Mahmudi., Zaid and Dr. Rina Rachmawati,, S.P., M.P., M.Eng. (2024) Efektivitas Seed Coating Dengan Trichoderma sp. untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Rebah Kecambah (Sclerotium rolfsii) pada Benih Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Cabai rawit merupakan komoditas yang digemari masyarakat Indonesia. Tingkat konsumsi pada tahun 2020 yaitu 479.030 ton dan terus menigkat hingga tahun 2022 mencapai 569.650 ton. Peningkatan tingkat konsumsi namun tidak diimbangi dengan ketersediaan komoditas menyebabkan terjadinya kenaikan harga. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi ketersediaan komoditas yaitu kegagalan dalam proses budidaya karena serangan penyakit pada tanaman. Penyakit rebah kecambah disebabkan oleh patogen Sclerotium rolfsii yang menyerang cabai rawit pada fase persemaian. Salah satu upaya pengendalian yang sudah dilakukan yaitu melalui perendaman benih dengan Trichoderma sp. Tingkat efektivitas perendaman benih masih bergantung pada lamanya waktu perendaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi Trichoderma sp. dengan metode seed coating untuk mengendalikan penyakit rebah kecambah pada benih cabai rawit. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah sayur organik Komunitas Pertanian Organik Brenjonk, Desa Penanggungan, Kecamatan Trawas, Kabupaten Mojokerto, serta dilakukan di Laboratorium Wilker Proteksi Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Pasuruan. Dilaksanakan pada bulan September - November 2023. Variabel yang diamati meliputi mekanisme antagonis secara in vitro, daya bekecambah, intensitas pre emergence dan post emergence damping off, efektivitas pengendalian, serta kemunculan Trichoderma sp. Tahapan meliputi uji pendahuluan, perbanyakan isolat, pembuatan media tanam, uji penekanan secara in vitro, perlakuan benih, uji penekanan secara in vivo, perawatan dan pengamatan, serta uji kemunculan Trichoderma sp. Analisis data untuk mendapatkan analisis ragam (ANOVA) dengan taraf 5% dan dilakukan uji lanjut dengan Uji Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) taraf 5%. Trichoderma sp. menekan pertumbuhan S. rolfsii secara in vitro melalui mekanisme kompetisi, antibiosis, dan mikoparasit atau hiperparasit. Perlakuan seed coating tidak mempengaruhi hasil akhir daya berkecambah benih cabai rawit karena natrium alginat yang digunakan sebagai bahan perekat bersifat biodegradable. Persentase pre emergence damping off tidak berbeda nyata karena inokulasi S. rolfsii pada awal penanaman gagal tumbuh dan berkoloni pada media tanam sehingga tidak terjadi infeksi pada benih cabai rawit. Aplikasi Trichoderma sp. melalui metode perendaman benih maupun metode seed coating berpengaruh menekan intensitas post emergence damping off pada tanaman cabai rawit. Aplikasi Trichoderma sp. dengan metode seed coating lebih efektif mengendalikan penyakit rebah kecambah dengan nilai efektivitas pengendalian yaitu 81,30% dan masuk dalam kategori sangat mampu. Sedangkan aplikasi Trichoderma sp. dengan metode perendaman memiliki nilai efektivitas pengendalian yaitu 76,38% dan masuk dalam kategori cukup mampu. Seed coating mampu meningkatkan efektivitas Trichoderma sp. dalam mengendalikan penyakit rebah kecambah pada bibit cabai rawit. Trichoderma sp. ditemukan pada eksplorasi rizosfer tanaman cabai rawit karena seed coating berperan mengkonsentrasikan Trichoderma sp. pada benih dan rizosfer tanaman cabai rawit.
English Abstract
Chili pepper is a commoditiy favored by many Indonesians. The current consumption level in 2020 stands at 479.030 tons and continues to increase until 2022, reaching 569.650 tons. This increase in consumption levels, not matched by the availability of commodities, causes an incerase in prices. One of the factors affecting commodity availability is the failure in the cultivation process due to disease attacks on plants. Damping-off disease, caused by the Sclerotium rolfsii, is a condition that affects chili peppers in the nursery phase. One of the control efforts being made involves seed immersion with Trichoderma sp. however, the effectiveness of seed immersion still depends on the length of immersion time. This study aimes to determine the effect of Trichoderma sp. application using the seed coating method to control Damping off disease in chili pepper seeds. The research was conducted at the organic vegetable house of Brenjonk Organic Farming Community, Penanggungan Village, Trawas District, Mojokerto Regency, and at the Pasuruan Food Plant Protection and Horticulture Wilker Laboratory. It was carried out from September to November 2023. Variables observed included antagonistic mechanisms in vitro, germination, pre-emergence and post-emergence damping off intensity, effectiveness, and the result of Trichoderma sp. exploration. Stages included preliminary tests, isolated propagation, preparation of planting media, in vitro suppression tests, seed treatment, in vivo suppression tests, treatments and observations, as well as exploration of Trichoderma sp. Data analysis aimed to obtain analysis of variance (ANOVA) at the 5% level, and further tests were carried out with Tukey’s honestly significant difference at the 5% level. Trichoderma sp. was proven to suppress the growth of S. rolfsii in vitro through competition, antibiosis, and mycoparasites or hyperparasites mechanisms. Seed coating treatment did not affect the final result of the germination of chili pepper seeds because the natrium alginate used as an adhesive material is biodegradable. The percentage of pre-emergence damping off was not significantly different because the inoculation of S. rolfsii at the beginning of planting failed to grow and colonize the planting media. Thus, no infection occurred in the chili pepper seeds. The application of Trichoderma sp. through the seed immersion method and the seed coating method was proved to have an effect on suppressing the intensity of post-emergence damping off in chili pepper plants. The application of Trichoderma sp. with the seed coating method was proved to be more effective in controlling Damping off disease with an effectiveness value of 81.30%, categorized as very capable. Meanwhile, the application of Trichoderma sp. with the immersion method had an effectiveness value of 76.38% and was categorized as quite capable. Seed coating was proved to be able to increase the effectiveness of Trichoderma sp. in controlling Damping off disease in chili pepper seedlings. Trichoderma sp. was found in the rhizosphere explroratin of chili pepper plants because the seed coating played a role in cocentrating Trichoderma sp. on seeds and the rhizosphere of chili pepper plants.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0524040046 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username nova |
Date Deposited: | 13 Feb 2024 04:00 |
Last Modified: | 13 Feb 2024 04:00 |
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