“Semiotika Representasi Maskulinitas 'Cowok Ghibli' pada Anime Studio Ghibli Karya Hayao Miyazaki”.

Kresnanta, Dewa Gede and Arif Budi Prasetya,, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom. (2023) “Semiotika Representasi Maskulinitas 'Cowok Ghibli' pada Anime Studio Ghibli Karya Hayao Miyazaki”. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Topik “cowok Ghibli”, sebutan yang ditujukan kepada laki-laki idaman yang memiliki penampilan atau sifat mirip dengan karakter laki-laki pada beberapa film Studio Ghibli, sedang ramai diperbincangkan di media sosial. Sosok karakter fiksi yang diromantisasi berjiwa gentlemen serta well-dressed ini menimbulkan standar di dunia nyata, di mana masyarakat menggunakan label tersebut sebagai stereotipe mengenai cara pandang seorang laki-laki yang "seharusnya". Studio Ghibli dikenal dengan unsur animasinya yang emosional dan imajinatif, serta Hayao Miyazaki menjadi salah satu kreatornya yang terkenal penuh akan metafora dan makna filosofis. Dengan menganalisis adegan serta narasi 9 film anime Studio Ghibli karya Hayao Miyazaki berdasarkan kajian semiotika John Fiske yang terdiri dari aspek Reality, Representation, dan Ideology, beserta kaitannya terhadap konstruksi realitas, ditemukan bahwa keterkaitan bentuk-bentuk representasi maskulinitas yang muncul terhadap karakter laki-laki pada anime Studio Ghibli karya Hayao Miyazaki digambarkan dalam bentuk multidimensi, di mana “cowok Ghibli” muncul sebagai gambaran non-toxic masculinity. Arketipe tradisional maskulinitas yang sebelumnya terfokus pada ciri-ciri atletis, asertif, fisik yang kuat, dan sebagainya, kini bergeser kepada citra sifat laki-laki yang lembut dan lebih bebas mengekspresikan diri. Bersamaan dengan prinsip authorship yang dibawa Miyazaki sebagai kreator, karakter anime Studio Ghibli telah berkontribusi dalam mengubah naratif standar laki-laki dengan menawarkan dimensi yang lebih komprehensif dan inklusif tentang maskulinitas di era kontemporer.

English Abstract

“Cowok Ghibli” (lit. “Ghibli guy”), a term used for ideal men who have similar appearances or characteristics to male characters in several Studio Ghibli films, is being widely discussed on social media. These romanticized fictional characters figuring “gentlemen and well-dressed” create standards in the actual world, where society uses this label as a stereotype of how men should be viewed. Studio Ghibli is known for its emotional and imaginative animation elements, and Hayao Miyazaki is a famous creator for being full of metaphors and philosophical meanings through his works. By analyzing the scenes and narratives of 9 Studio Ghibli animes by Hayao Miyazaki based on John Fiske's semiotic study which consists of aspects of Reality, Representation, and Ideology, as well as their construction of reality, it was found that there are connections between the forms of representation of masculinity portrayed in Ghibli’s male characters. In the Studio Ghibli anime by Hayao Miyazaki, masculinity is explained in a multidimensional form, where the "Ghibli guy" appears as a depiction of non-toxic masculinity. Traditional masculinity archetypes, which previously focused on athletic, assertive, strong physical characteristics, and so on, are now shifting to images of men who are softer and more free to express themselves. Along with the authorial principles that Miyazaki brings as a creator, Studio Ghibli anime characters have contributed to changing the standard male narrative by offering a more comprehensive and inclusive dimension of masculinity in the contemporary era.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523110005
Uncontrolled Keywords: representasi maskulinitas, Studio Ghibli, semiotika John Fiske, Hayao Miyazaki
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2024 06:25
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2024 06:25
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/216700
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