Tingkat Keterkendalian Harga Bahan Pangan Pokok di Kabupaten Jember Triwulan 2 Tahun 2023.

Amalia, Rizka Nurunnisa and Dr. Rachman Hartono,, S.P., M.P. (2024) Tingkat Keterkendalian Harga Bahan Pangan Pokok di Kabupaten Jember Triwulan 2 Tahun 2023. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Sumber kebutuhan pokok bagi manusia yaitu kebutuhan pangan yang cukup besar. Pangan berguna untuk melangsungkan hidup bagi manusia. Harapan bagi setiap masyarakat yaitu adanya kestabilan harga dalam penjualan bahan pangan pokok. Apabila harga pangan melonjak dapat mengakibatkan keresahan sosial bagi masyarakat dalam daya beli. Beberapa bahan pangan pokok berfluktuasi yang artinya harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu. Salah satu contoh di Kabupaten Jember yang mengalami fluktuasi harga yaitu pada komoditas cabai. Fluktuasi tinggi disebabkan dari faktor cuaca atau iklim, gagal panen, dan lain sebagainya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat keterkendalian harga bahan pangan pokok di Kabupaten Jember melalui perkembangan tingkat harga harian dan bulanan dan fluktuasi harga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perkembangan harga eceran harian dan tingkat disparitas pasar bahan pangan pokok, menganalisis perkembangan harga eceran bulanan bahan pangan pokok, menganalisis fluktuasi harga eceran bulanan bahan pangan pokok, menganalisis tingkat keterkendalian harga eceran bulanan bahan pangan pokok. Tingkat harga diketahui melalui harga acuan di tingkat konsumen yang telah ditetapkan oleh Bdan Pangan Nasional (BAPANAS). Sementara itu, fluktuasi harga dapat diketahui menggunakan koefisien variasi yang ditetapkan oleh Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU) oleh Kementerian Perdagangan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis deskriptif statistik dan data panel (time series dan cross section). Sampel penelitian dilakukan pada 22 komoditas bahan pangan pokok (Beras Premium, Beras Medium, Gula Kristal Putih, Minyak Goreng Kemasan Premium, Daging Sapi Paha Belakang, Daging Ayam Ras, Daging Ayam Kampung, Telur Ayam Ras, Telur Ayam Kampung, Tepung Terigu Protein Sedang (Kemasan), Kedelai Impor, Cabe Merah Besar, Cabe Rawit Merah, Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih Sinco atau Honan, Kacang Hijau, Kacang Tanah, Kentang, Kubis, Tomat Merah, Wortel, dan Buncis) yang berada di Kabupaten Jember terdiri dari 5 pasar yaitu Pasar Tanjung, Pasar Kreongan, Pasar Tegal Besar, Pasar Mangli dan Pasar Wirolegi. Data perkembangan harga diperoleh melalui Website Sistem Informasi Ketersediaan dan Perkembangan Harga Bahan Pokok (SISKAPERBAPO) Jawa Timur triwulan kedua pada bulan April hingga Juni 2023.Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan bahwa perkembangan harga harian konsumen yang paling stabil selama triwulan 2 terlihat pada jenis bahan pangan minyak goreng kemasan premium. Sementara itu, pasar yang paling berfluktuasi selama triwulan 2 tercatat pada jenis bahan pangan daging ayam ras, cabai merah besar, dan cabai rawit merah. Tingkat disparitas pasar tertinggi dilaporkan terjadi pada bahan pangan daging ayam kampung senilai 60,09 %. Perkembangan harga eceran bulanan di pasar Kabupaten Jember terjadi perubahan tertinggi tercatat pada bahan pangan daging ayam kampung pada bulan April-Mei 2023 senilai 33.70 %. Berdasarkan perkembangan fluktuasi harga konsumen bulanan tingkat fluktuasi tertinggi tercatat pada jenis bahan pangan buncis di Pasar Mangli senilai 35.41 % pada bulan juni 2023. Tingkat keterkendalian harga dari segi tingkat fluktuasi tertinggi pada angka 100 % tercatat pada jenis bahan pangan pokok gula kristal putih, minyak goreng kemasan premium, telur ayam ras, terigu protein sedang, cabai rawit merah, bawang merah, bawang putih, kacang hijau, kacang tanah, kubis, dan tomat merah. Sementara itu, tingkat fluktuasi harga terendah tercatat pada bahan pangan pokok daging ayam ras senilai 61,11 %. Tingkat keterkendalian bahan pangan berdasarkan dari segi harga acuan di pasar Kabupaten Jember tertinggi terlihat pada bahan pangan beras premium, gula kristal putih, daging sapi paha belakang, kedelai lokal, cabai merah besar, dan buncis senilai 100 %. Sedangkan, tingkat keterkendalian harga acuan terendah tercatat senilai 0,00 % pada jenis bahan pangan terigu protein sedang, dan kedelai impor. Tingkat keterkendalian harga pasar dari sisi fluktuasi harga tertinggi terlihat di Pasar Tanjung senilai 92,42 % dan keterkendalian pasar fluktuasi terendah senilai 84,85 % di Pasar Kreongan. Sedangkan, tingkat keterkendalian harga berdasarkan bulan tingkat fluktuasi tertinggi tercatat senilai 93,94 % dan terendah senilai 81,82 % yang terjadi pada bulan Mei dan April. Implikasi yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian, pemerintah diharapkan dapat mengendalikan harga bahan pangan pokok yang memiliki harga di atas harga acuan atau tingkat keterkendalian rendah. Harga bahan pangan pokok yang stabil merupakan harapan bagi semua orang. Harga yang tidak melebihi harga acuan membuat masyarakat dapat membeli bahan pangan pokok secara terjangkau.

English Abstract

The source is needs for humans is the fairly large need for food. Food is useful for sustaining life for humans. hopefully in every community is there will have price stability in sale of staple foodstuffs. If the food prices soar, it can cause social unrest for people regarding purchasing power. Some of staple foods fluctuate, prices can change any time. One of the example is in Jember Regency which experiences price fluctuations is chili commodities. High fluctuations are caused by weather or climate factors, crop failure, and so on. This research was conducted to determine the level of controllability of prices of staple foodstuffs in Jember Regency through the developments in daily and monthly price levels and price fluctuations. The aim of this research is to analyze the developments in daily retail prices and the level of disparity in the market for staple foodstuffs, analyze developments in monthly retail prices for staple foodstuffs, analyze fluctuations in retail prices for staple foodstuffs, and analyze the level of controllability of monthly retail prices for staple foodstuffs. Price levels are known through reference prices at the consumer level applied by the Badan Pangan Nasional (BAPANAS). Meanwhile, the price fluctuations can be identified by using coefficient of variation determined by the Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU) by the Ministry of Trade. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis and panel data (time series and cross section). Research samples were carried out on 22 staple food commodities (Premium Rice, Medium Rice, White Crystal Sugar, Premium Packaged Cooking Oil, Beef Hamstring, Broiler Chicken Meat, Free-range Chicken Meat, Broiler Chicken Eggs, Free-range Chicken Eggs, Medium Protein Wheat Flour (Packaged), Imported Soybeans, Large Red Chilies, Red Cayenne Peppers, Shallots, Sinco or Honan Garlic, Green Beans, Peanuts, Potatoes, Cabbage, Red Tomatoes, Carrots and Beans) which Located in Jember Regency, it consists of 5 markets, namely Tanjung Market, Kreongan Market, Tegal Besar Market, Mangli Market and Wirolegi Market. The Price development data was obtained through the East Java Basic Materials Availability and Price Development Information System Website (SISKAPERBAPO) for the second quarter of April to June 2023. Based on the research that has been conducted, it was found that the most stable development in daily costumer prices during the second quarter was seen in premium packaged cooking oil food items. Meanwhile, the market that fluctuated the most during the second quarter was recorded in the types of food ingredients including purebred chicken meat, large red chilies and red cayenne peppers. The highest level of market disparity was reported to occur in free-range chicken meat worth 60.09%. The highest change monthly retail prices in Jember Regency market was recorded for free-range chicken meat in April-May 2023, valued at 33.70%. Based on developments in monthly consumer price fluctuations, the highest level of fluctuation was recorded in food items at beans at Mangli Market, valued at 35.41% in June 2023. The level of price controllability in terms of the highest level of fluctuation at 100% was recorded for the staple food types white crystal sugar, premium packaged cooking oil, purebred chicken eggs, medium protein flour, red cayenne pepper, shallots, garlic, green beans, peanuts , cabbage, and red tomatoes. Meanwhile, the lowest level of price fluctuation was recorded for the staple food ingredient, purebred chicken meat, worth 61.11%. The highest level of food control in terms of reference prices in the Jember Regency market is seen in premium rice, white crystal sugar, beef hamstrings, local soybeans, large red chilies and green beans worth 100%. Meanwhile, the lowest reference price controllability level was recorded at 0.00% for medium protein wheat and imported soybeans. The highest level of market price controllability in terms of price fluctuations was seen at Tanjung Market at 92.42% and the lowest level of market controllability at 84.85% at Krongan Market. Meanwhile, the level of price controllability based on month, the highest level of fluctuation was recorded at 93.94% and the lowest was 81.82% which occurred in May and April. The implication obtained of the research results is the government that expected to be able to control the prices of staple foods that have prices above the reference price or have a low level of control. Stable prices of staple foods are a hope for everyone. Prices that do not exceed the reference price allow people to buy basic food items affordably.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524040040
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 12 Feb 2024 08:01
Last Modified: 12 Feb 2024 08:01
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/215958
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