Pengembangan Roti Tawar Substitusi Tepung Kacang Merah Dengan Variasi Emulsifier Komersial Dan Konsentrasi Xanthan Gum Untuk Menurunkan Indeks Glikemik Produk

Kamiliya, Aisyah Nurin and Dr. Siti Narsito Wulan, STP., MP. MSc. and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarminto S Y, M.App.Sc (2024) Pengembangan Roti Tawar Substitusi Tepung Kacang Merah Dengan Variasi Emulsifier Komersial Dan Konsentrasi Xanthan Gum Untuk Menurunkan Indeks Glikemik Produk. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Nilai indeks glikemik dari roti tawar umumnya tinggi. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan upaya pengembangan roti tawar untuk menurunkan nilai indeks glikemik dengan substitusi tepung kacang merah. Namun, substitusi tersebut menurunkan kualitas volume spesifik, pori dan tekstur roti tawar, akibat kadar gluten yang menurun. Permasalahan tersebut diatasi dengan penambahan emulsifier dan xanthan gum yang dapat menghomogenkan adonan dan mengimitasi sifat viskoelastis gluten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menurunkan indeks glikemik roti tawar substitusi tepung kacang merah dengan tetap mempertahankan volume spesifik, pori dan tekstur roti tawar. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Tahap 1 bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis emulsifier dan konsentrasi xanthan gum terhadap karakteristik fisik roti tawar substitusi tepung kacang merah. Penelitian disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial. Faktor 1 adalah jenis emulsifier yang terdiri dari 3 level (ovalet, TBM, dan SP) dan faktor 2 adalah konsentrasi xanthan gum yang terdiri dari 2 level (0,5% dan 1%) dengan 3 kali ulangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA (α=0,05) dan apabila hasil analisis berbeda nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey. Interaksi antara jenis emulsifier dan konsentrasi xanthan gum berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter volume spesifik, baking loss, tekstur (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, chewiness, dan resilience) dan pori (densitas pori, porositas, dan ukuran pori). Perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan analisis multiple atribut Zeleny yaitu jenis emulsifier SP dan xanthan gum 1% dengan nilai volume spesifik 3,81 cm3/g, baking loss 20,83 g, tekstur (hardness 68,83 N, cohesiviness 0,63, springiness 8,85 mm, chewiness 3,82 (mJ), dan resilience 0,42), pori (densitas pori 72,33 pori/cm2, porositas 36,81%, dan ukuran pori 1,34mm), kecerahan (L*) untuk crust 60,63 sedangkan crumb 67,97, kemerahan (a*) untuk crust 13,10 sedangkan crumb 3,73 dan kekuningan (b*) untuk crust 27,57 sedangkan crumb 18,93. Penelitian tahap 2 bertujuan untuk membandingkan hasil analisis fisik, kimia, organoleptik dan nilai indeks glikemik antara roti tawar terbaik di tahap 1 dengan roti tawar kontrol (roti tawar putih dan roti tawar gandum). Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA (α=0,05) dan apabila hasil analisis berbeda nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey. Roti tawar substitusi tepung kacang merah terbaik memiliki volume spesifik, warna, kadar protein, abu, dan karbohidrat yang berbeda nyata dengan roti tawar kontrol. Roti tawar substitusi tepung kacang merah terbaik mengandung protein 12,66%; lemak 5,15%; air 31,35%; abu 1,26%; karbohidrat 49,59%; serat kasar 0,39%; serat pangan 7,58% dan total gula 19,66%. Hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan bahwa warna, rasa, dan teksturnya disukai oleh panelis. Nilai indeks glikemik dari roti tawar substitusi tepung kacang merah terbaik yaitu 59,10 ± 12,00 yang tergolong indeks glikemik sedang dibandingkan roti tawar putih (91,22 ± 6,39) dan roti tawar gandum utuh (73,43 ± 16,44) yang tergolong indeks glikemik tinggi.

English Abstract

The glycemic index values of white bread are generally high. Therefore, its importance to develop bread that can reduce the glycemic index by substituting red bean flour. However, this substitution decreases the specific volume, pores, and texture quality of the bread due to the reduced gluten content. This issue is addressed by adding emulsifiers and xanthan gum, which can homogenize the dough and imitate the viscoelastic properties of gluten. This research aims to lower the glycemic index of red bean flour-substituted bread while maintaining specific volume, pores, and texture. The study consisted of two stages. The first stage aimed to investigate the influence of the type of emulsifier and xanthan gum concentration on the physical characteristics of red bean bread. The research was arranged using a Factorial Randomized Block Design. Factor 1 included three levels of emulsifier types (ovalet, TBM, or SP) and Factor 2 included two levels of xanthan gum concentration (0.5% or 1%) with 3 replications. The data obtained were then analyzed using ANOVA (α=0,05) and if the analysis result were significantly different, the Tukey test was conducted. The interaction between different emulsifier types and adding xanthan gum significantly affected specific volume, baking loss, texture (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, chewiness, and resilience), and pores (pore density, porosity, and pore size). The best result, was the addition of SP emulsifier and 1% xanthan gum The best red bean bread had a specific volume of 3.81 cm3/g, baking loss of 20.83 g, texture (hardness 68.83 N, cohesiveness 0.63, springiness 8.85 mm, chewiness 3.82 (mJ), and resilience 0.42), pores (pore density 72.33 pores/cm2, porosity 36.81%, and pore size 1.34 mm), brightness (L*) for crust 60.63, crumb 67.97, redness (a*) for crust 13.10, crumb 3.73, and yellowness (b*) for crust 27.57, crumb 18.93. The second stage aimed to compare the physical, chemical, organoleptic, and glycemic index analyses between red bean bread and control bread (white and whole wheat bread). The data obtained were then analyzed using ANOVA (α=0,05) and if the analysis result were significantly different, the Tukey test was conducted. The best red bean bread treatment had significantly lower specific volume and color parameters (L*, a*, and b*) of both crust and crumb compared with control breads. The protein, ash, and carbohydrate content of red bean sliced bread were significantly higher compared with both control breads. The chemical characteristics of the best red bean bread were as follows protein content of 12.66%, fat 5.15%, water 31.35%, ash 1.26%, carbohydrates 49.59%, crude fiber 0.39%, dietary fiber 7.58%, and total sugar 19.66%. Organoleptic test results showed that the color, taste, and texture were liked by panelists. The glycemic index (GI) of the best red bean bread was 59.10 ± 12.00, classified as a medium glycemic index, this GI value was lower than the GI of white bread (91.22 ± 6.39) and whole wheat bread (73.43 ± 16.44).

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0424100001
Uncontrolled Keywords: Roti tawar, kacang merah, xanthan gum, emulsifier, indeks glikemik-White bread, red bean, xanthan gum, emulsifier, glycemic index
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 21 Feb 2024 06:39
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2024 06:39
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