Pengaruh Konsentrasi Eco Enzyme dan Dosis Pupuk NPK Terhadap Hasil Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) Pada Wadah Tanam

Dzikrika, Ferziana Nurmeilinda and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sitawati,, MS. and Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurul Aini,, MS. (2024) Pengaruh Konsentrasi Eco Enzyme dan Dosis Pupuk NPK Terhadap Hasil Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) Pada Wadah Tanam. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Dampak penggunaan pupuk anorganik secara terus menerus mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas lahan, maka dari itu pemerintah membuat peraturan agar para petani tidak ketergantungan pupuk anorganik. Keterbatasan lahan pertanian juga mempengaruhi kemampuan suatu wilayah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan bagi penduduknya, sehingga memperburuk kondisi ketahanan pangan di samping keterbatasan unsur hara juga menjadi hambatan bagi produktivitas pertanian. Untuk menyediakan dan memenuhi kebutuhan pangan dapat dilakukan dengan cara bertani urban farming yang merupakan kegiatan bercocok tanam yang dilakukan di lingkungan atau lahan perkotaan. Praktik pertanian urban farming bisa menjadi solusi penyediaan pangan dengan memanfaatkan wadah tanam. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan hasil umbi yang optimum dengan pemberian Eco enzyme dan pupuk NPK serta mendapatkan interaksi pemberian Eco enzyme dengan pupuk NPK yang berbeda melalui percobaan agronomis pada sistem urban farming. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah: Terdapat konsentrasi eco enzyme optimum pada setiap taraf dosis pupuk NPK. Konsentrasi eco enzyme mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman ubi jalar. Dosis pupuk NPK mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman ubi jalar. Pelaksanaan dari bulan Februari sampai Juni 2023 di Kelurahan Gading Kasri, Kecamatan Klojen, Kota Malang. Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) disusun secara faktorial dengan menempatkan Konsentrasi Eco enzyme (E) sebagai Faktor Pertama dan Pupuk NPK (P) sebagai Faktor Kedua. Faktor pertama, Konsentrasi Eco enzyme (E) yaitu: E0 = Tanpa eco enzyme, E1 = 15 ml l-1, E2 = 30 ml l-1, E3 = 45 ml l-1. Faktor Kedua, Dosis Pupuk NPK = (P) yaitu: P1 = 150 kg ha-1 NPK, P2 = 210 kg ha-1 NPK, P3 = 300 kg ha-1 NPK. Percobaan lapang diulang sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali sehingga terdapat 36 satuan percobaan. Jumlah tanaman per satuan percobaan sebanyak 5 (lima), terdiri dari 3 (tiga) tanaman untuk pengamatan pertumbuhan (pengamatan destruktif), 2 (dua) tanaman untuk pengamatan panen, sehingga total tanaman sebanyak 180 tanaman. Konsentrasi eco enzyme optimum pada perlakuan dosis pupuk NPK 150 kg ha-1 yaitu 27.05 ml l-1 dengan potensi hasil umbi ubi jalar 1449.16 g tan-1, dosis pupuk NPK 210 kg ha-1adalah 25.44 ml l-1 dengan potensi hasil umbi ubi jalar 1089.67 g tan-1, dan dosis pupuk NPK 300 kg ha-1adalah 26.54 ml l-1 dengan potensi hasil umbi ubi jalar 1040.18 g tan-1. Konsentrasi eco enzyme mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman ubi jalar, pada variabel: panjang sulur, jumlah daun, luas daun, indeks klorofil, berat segar tanaman, diameter umbi besar dan indeks panen. Dosis NPK mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman ubi jalar, pada variabel: jumlah daun, dan diameter umbi besar dan kecil.

English Abstract

The impact of continuous use of inorganic fertilizers results in a decrease in land quality, therefore the government makes regulations so that farmers do not become dependent on inorganic fertilizers. Limited agricultural land also affects the ability of a region to meet the food needs of its population, thus worsening food security conditions, in addition to limited nutrients also becoming an obstacle to agricultural productivity. To provide and meet food needs, urban farming can be done by farming, which is a farming activity carried out in an urban environment or land. Urban farming practices can be a solution for providing food by utilizing planting containers. The aim of the research is to obtain maximum tuber yields by providing optimum Eco enzyme and NPK fertilizer and to obtain interactions between providing Eco enzyme with different NPK fertilizers through agronomic experiments in urban farming systems. The hypothesis proposed is: There is an optimum eco enzyme concentration at each level of NPK fertilizer dosage. The concentration of eco enzyme can increase the growth and yield of sweet potato plants. The dose of NPK fertilizer can increase the growth and yield of sweet potato plants. This research conducted from February to June 2023 in Gading Kasri Village, Klojen District, Malang City. This study was prepared using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) was arranged factorially by concentration Eco enzyme (E) as the first factor and NPK fertilizer (P) as the second factor. The first factor, Eco enzyme concentration (E), is: E0 = without eco enzyme, E1 = 15 ml l-1, E2 = 30 ml l-1, E3 = 45 ml l-1. Second Factor, NPK Fertilizer Dosage = (P), namely: P1 = 150 kg ha-1 NPK, P2 = 210 kg ha-1 NPK, P3 = 300 kg ha-1 NPK. The field experiment was repeated 3 (three) times so that there were 36 experimental units. The number of plants per experimental unit was 5 (five), consisting of 3 (three) plants for growth observation (destructive observation), 2 (two) plants for harvest observation, for a total of 180 plants. The optimum eco enzyme concentration in the treatment with an NPK fertilizer dose of 150 kg ha-1is 27.05 ml l-1 with a potential yield of sweet potato tubers of 1449.16 g plant-1, an NPK fertilizer dose of 210 kg ha-1is 25.44 ml l-1 with a potential yield sweet potato tubers 1089.67 g plant-1, and the NPK fertilizer dose of 300 kg ha-1is 26.54 ml l-1 with a potential sweet potato tuber yield of 1040.18 g plant-1. The concentration of eco enzyme is able to increase the growth and yield of sweet potato plants, on the variables: length of tendrils, number of leaves, leaf area, chlorophyll index, plant fresh weight, large tuber diameter and harvest index. The NPK dose was able to increase the growth and yield of sweet potato plants, on variables: number of leaves, and diameter of large and small tubers.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0424040005
Uncontrolled Keywords: Eco enzyme, Pangan, Ubi jalar, Wadah tanam
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 16 Feb 2024 03:26
Last Modified: 16 Feb 2024 03:26
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