Keanekaragaman dan Komposisi Spesies Musuh Alami pada Pertanaman Jagung: Pengaruh Refugia dan Musim Tanam

Sulthoni, Fahmi Risyad and Prof. Dr. Agr. Sc. Hagus Tarno,, S.P., M.P. and Dr. Akhmad Rizali,, S.P., M.Si. (2024) Keanekaragaman dan Komposisi Spesies Musuh Alami pada Pertanaman Jagung: Pengaruh Refugia dan Musim Tanam. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Peningkatan produksi jagung di Indonesia dititik beratkan pada pelaksanaan intensifikasi jagung sedangkan pendekatan agroekosistem belum sepenuhnya di lakukan. Pengendalian hama menggunakan pestisida sintetik merupakan salah satu cara intensifikasi yang biasa dilakukan. Pengaplikasian pestisida sintetik apabila tidak diaplikasikan secara tidak bijaksana dapat menyebabkan kerugian seperti hilangnya keanekaragaman hayati, habitat dan berdampak negatif pada kesehatan manusia. Salah satu pengendalian hama yang dapat mengurangi dampak negatif pestisida sintetik yaitu pengendalian ekologis dengan penanaman refugia. Tanaman refugia dapat menjadi habitat sementara dan sumber pakan musuh alami sehingga dapat memengaruhi keanekaragaman dan komposisi musuh alami (laba-laba predator dan parasitoid Hymenoptera). Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh penanaman refugia dan perbedaan musim tanam terhadap keanekaragaman dan komposisi musuh alami pada lahan jagung. Penelitian lapangan dilaksanakan pada dua musim berbeda yaitu kemarau (bulan April hingga Juli 2022) dan musim hujan (bulan September hingga Desember 2022) di Desa Tumpang, Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian laboratorium dilakukan di Lab. Hama Tumbuhan, Departemen HPT, FP UB, Malang serta Lab. Pengendalian Hayati, Departemen Proteksi Tanaman, FP IPB. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada empat area lahan pengamatan. Masing-masing area terdiri dari lahan petak kontrol (non-refugia) dan lahan petak perlakuan yang ditanami refugia. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan setiap 2 minggu sekali mulai tanaman jagung berumur 4 MST (Minggu Setalah Tanam) hingga 12 MST menggunakan pitfall trap untuk perangkap laba-laba predator dan yellow pan trap untuk perangkap parasitoid Hymenoptera. Identifikasi musuh alami dilakukan hingga tingkat famili dan morfospesies. Kekayaan spesies dan kelimpahan pada perlakuan refugia dan perbedaan musim tanam dianalisis menggunakan Generalized Linier Model (GLM) dan analisis ragam. Komposisi musuh alami (Laba-laba predator dan parasitoid Hymenoptera) tiap perlakuan dianalisis menggunakan Analysis of Similarity (Anosim). Keseluruhan analisis pengaruh penanaman refugia dan perbedaan musim tanam dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak RStudio versi 4.2.2 tahun 2023. Hasil penelitian didapatkan laba-laba predator sebanyak 626 individu yang terdiri dari 7 famili dan 40 morfospesies. Kekayaan spesies dan kelimpahan laba-laba predator tertinggi yaitu famili Lycosidae. Penanaman refugia tidak berpengaruh terhadap kekayaan spesies dan kelimpahan laba-laba predator. Sedangkan pada perlakuan perbedaan musim tanam berpengaruh terhadap kekayaan spesies tetapi tidak dengan kelimpahan laba-laba predator. Pada komposisi laba-laba predator perlakuan refugia menunjukkan spesies yang berbeda, sama halnya dengan perlakuan perbedaan musim tanam. Pada pengamatan parasitoid Hymenoptera ditemukan 5 famili dengan 63 morfopesies dengan total 787 individu. Hymenoptera yang mempunyai kekayaan spesies terbanyak yaitu famili Scelionidae dengan 21 morfospesies. Sedangkan kelimpahan terbanyak berasal dari famili Diapriidae dengan jumlah total 247 individu. Penanaman refugia dan perlakuan perbedaan musim tanam tidak berpengaruh terhadap kekayaan spesies, kelimpahan dan komposisi spesies parasitoid Hymenoptera. Sedangkan untuk komposisi spesies pada perlakuan penanaman refugia tidak menunjukkan perbedaan. Namun pada musim yang berbeda tedapat perbedaan komposisi spesies musuh alami.

English Abstract

The increase in corn production in Indonesia is focused on the implementation of maize intensification while the agroecosystem approach has not been fully implemented. Pest control using synthetic pesticides is one of the usual intensification methods. The application of synthetic pesticides if not applied unwisely can cause losses such as loss of biodiversity, habitat and negatively impact human health. One of the pest controls that can reduce the negative impact of synthetic pesticides is ecological control by planting refugia. Refugia plants can be temporary habitats and food sources of natural enemies, which can affect the diversity and number of individuals and the composition of natural enemies (predatory spiders and Hymenopteran parasitoid). Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research to determine the effect of planting refugia and differences in growing seasons on the diversity and the species composition of natural enemies on corn fields. The field research was carried out in two different seasons, namely the dry season (April to July 2023) and the rainy season (September to December 2022) in Tumpang Village, Malang. Laboratory research was conducted at the Plant Pests Laboratorium, Department Pest and Disease Plant, Agriculture Faculty, Brawijaya University and Biological Control laboratorium, Departement Plant Protection, Agriculture Faculty, Bogor Agricultural Institute. Sampling was carried out in four areas of observation land. Each area consists of control plots (non-refugia) and treatment plots planted with refugia. Sampling is carried out every 2 weeks starting from corn plants aged 4 WAP (Week After Planting) -12 WAP using pitfall traps for predatory spider and yellow pan trap Hymenoptera parasitoids. Identification of natural enemies is carried out up to the level of families and morphospecies. Diversity and number of individuals on refugia treatment and growing season differences were analyzed using the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) and data variation analysis. The species composition of natural enemies (predatory spider and Hymenoptera parasitoids) of each treatment was analyzed using Analysis of Similarity (Anosim). The overall analysis of the influence of refugia planting and differences in planting seasons was carried out using R Studio software version 4.2.2 in 2023. The research results showed that there were 626 Araneae predators consisting of 7 families and 40 morphospecies. Species richness and abundance predatory spider is the Lycosidae family. Refugia treatment had no effect on the species richness and abundance predatory spider. Meanwhile, in the treatment, differences in planting season affected the species richness but not in terms of abundance predatory spider. In the species composition of predatory spider, the refugia treatment showed different species, as did the different planting season treatments. In observations of Hymenopteran parasitoids, five families were found with 63 morphospecies with a total of 787 individuals. The Hymenoptera that has the most species richness is the Scelionidae family with 21 morphospecies. Meanwhile, the largest abundance came from the Diapriidae family with a total of 247 individuals. Refugia treatment and different planting season treatments had no effect on the species richness and abundance in the species composition of Hymenopteran parasitoids. Meanwhile, the species composition of the refugia treatment showed no difference. However, in different seasons there are differences in the species composition of natural enemies.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0424040014
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 22 Mar 2024 05:40
Last Modified: 22 Mar 2024 05:40
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