Anggani, Tsabita Putri and Dr. Eng. Riyanto Haribowo, ST., MT., IPM. and Ir. Sri Wahyuni, ST., MT., PhD., IPM., ASEAN. Eng. (2024) Identifikasi Kelimpahan dan Karakteristik Mikroplastik pada Hilir Kali Tambak Oso. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Karakteristik plastik yang praktis, ekonomis, dan terjangkau menjadikan plastik sebagai bahan yang sering digunakan dalam kebutuhan manusia. Plastik yang tidak terkelola dengan baik dapat berpotensi mencemari lingkungan. Partikel plastik yang terakumulasi di perairan akan terdegradasi menjadi mikroplastik dengan ukuran 1 μm hingga 5 mm. Ukurannya yang kecil membuat mikroplastik sulit terdeteksi dan tersebar luas di perairan. Pencemaran mikroplastik di perairan dapat membahayakan ekosistem dan kesehatan manusia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan dan karakteristik mikroplastik di hilir Kali Tambak Oso. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 11 titik lokasi di sepanjang hilir Kali Tambak Oso menggunakan metode grab sampling. Proses analisis sampel memakai metode yang dijelaskan dalam jurnal Masura yaitu penyaringan, WPO (Wet Peroxide Oxidation, separasi densitas, dan identifikasi mikroplastik. Mikroplastik tersebut kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan bentuk, ukuran, warna, dan jenis polimer untuk mengetahui karakteristiknya. Hasil dari penelitian yaitu kelimpahan mikroplastik yang ditemukan pada hilir Kali Tambak Oso antara 54 – 199 partikel/L. Karakteristik berdasarkan bentuk mikroplastik yang ditemukan ialah fiber (47,64%), fragment (40,03%), foam (4,59%), film (4,42%), dan pellet (3,32%). Ukuran mikroplastik didominasi Small Microplastic Particles (SMP) sebesar 76%. Berdasarkan warnanya, didominasi warna transparan sebesar 65,56 %. Sedangkan jenis polimer mikroplastik yaitu polystyrene (PS) yang mendominasi land use industri. Polimer nylon mendominasi land use permukiman dan tambak. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara land use dan kelimpahan mikroplastik, dimana kelimpahan mikroplastik cenderung lebih tinggi pada land use permukiman. Terdapat kesamaan karakteristik mikroplastik yang ditemukan pada tiap land use kecuali jenis polimer.
English Abstract
The practical, economical and affordable characteristics of plastic make plastic a material that is often used for human needs. Plastic that is not managed properly can potentially pollute the environment. Plastic particles that accumulate in waters will be degraded into microplastics with a size of 1 μm to 5 mm. Their small size makes microplastics difficult to detect and widespread in waters. Microplastic pollution in water can endanger ecosystems and human health. This study was conducted to determine the abundance and characteristics of microplastics in the downstream of Tambak Oso River. Sampling was conducted at 11 location points along the downstream of Tambak Oso River using grab sampling method. The sample analysis process uses the method described in Masura's journal, namely filtering, WPO (Wet Peroxide Oxidation, density separation, and microplastic identification. The microplastics were then analyzed based on shape, size, color, and polymer type to determine their characteristics. The results of the study were the abundance of microplastics found in the downstream of Tambak Oso River between 54 - 199 particles/L. Characteristics based on the form of microplastics found were fiber (47.64%), fragment (40.03%), foam (4.59%), film (4.42%), and pellet (3.32%). The size of microplastics is dominated by Small Microplastic Particles (SMP) by 76%. Based on the color, transparent color is dominated by 65.56%. While the type of microplastic polymer is polystyrene (PS) which dominates industrial land use. Nylon polymers dominate residential land use and ponds. There is a significant relationship between land use and microplastic abundance, where microplastic abundance tends to be higher in residential land use. There are similarities in the characteristics of microplastics found in each land use except polymer type.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0524070127 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Mikroplastik, Kelimpahan, Karakteristik, Penggunaan Lahan-Microplastics, Abundance, Characteristics, Land Use |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan |
Depositing User: | soegeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 16 May 2024 06:32 |
Last Modified: | 16 May 2024 06:32 |
URI: | |
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