy, which have addressed the situations and conditions in the application of the principles of industrial design disclosure.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0524010035 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username nova |
Date Deposited: | 31 May 2024 07:34 |
Last Modified: | 31 May 2024 07:34 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/219454 |
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