195040207111045. Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tiga Varietas Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Terhadap Pengaturan Naungan.

Syamila, Millati Fitri and Dr. Euis Elih Nurlaelih, SP., M.Si (2024) 195040207111045. Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tiga Varietas Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Terhadap Pengaturan Naungan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tomat merupakan salah satu komoditas dari Famili Solanaceae dengan kandungan per 100 gram buah tomat terdapat likopen 7.85 mg, vitamin C 20 mg, vitamin K 12 mg, vitamin B1 0.06 mg, zat besi 0.5 mg, dan kalsium 5 mg. Kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh tanaman tomat ialah termasuk tanaman C3, sehingga tomat memiliki pertumbuhan dan hasil yang baik pada lokasi tumbuh dengan tingkat intensitas cahaya matahari yang rendah-sedang. Tanaman tomat memiliki nilai toleransi terhadap naungan pada taraf 50%, sehingga berpotensi menjadi tanaman sela ataupun komoditas alternatif pada pertanian agroforestri. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui naungan optimal bagi pertumbuhan dan hasil tomat pada 3 taraf persentase naungan (tanpa naungan, 25% dan 50%), khususnya pada varietas Servo, Tymoti, dan Tora IPB. Pertumbuhan dan hasil tiga varietas tanaman tomat tersebut diduga akan lebih baik pada perlakuan naungan 50%. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Bulan Februari hingga Mei 2023. Penelitian dilakukan di lahan pertanian milik Pusat Kajian Pertanian Organik Terpadu (PKPOT) yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Pakisaji, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Rancangan yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Tersarang (Nested Design) terdiri dari dua perlakuan yaitu naungan (tanpa naungan, 25% dan 50%) sebagai faktor sarang dan varietas (Servo, Tymoti, dan Tora IPB) sebagai faktor tersarang yang diulang 3 kali. Unit kombinasi yang terbentuk yaitu 27 kombinasi perlakuan. Jumlah tanaman dalam 1 petak perlakuan yaitu 28 tanaman, sehingga terdapat populasi total sebanyak 756 tanaman. Pengamatan dilakukan pada komponen pertumbuhan dan hasil. Pengamatan pada komponen pertumbuhan meliputi tinggi tanaman, luas daun, dan umur bunga. Pengamatan komponen hasil terdiri dari jumlah buah per tanaman, diameter buah, bobot buah per tanaman, dan bobot buah per hektar. Hasil pengamatan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam dan dilakukan uji F pada taraf 5%. Apabila terdapat pengaruh dan interaksi nyata dari perlakuan yang diberikan, maka dilanjutkan dengan uji BNJ dengan taraf 5%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui varietas Servo memiliki pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, luas daun, dan hasil jumlah buah lebih tinggi pada naungan 50%. varietas Tymoti memiliki pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman yang tidak dipengaruhi naungan, namun pertumbuhan luas daun dan hasil jumlah buah ditemukan lebih baik pada naungan 25% dan naungan 50%. Pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman dan luas daun varietas Tora IPB ditemukan lebih baik pada naungan 25% dan naungan 50%, sedangkan hasil jumlah buah lebih banyak pada naungan 50%. Hasil umur berbunga dan diameter buah setiap varietas tidak dipengaruhi naungan. Bobot segar buah per tanaman dan bobot buah per hektar varietas Servo dan varietas Tymoti tidak dipengaruhi perlakuan naungan, namun pada varietas Tora IPB diketahui lebih berat pada naungan 50%.

English Abstract

Tomatoes are a commodity from the Solanaceae family, with per 100 grams of tomatoes containing 7.85 mg of lycopene, 20 mg of vitamin C, 12 mg of vitamin K, 0.06 mg of vitamin B1, 0.5 mg of iron and 5 mg of calcium. The advantage of tomato plants is that they are C3 plants, so tomatoes have good growth and yield in growing locations with low-medium sunlight intensity levels. Tomato plants have a tolerance value for shade at the level of 50%, so they have the potential to become intercrops or alternative commodities in agroforestry farming. This research was conducted to determine optimal shade for tomato growth and yield at 3 levels of shade percentage (no shade, 25% and 50%), especially for the Servo, Tymoti and Tora IPB varieties. The growth and yield of the three tomato plant varieties is thought to be better in the 50% shade treatment. The research was carried out from February to May 2023. The research was conducted on agricultural land belonging to the Center for Integrated Organic Agriculture Studies (CIOAS) located in Pakisaji District, Malang Regency, East Java. The design used was the Nested Design consisting of two treatments, namely shade (no shade, 25% and 50%) as the nest factor and variety (Servo, Tymoti, and Tora IPB) as the nest factor which was repeated 3 times. The combination units formed were 27 treatment combinations. The number of plants in 1 treatment plot was 28 plants, so there was a total population of 756 plants. Observations were made on growth and yield components. Observations on growth components include plant height, leaf area, and flower age. Observation of yield components consists of the number of fruit per plant, fruit diameter, fruit weight per plant, and fruit weight per hectare. The results of the observations were then analyzed using analysis of variance and an F test was carried out at the 5% level. If there is an influence, then continue with the HSD test with a level of 5%. Based on the research results, it is known that the Servo variety has higher growth in plant height, leaf area and number of fruits in 50% shade. The Tymoti variety has plant height growth that is not influenced by shade, but leaf area growth and number of fruits were found to be better in 25% shade and 50% shade. The growth of plant height and leaf area of e Tora IPB variety was found to be better in 25% shade and 50% shade, while the number of fruits was greater in 50% shade. The results of flowering age and fruit diameter for each variety were not influenced by shade. The fresh fruit weight per plant and fruit weight per hectare of the Servo variety and Tymoti variety were not affected by shade treatment, however the Tora IPB variety was found to be heavier under 50% shade.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524040235
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 16 May 2024 08:00
Last Modified: 16 May 2024 08:00
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/218982
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