Kerapatan Cacing Tanah Sebagai Bioindikator Kualitas Tanah di Sistem Pertanaman Tebu Ratoon.

Imayasari, Kintan and Prof. Ir. Didik Suprayogo,, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Kurniatun Hairiah, Prof. Dr. Ir. (2024) Kerapatan Cacing Tanah Sebagai Bioindikator Kualitas Tanah di Sistem Pertanaman Tebu Ratoon. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penerapan sistem tebu keprasan (ratoon cane) oleh petani digunakan sebagai pemenuhan produksi tanaman tebu, dikarenakan biaya yang dibutuhkan relatif rendah. Namun, masih banyak petani yang melakukan sistem kepras ini tidak sesuai dengan rekomendasi yang diberikan. Keprasan yang dilakukan melebihi batas rekomendasi dapat menurunkan produktivitas seiring dengan bertambahnya periode ratoon. Penanaman tebu menggunakan sistem ratoon akan berpengaruh terhadap kualitas tanah yang ditandai dengan menurunnya kandungan C organik dan kerapatan cacing tanahnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (a) mengevaluasi kadar C organik tanah, keanekaragaman serta kerapatan cacing tanah dan (b) mengevaluasi pertumbuhan tanaman tebu di berbagai periode tanam ratoon. Lokasi percobaan ditentukan menurut metode proposed random sampling dengan memilih lahan petani yang menerapkan sistem pertanaman tebu ratoon PC (Plant Cane), RC1 (Ratoon Cane 3 tahun), RC2 (Ratoon Cane 6 tahun), RC3 (Ratoon Cane 9 tahun), RC4 (Ratoon Cane 12 tahun), dan RC5 (Ratoon Cane 15 tahun. Sebagai pembanding (kontrol) dipilih lahan Agroforestri yang ada di sekitarnya, dan lahan tebu tahun awal (plant cane). Pengukuran setiap variabel dilakukan di setiap lokasi di 3 kedalaman dengan 3 ulangan. Variabel cacing tanah yang diamati: jumlah cacing (P, indiv. m-2), biomassa (B, g m-2), berat cacing tanah biomassa: populasi (B/P, g/indiv), indeks keanekaragaman (H’), indeks kekayaan jenis (R), dan indeks kemerataan jenis (E). Beberapa variabel penunjang dari tanaman tebu yang diamati adalah diameter batang, jumlah anakan, dan jumlah anakan per satu rumpun; kondisi tanah meliputi berat isi dan berat jenis, total C organik, dan tekstur tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan sistem ratoon tanaman tebu, menghasilkan diameter batang, jumlah anakan per rumpun yang berbeda nyata (p<0,05) antar perlakuan dan antar waktu pengamatan. Ditemukan 3 spesies cacing tanah yang termasuk kedalam famili Megascolecidae terdiri dari Amynthas sp, Pheretima sp, dan famili Glossoscolecidae yaitu jenis Pontoscolex sp. Jumlah cacing tanah berbeda nyata (p<0,05) antar kedalaman. Jumlah cacing untuk seluruh penggunaan lahan rata - rata 26 indiv. m-2, tetapi jumlah terbesar di kedalaman 0-10 cm (70 indiv. m-2). Biomassa cacing tanah berbeda nyata (p<0,05) antar penggunaan lahan, biomassa rata – rata 14,2 g m-2, biomassa terbesar 39,2 g m-2 di lahan Agroforestri. Berat cacing tanah (B/P) cacing tanah secara tidak langsung menunjukkan ukuran tubuh cacing tanah. Terdapat berat cacing tanah B/P berbeda nyata (p<0,05) antar penggunaan lahan rata – rata 0,21 g/indiv. Lahan Agroforestri didapatkan cacing tanah berukuran lebih besar (rata – rata 0,42 g/indiv), dari pada di lahan tebu ratoon rata – rata 0,17 g/indiv. Penerapan sistem tanam tebu ratoon ini menurunkan jumlah biomassa cacing tanah seiring bertambahnya periode tanam ratoon. Hasil analisa uji korelasi menunjukkan korelasi positif antara biomassa seresah dengan populasi (P), biomassa (B), dan berat cacing tanah biomassa: populasi (B/P) cacing tanah dengan nilai r2 atau R masing – masing sebesar 0,61, 0,80 dan 0,66 yang termasuk kategori sangat kuat dan kuat.

English Abstract

The application of the ratoon cane system by farmers is used as a fulfillment of sugarcane production, because the costs required are relatively low. However, there are still many farmers who carry out this ratoon system not in accordance with the recommendations given. Ratooning carried out beyond the recommended limit can reduce productivity as the ratoon period increases. Sugarcane planting using the ratoon system will affect soil quality characterized by increased C-Organic content and earthworm density. The objectives of this study were: (a) evaluate soil C-organic content, diversity and density of earthworms and (b) evaluate the growth of sugarcane plants in various ratoon planting periods. The experimental site was determined according to the proposed random sampling method by selecting farmers' land that applied the ratoon sugarcane cropping system PC (Plant Cane), RC1 (Ratoon Cane 3 years), RC2 (Ratoon Cane 6 years), RC3 (Ratoon Cane 9 years), RC4 (Ratoon Cane 12 years), and RC5 (Ratoon Cane 15 years). As a comparison (control), AgroForestry land in the vicinity, and early year sugarcane land (plant cane) were selected. Measurement of each variable was done at each location at 3 depths with 3 replicates. Earthworm variables observed: number of worms (P, indiv. m-2), biomass (B, g m-2), biomass: population ratio (B/P, g/indiv), diversity index (H'), species richness index (R), and species evenness index (E). Some supporting variables of sugarcane plants observed were stem diameter, number of tillers, and number of tillers per clump; soil conditions included bulk density and soil specific gravity, total C-organic, and soil texture. The results showed that the application of the sugarcane ratoon system resulted in stem diameter, number of tillers per clump that were significantly different (p<0.05) between treatments and between observation times. There were 3 species of earthworms included in the Megascolecidae family consisting of Amynthas sp, Pheretima sp, and the Glossoscolecidae family, namely the type of Pontoscolex sp. The number of earthworms was significantly different (p<0,05) between depths. The number of worms for all land uses averaged 26 indiv. m-2, but the largest number was at a depth of 0-10 cm (70 indiv. m-2). Earthworm biomass was significantly different (p<0.05) between land uses, with an average biomass of 14,2 g m-2, with the largest biomass of 39,2 g m-2 in AgroForestry. The ratio (B/P) of earthworms indirectly shows the body size of earthworms. There is B/P significantly different (p<0,05) between land use average of 0.21 g/indiv. AgroForestry land obtained larger earthworms (average 0,42 g/indiv), than in ratoon sugarcane land average 0,17 g/indiv. The application of the ratoon sugarcane planting system reduces the amount of earthworm biomass as the ratoon planting period increases. The results of the correlation test analysis showed a positive correlation between the biomass of litter with population (P), biomass (B), and biomass:population ratio (B/P) of earthworms with r2 or R values of 0,61, 0,80 and 0,66, respectively, which are included in the very strong and strong categories.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524040153
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 27 Mar 2024 06:07
Last Modified: 27 Mar 2024 06:07
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