Analisis Efisiensi Biaya Usahatani Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Di Greenhouse Kecamatan Wates, Kabupaten Blitar: Menggunakan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).

Ningtyas, Nadya Tirta and Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS. (2024) Analisis Efisiensi Biaya Usahatani Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Di Greenhouse Kecamatan Wates, Kabupaten Blitar: Menggunakan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Komoditas melon merupakan salah satu komoditas hortikultura yang mempunyai prospek pasar dan banyak diminati konsumen serta memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi. Melon dapat dibudidayakan di dalam greenhouse dengan menggunakan sistem hidroponik. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Jawa Timur menjadi provinsi yang paling banyak memproduksi melon di Indonesia dengan produksi mencapai 62.287 ton pada tahun 2022. Kabupaten Blitar merupakan salah satu daerah produksi melon di Jawa Timur. Diketahui bahwa jumlah produktivitas melon di Kabupaten Blitar cenderung fluktuatif. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menganalisis efisiensi biaya usahatani melon untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan menghasilkan produksi melon yang maksimal dengan tujuan meminimalkan pengeluaran atau biaya yang dikeluarkan. Fokus penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti yaitu analisis efisiensi biaya usahatani melon di Kecamatan Wates, Kabupaten Blitar dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat efisiensi biaya usahatani melon dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi biaya usahatani melon. Metode penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive terhadap petani melon di Kecamatan Wates, Kabupaten Blitar. Penelitian untuk mengambil data akan dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2023. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan simple random sampling dimana penulis akan mewawancarai sebagian petani melon di Kecamatan Wates, Kabupaten Blitar yang dipilih secara acak. Jumlah petani melon yang terdaftar mencapai 125 orang yang memiliki greenhouse. Jumlah petani melon yang ada kemudian dikalkulasi menggunakan rumus slovin sehingga mendapatkan jumlah 56 responden sebagai sampel. Data yang digunakan oleh peneliti berupa data primer yang diperoleh melalui observasi lapang, wawancara langsung kepada petani, dan dokumentasi kegiatan lapang, serta data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui pengambilan data dan informasi dari jurnal dan buku-buku terkait konsep teori dan tinjauan penelitian terdahulu tentang penelitian efisiensi biaya dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efisiensi, serta pengambilan data dan informasi dari instansi-instansi yang terkait dengan usahatani melon seperti Kantor Balai Penyuluh Pertanian (BPP), Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), serta sumber-sumber lainnya yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan pengukuran tingkat efisiensi biaya usahatani melon dengan menggunakan DEAP 2.1 dan STATA 14.2. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Usahatani melon di Kecamatan Wates tergolong menguntungkan karena memiliki pendapatan bersih yang lebih tinggi dari total biaya, sehingga petani responden dapat melakukan usahatani melon pada musim tanam berikutnya. Rata-rata total pendapatan bersih yang diterima petani responden sebesar Rp. 162.748.559,18 per hektar dengan total biaya tetap sebesar Rp. 6.892.472,58 dan total biaya variabel sebesar Rp. 114.596.220,85, sehingga diperoleh keuntungan sebesar Rp.

English Abstract

Melon commodity is one of the horticultural commodities that has market prospects and is in great demand by consumers and has a fairly high economic value. Melon can be cultivated in a greenhouse using a hydroponic system. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), East Java is the province that produces the most melons in Indonesia with production reaching 62.287 tons in 2022. Blitar Regency is one of the melon production areas in East Java. It is known that the amount of melon productivity in Blitar Regency tends to fluctuate. Therefore, this study analyzes the cost efficiency of melon farming to be able to increase productivity and produce maximum melon production with the aim of minimizing expenses or costs incurred. The focus of research conducted by researchers is the analysis of the cost efficiency of melon farming in Wates District, Blitar Regency with the aim of analyzing the level of cost efficiency of melon farming and analyzing factors that affect the cost efficiency of melon farming. The method of determining the location of the study was carried out purposively on melon farmers in Wates District, Blitar Regency. Research to retrieve data will be carried out in November 2023. The sampling was carried out using simple random sampling where the author will interview some melon farmers in Wates District, Blitar Regency who were randomly selected. The number of registered melon farmers reached 125 people who had greenhouses. The number of existing melon farmers was then calculated using the slovin formula so as to get the number of 56 respondents as a sample. The data used by researchers are in the form of primary data obtained through field observations, direct interviews with farmers, and documentation of field activities, as well as secondary data obtained through data and information collection from journals and books related to theoretical concepts and reviews of previous research on cost efficiency research and factors affecting efficiency, as well as data and information collection from agencies related to melon farming such as the Agricultural Extension Office (BPP), the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), and other sources related to research. The data analysis method used is by measuring the level of cost efficiency of melon farming using DEAP 2.1 and STATA 14.2. The results of the analysis obtained from this study are as follows: (1) Melon farming in Wates District is classified as profitable because it has a net income that is higher than the total cost, so that respondent farmers can do melon farming in the next planting season. The average total net income received by respondent farmers was Rp. 162,748,559.18 per hectare with total fixed costs of Rp. 6,892,472.58 and total variable costs of Rp. 114,596,220.85, resulting in a profit of Rp. 41,259,865.75, (2) The efficiency value of melon production costs in Wates District was 64.5% where there was an inefficiency of 35.5%. The technical efficiency of melon farming can be seen from three scale values, namely: (a) The DEA-CRS value obtained is 77% where there is an inefficiency of 23% in melon production using these assumptions, (b) The DEA-VRS value obtained is 91.7% where there is an inefficiency of 8.3% in melon production using these assumptions, and (c) The DEA-Scale Efficiency value with an overall efficiency value of 83.8% where there is an overall inefficiency of 16.2%. (d) Slack value / reduction of production factors obtained by the DEA-VRS analysis method, namely: seeds with a slack input value of 23,448 kg, manure with a slack input value of 63,131 kg, NPK fertilizer with a slack input value of 25,327 kg, pesticides with a slack input value of 0,564 kg, and labor with an input value slack of 15,333 HOK. (3) Socioeconomic factors that affect the cost efficiency of melon farming positively and significantly are land ownership, while socioeconomic factors that have a positive and insignificant effect are the level of education and number of family members, and socioeconomic factors that have a negative and insignificant influence are age and farming experience. Suggestions for this study are as follows: (1) Cost efficiency analysis that has been carried out in this study can be used by farmers and other agencies to determine production factors that can be reduced and determine efficient production, and (2) Socioeconomic factors that affect the efficiency of melon farming can be used as a reference for agricultural agencies to use programs that can improve the quality of farmer human resources through Improved quality of education level and increased income in the family related to the number of family members for the next generation of farmers.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524040242
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 16 May 2024 08:02
Last Modified: 16 May 2024 08:02
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