Identifikasi Sifat Fisik dan Pengembangan Model Pendugaan Volume Telur Burung Puyuh (Coturnix-coturnix japonica) Berbasis Atribut Geometri Telur

Khairunnisa, Irnia and Dr. Ir. Mochamad Bagus Hermanto, STP, M.Sc and Ubaidillah, STP, M.Si (2024) Identifikasi Sifat Fisik dan Pengembangan Model Pendugaan Volume Telur Burung Puyuh (Coturnix-coturnix japonica) Berbasis Atribut Geometri Telur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Telur burung puyuh merupakan produk ternak yang mengandung protein, karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin, dan mineral di dalamnya. Identifikasi dan kuantifikasi sifat fisik pada telur puyuh sangat perlu dilakukan guna untuk proses rancang bangun alat dan mesin penanganan pascapanen seperti kemasan, dan sistem transportasi telur amat dipengaruhi oleh bentuk telur. Berdasarkan studi literatur terdapat penelitian terdahulu mengenai model matematika yang menggambarkan volume menggunakan sampel telur ayam, akan tetapi belum terdapat sistem pemodelan matematika yang menggambarkan volume pada sampel telur burung puyuh berdasarkan atribut geometri telur. Pada penelitian ini, sifat fisik telur puyuh diukur dari massa, panjang, lebar dan volume telur dengan menggunakan metode water displacement. Data sifat fisik telur puyuh utuh yang dihasilkan yaitu sebanyak 13 data sedangkan proporsi telur sebanyak 10 data. Pada data sifat fisik telur utuh massa telur puyuh memiliki rataan sebesar 11.76±1.14gr, lebar telur memiliki rataan sebesar 33.28±1.51 mm, panjang telur sebesar 25.71±0.82 mm, volume WD memiliki rataan sebesar 7.54±1.92 cm3. Pada data proporsi telur massa cangkang memiliki rataan sebesar 1.473±0.168 gr, volume isi memiliki rataan sebesar 10.44±0.98 ml, volume putih memiliki nilai rataan sebesar 6.32±0.686 ml dan tebal cangkang memiliki nilai rataan sebesar 0.02±0.043 mm. Berdasarkan shape index (SI) bentuk telur lonjong memiliki nilai <72 sebanyak 14 butir, normal 72-76 sebanyak 74 butir dan bulat >76 sebanyak 212 butir. Pendugaan volume telur burung puyuh menggunakan model matematika terdapat 58 model yaitu 10 model berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu dan 48 model berdasarkan standar. Model terbaik yang didapatkan yaitu berdasarkan model standar dengan tipe quadratic yang memiliki nilai R2 =0.856 variabel volume spesifik (VS) dengan rumus persamaan V = -0.118716+12.2688VS+(-0.497208)VS2

English Abstract

Quick eggs are a livestock product that contains protein, cafrbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Identification and quantification of the physical properties of quail eggs is very necessary for the design process of post-harvest handling tools and machines such as packaging, and egg transportation systems are greatly influenced by the shape of the egg. Based on literature studies, there is previous research on mathematical models that describe volume using chicken egg samples, but there is no mathematical modeling system that describes the volume of quail egg samples based on egg geometric attributes. In this study, the physical properties of quail eggs were measured from the mass, length, width and volume of the egg using the water displacement method. Data on the physical characteristics of whole quail eggs produced was 13 data, while the proportion of eggs was 10 data. In data on the physical characteristics of whole eggs, the mass of quail eggs has an average of 11.76±1.14 gr, the width of the egg has an average of 33.28±1.51 mm, the length of the egg is 25.71±0.82 mm, the WD volyme has an average og 7.54±1.92 cm3. In the egg proportion data, shell mass has an average of 1.473±0.168 gr, content volume has an average of 10.44±0.98 ml, white volume has an average value of 6.32±0.686 ml and shell thicknes has an average value of 0.02±0.043 mm. Based on the shape index (SI), 14 eggs have a value 0f <72, 74 normal 72-76 and 212 round >76. There are 58 models for estimating quail egg volume using mathematical models, namely 10 models based on previous research and 48 models based on standards. The best moel obtained is based on the standard model with quadratic type which has an R2 = 0.856 specific volume variable (VS) with the equation formula V = -0.118716+12.2688VS+(-0.497208)VS2

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524100039
Uncontrolled Keywords: Telur Burung Puyuh, Sifat Fisik Telur Burung Puyuh, Model Volume-Quail Eggs, Physical Properties of Quail Eggs, Volume Model
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 02 May 2024 07:54
Last Modified: 02 May 2024 07:54
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