Rancang Bangun Sistem Pelaporan Operational Logbook ATC Bandar Lampung Berbasis Web

Alwin, Rully Afrizal and Bayu Sutawijaya, S.Kom, M.Kom. (2023) Rancang Bangun Sistem Pelaporan Operational Logbook ATC Bandar Lampung Berbasis Web. Diploma thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Saat ini, ATC Bandar Lampung menggunakan logbook berbasis kertas untuk mencatat kegiatan, aktivitas harian, dan kondisi fasilitas di menara bandara. Namun, sistem ini menghadapi beberapa masalah, seperti kesulitan dalam mobilisasi laporan dan penyimpanan fisik yang memakan ruang. Melalui penelitian rancang bangun sistem pelaporan logbook berbasis web ini, diharapkan ATC Bandar Lampung dapat mengelola dan memantau kegiatan mereka dengan lebih mudah. Solusi ini akan membantu meningkatkan ketertiban administrasi dan akuntabilitas laporan harian. Dengan menggabungkan kelebihan teknologi web, sistem ini akan memudahkan akses dan pengelolaan logbook bagi staf ATC Bandar Lampung.

English Abstract

ATC Bandar Lampung currently relies on a traditional paper-based logbook system to document their daily operations, activities, and facility conditions at the airport tower. However, this approach presents challenges in terms of report mobility and physical storage limitations. To address these issues, this research endeavors to design and develop a web-based logbook reporting system. By implementing this solution, ATC Bandar Lampung aims to streamline their management and monitoring processes, fostering streamlined administrative processes and heightened accountability for daily reports. Leveraging the power of web technology, this system will offer seamless access and effortless logbook management for the ATC Bandar Lampung staff.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Identification Number: 0523170374
Uncontrolled Keywords: logbook, sistem pelaporan, operational logbook, ATC Bandar Lampung, web-based, digitalisasi, ketertiban administrasi.logbook, reporting system, operational logbook, ATC Bandar Lampung, web-based, digitalization, administrative efficiency.
Divisions: Program Vokasi > D3 Teknologi Informasi
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 15 Mar 2024 05:58
Last Modified: 15 Mar 2024 05:58
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/217018
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